
Vol 2 Chapter 1454: Bizarre

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To say that a little girl is a little girl.

At the beginning Chidori was still reprimanding Gu Qingfeng for being too defeated. After a while, he would experience the nine-headed fire cloud red flame tiger salamander. He said that he had n’t sat in such a wind salamander. Try it for yourself.

Gu Qingfeng also let Ma Wangye take her outside for a stroll.

After strolling around, Chidori never mentioned the word defeated again. He was always yelling excitedly, just like a child who hadn't grown up got a big toy. He was very excited.

After strolling around for a few laps, Chidori still felt uncomfortable. Even after returning to the floating island, Chidori was still reluctant to live in Daxu.

It doesn't.

In a blink of an eye, he went to the quiet room inside Dasao and began to train the blue moon sword.

Gu Qingfeng had nothing to do, sitting in Da's hall and chatting with Master Ma while drinking.

He bought a lot of wine from Yicheng, also bought a lot of spiritual fruit, and a pile of elixir.

It doesn't matter whether it is wine, spirit fruit, or elixir.

Lord Ma did not dare to drink or taste, and did not dare to eat.

The wine bought by Gu Qingfeng is called Hob Burning. The wine is as strong as it is called, and the wine is too strong. When you sip it, it is as if burned by flames. This wine is not for drinking. , Usually after the injury, used for healing.

There is also that kind of spiritual fruit called bitter bodhi. This thing is not exactly a spiritual fruit at all, but a poisonous fruit. It is a poisonous fruit specially used to make elixir. This stuff contains highly toxic substances. I heard that the flesh will rot when I eat it.

But now it is bought back by Gu Qingfeng and eaten like grapes.

There is also an elixir called Da Luo Yi Jing Xiu Dan Dan.

At the beginning, Ma Ma thought that Gu Qingfeng bought these Daluojing Jingshui Dandan for conditioning the flesh. In fact, this elixir was also used to conditioning the flesh, but he never expected that Gu Qingfeng would buy these big Luo Yijing washes the pill, not at the physical condition, but for the sake and drink when drinking.

At this moment, just like eating jelly beans, each one is crunchy and crunchy. In the words of Gu Qingfeng, this is the crunchy energy.

"I said Mahouer, calling your kid to drink. What do you mean by staring at Grandpa, are you a good guy, or what?"

"We think you're a strange man, really! You can't be strange anymore, just like the strange man in that myth."

"Why is Grandpa so strange."

"Master, look at the hob burn that you drink, and eat bitter bodhi like grapes, and sip Daluo jing jingdudan like confectionery beans. Like these things, most people take a bite and eat One has to lie in bed for ten days and a half months, and Grandpa eats these like eating grape jelly beans. This is not a strange person. "

in fact.

What Ma said is not exaggerated. Like hob burning, it is used to ignite blood, to burn the flesh, to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. If you take a sip, it will definitely be severed. It ’s painful and painful. This thing healed, and he knew the taste, and he was lying in bed for ten days and a half months.

The Da Luo Yi Jing Xiu Dan Dan is used for conditioning the body, dredge the bones and bones, and so on. It is absolutely painful to go down. Although Wang Ma has not taken it, he has seen other people eat it. One goes down. Da Luo Jinxian rolled on the ground in pain. After the medicine was over, everyone was paralyzed and couldn't move.

Not to mention bitter bodhi, this thing is completely poison. Lord Ma has not taken it, nor has anyone seen it, just heard that the body will rot when it is eaten.

Master Ma couldn't figure it out. Gu Qingfeng drank so many hobs and burned so much and washed so many Roy Sutras. He also ate so much bitter bodhi. Why is there nothing? The pain is that I don't even frown, and the more I drink, the more I eat, and the more I eat, the more refreshing.

"What's weird about this is that everyone's body is different. Grandpa's body is special. How do you say that, like the stubborn stone that has invaded the sea for thousands of years, it has rusted."

"I think you might as well look for a doctor to see if you eat like this, but it's not the way to do it, what if you eat something?"

"Look at Mao, Ye has no intention of conditioning the flesh."

"Not going to condition, what are you doing with these?"

"Isn't that a lot of taste?"

"My dear mother and granddaughter!" Grandpa Ma stared, opened her mouth, and after a long while, she couldn't help but sigh: "Your elderly eat these just for a taste, what is your physical body?" ... "

Gu Qingfeng really just had a taste. Mo said that he didn't plan to condition the flesh, he just planned to condition the flesh. These things didn't have any effect on his flesh.

Like hob burning, for others, it may be promoting blood circulation, and for Gu Qingfeng, it feels nothing,

There is also a washing sheet for Da Luo Yi Jing. For others, it will clear the bones and bones. For him, it will not feel a little bit, even if it doesn't feel itching.

As for the bitter bodhi, for Gu Qingfeng, eating is pure that bitter taste.

This is why he traveled a lot of Yicheng, searched for a long time, and couldn't find anything that felt like eating. In the end, he could only pick these three kinds of things with a little taste in his mouth.

The peculiarity of the physical body makes him not feel much no matter what he eats. This is also the biggest regret in Gu Qingfeng's life, and this regret has basically begun from the beginning of cultivation, especially the question of the Dinosaur Warrior Throne ~ www ~ again asked Jiuyou Youzai, after tempering the flesh with Youhu, the taste of Gu Qingfeng is heavier and heavier, and the fruit he eats is more and more poisonous.


I used to drink a lot of wine, eat fruit poison, at least still feel.

Can ignite the fire of the original sin, sleep for thousands of years, and after waking up, the body of Gu Qingfeng really turned into a chaotic stone.

He pondered that even if he drank more spirits and ate the most poisonous spirit fruit this time, he was afraid that he would not feel anything. He could be satisfied with the taste and taste.

"I don't know what the physical body is, and I don't bother to care about it. What physical body is love is what physical body."


Master Ma opened his mouth open and stopped talking. He really didn't know how to describe his inner feelings. After thinking about it for a long time, he remembered a word that Gu Qingfeng once said, saying that he had lived for so many years, and this is the point to live out. Weier came, lived for a long time, what rare people can come across, this sentence at the beginning Ma Yee still a bit incomprehensible, but at this moment it is a bit of experience.

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