
Vol 2 Chapter 1437: The greatest sadness in Gu Qingfeng's life!

I was thinking about going to the so-called never-night palace to drink some flower wine and have some fun, but why isn't night palace yet to open.

As soon as this happened, Gu Qingfeng was not in a hurry, and asked, "Apart from the Night Palace, where can the Fengyue Small World have fun?"

"This one……"

Ma Ma thinks it over, but he ca n’t think of where to find fun, is n’t it: “Master, something like looking for fun, if you ask me, it ’s exactly like playing the ox on a cow, we rarely find fun. When it's okay, I like to go to the casino to play two games. As for other places, I haven't really been there. "

When looking for fun, usually those good-offspring brothers will do it, and only the younger brothers will have that leisure.

After all, in this small world of Fengyue, I said that to have fun, I just stood still and had to spend a lot of fairy stones every day.

的 Masters like poor horses like Master Ma, apart from going to the gambling city to be small and broad, they have no mood at all, nor have the financial resources to go to other places to have fun.

"What do you mean by this, Grandpa and I have a full 1.8 billion cents of stone in my hand, and now I want to splurge, depending on the situation, I don't know where to go."

The ancient breeze rubbed his chin, and was a bit distressed. This feeling of being rich and having nowhere to spend was really sad to think about it.

"Master, it's not easy to splurge. Although we are not familiar with Fengyue Small World, some people are familiar with it. Let's find someone to ask, but in addition to listening to music and drinking wine What fun are you looking for? "

"What fun are you looking for?"

The words of the Lord Ma Ma really asked Gu Qingfeng to stay.

想 He thought about it for a long time, and suddenly found that he didn't seem to have any other hobbies besides listening to a small song and drinking wine.


Gugu Qingfeng cursed, saying: "Ye thought it was sad enough to have money and no place to spend, but now I know more sadly that there is so much money, but I don't know how to spend it."

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but sigh: "My grandfather has lived for so many years, and it is the first time that he has realized that he has been boring for the rest of his life. In addition to listening to a little song and drinking a little wine, his mother ... Have no hobbies. "

Gu Guqingfeng always felt that he had come here for most of his life. Although he spent most of his time fighting and killing, it was alive and well, and he was barely called vigorous. He thought that most of his life was worthless.

But until that moment, when he was holding 1.8 billion celestial stones, but didn't know how to splurge, and where to spend it, he realized that he had been living too sadly all these years.

What's the use of the wonderful life?

What's the use of lively vigor?

In the end, I did n’t even have a hobby hobby, and even a fun hunk did n’t know how to find it?

What is not sadness?

Is there any more sorrow than his mother?

I used to live for a living.

He later lived for causality.

Most of my life came, either for survival or for cause and effect. Will one day be alive for myself?

This kind of thing can't be thought about, it's terrifying to think about it.

"God lived for life before, but lived for causality later, even if it was my turn to live for myself, right?"

He wants to say live for himself.

怎么 What kind of living method is that?

For a while, the ancient breeze really did not know this seemingly simple problem.

Shook his head.

I did not continue to think, and asked, "Old horse, it is you, if you win 1.8 billion, what would you do?"

"It's worth saying, of course, save it, find a place to avoid the limelight first."

Xu Wenyan said, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help crying and laughing, and scolded: "You kid can't be a little bit prosperous? When you have no money, you pretend to be a grandson, and if you have money, you will pretend to be a grandson."

Compared to Gu Qingfeng, Ma Ma cried and laughed more and responded: "Master, this is not a question of pretending to be a grandson. The world is so chaotic. Even if you have money, you have to spend your life. Keeping your life is the most important thing. It matters. "

"Let me talk about these nonsense, let's not talk about the small life first, you can directly tell me how you want to spend it."

"How to spend it?" Lord Ma frowns, scratching her head vigorously, thinking about it, and finally shaking her head, saying, "Master, to be honest, we are poor, counting up to eight generations, that is also poor. When we have the most hands, we will also have one million sencent stones, say 1.8 billion sensite stones, that is 80 million, or even 8 million. We do n’t know how to spend it. I ’m used to it. , How do you know how to spend. "

"Yes, Ye, I'm really convinced."

Gu Qingfeng stopped and sat next to the street, clasping his forehead, and felt like crying without tears, and said, "Speaking of it, Lord and I were also the masters who fell into the sky and died with Sanqian Avenue. Why the **** mother has fallen to this point, and even her mother's rich don't know how to spend it, this **** mother is too ironic. "

Lord Ma is not the first time to hear what Gu Qingfeng said to the heavens. He died on three thousand avenues. At the beginning, he felt that Gu Qingfeng was bragging. Now he thinks that it should not be bragging, but joking. Looking up, sitting at the street, some downcast Gu Qingfeng, Ma Ma walked over to comfort him.

"Master, after all, this is a huge amount of 1.8 billion, not a small amount ... if it is 1.8 million, we may know how to spend it, but 1.8 billion ..."

The ancient breeze is now too lazy to listen to Ma Luoye, and interrupt it directly, asking: "If it is a small number, it will be eight million, how would you spend it?"

"1.8 million, it's too easy to spend."

怎么 "What's wrong? What fun?"

找 "Look for fun? No, we will not go for fun. Fun was fun at the time. After playing, you will feel panicked."

"No fun, how do you spend it?"

"Master, why don't you forget."

"What forgot?"

"This is the small world of Fengyue, known as the largest trading center in Bipolar Sky. There are countless resources here."

The ancient breeze became more and more confused, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Of course, I'm buying various training resources."

"My grandfather does not cultivate, he buys Mao's resources."

He just said that Gu Qingfeng had stopped Gu Qingfeng in a word, but now Gu Qingfeng stopped Ma Wangfeng in one sentence.

Whoever seeks spiritual practice on the road, no one lacks resources.

Everyone is scarce, even the richest one will never have enough resources.

Lord Maoma has never heard anyone say that anyone who has no shortage of resources has heard this for the first time.

He opened his mouth ~ ~ I wanted to refute Gu Qingfeng, but when I talked to him, I really don't know how to refute.

And think about it, I think Gu Qingfeng said it makes sense.

You cultivate, you lack resources, this is normal.

But if people do n’t cultivate, they naturally do n’t need resources, they do n’t need resources, what resources to buy.


Grandpa Lama does not know.

Qi Mo said that the ancient Qingfeng did not cultivate, even when he practiced, he never worried about resources.

的 The ancient Qingfeng of that year, you can get a lot of resources in a fight, grab a spiritual altar, dig a spiritual vein, open a spiritual river, this is not a problem, how much resources are required.

It does not matter. ,

The important thing is that since Qingfeng Gu practiced, he has never used any resources, nor did he need any resources. All his creations are realized by himself. He has never used those resources that he grabbed. Or it is just distributed to others.

This is also the fundamental reason why Gu Qingfeng now holds 1.8 billion immortal stones and does not know how to squander.

Since he has cultivated, he has never lacked any resources, nor has he ever needed any resources. Naturally, he will not spend money to buy them. Therefore, there is no concept of spending money in his life dictionary.

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