
Vol 2 Chapter 1459: The sky on Daluo Mountain

Nine-headed Huoyun Chiyanhu Daxu docked on the floating island.

The ancient breeze slept in Dasao's bedroom, and Xiao Qiandiao tempered the blue moon sword in Dasao's quiet room.

He and Ma Ma sat cross-legged in Da's hall to consolidate their cultivation.

Even though Gu Qingfeng had sent him a congenital immortal sword and immortal armor, Ma Wangye did not train as soon as Chidori did.

He practiced for more than a thousand years and spent many years in the wilderness. It is clear that although the magic weapon of immortal soldiers can increase their own strength, in the final analysis, they need to be hard to cast iron. , Can not give play to the true power of the magic weapon, in the end it is just an empty shelf with virtual charts.

What's more, the training of the magic weapon of immortal soldiers can not be successfully quenched overnight, but it takes countless years and years of hardening, just like the cultivation of fairy spirits.

and so.

Grandma Lama is not in a hurry.

Not to mention.

Xi Jinwu Li's family may come to the door at any time. He is not in the mood to temper the magic weapon of the immortal soldiers, but can only consolidate his cultivation.

When the Jinwu Li family really comes to the door, let's look at the situation first and then say, if it doesn't work, I will fight with the gang of grandsons.

Lord Maoma really has this intention.

He didn't want to run, if he could run, he would have run long ago, and he wouldn't stay here in fear.

I glanced at Dasao's bedroom. Ma Maye admired Gu Qingfeng's five-body body.

Jinwu Li's family will always come to the door, this **** can still fall asleep?

He really can't understand, why is this big master so big?

Leaning on that little charm?

I still rely on Ronaldinho?

I ca n’t trust it!

I was not an opponent of the Jinwu Li family at all.


Lord Maoma shook his head, no longer thinking about it, pondering, it is better to rely on himself than on himself.

But then again.

It is useless to rely on yourself.

I have the ability to fight with those in Jinwu's secret realm, but I can fight with the noble sons of the Jinwu Li family, only for the beatings.

Although Wang Ye is also a big Luo Jinxian.

Sounds pretty good.

But it just sounds.

I said that the great wasteland and the bipolar heavenly realm, even in this small world of wind and moon, Da Luo Jinxian also grabbed a lot, which is not a rare thing.

For thousands of years now, as long as it is not a fool and does not use immortal stones, even if it is slowly boiled, it can become a big Luo Jinxian.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Lord Ma is a good example. He is not from a large family and has no immortal stones to smash. All the cultivation resources depend on himself to work hard outside. A big Luo Jinxian.

Luo Daxian Jinxian is a ridge, but also a mountain.

The immortals of the great wasteland are trapped on this Daluo mountain, some have been trapped for a hundred years, some have been trapped for a thousand years, and some have been trapped for 10,000 years, even tens of thousands of years. It's harder to get across this ridge and cross the Daluo Mountain than to climb to the sky.

Youdao is the 981th heaven on Daluo Mountain.

Yizhong comes to Tenfold, Yizhong comes to Baizhong, Yizhong comes to Qianzhongtong, Zhongtong to Wanzhongxuan, and Yizhong Xuan to billions of mysteries.

What it means is that Da Luo Jinxian has 981 days, and each of them contains ten realms, hundreds of realms, Qianzhongtong, Wanzhongxuan, and billions of wonderful.

I can imagine how difficult it is to break through a heavy sky.

The road to Xianxian Road.

Zhenxian, Shangxian, and even Jinxian may be boiled out or smashed out with various resources.

But in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, it is impossible to boil out by boil, and it can not be broken by various resources.

Luo Jinxian, one look at personal qualifications and understanding, the other look at personal luck and opportunities.

Qualification is not good, it wo n’t work out for 100,000 years, understanding is impossible, and no amount of resources can be thrown out.

Lord Ma has practiced for more than a thousand years, but today he has only climbed to the sixth place of the triple sky on this Daluo mountain. This is still his good luck in that year, and he got a good adventure to get the repair today. for.

I want to know that most of the big Luo Jinxian who debuted with him at the same time are still staying on the same day, at most they are only two days.

At that time, the reason why Prince Ma was able to rise up in the secret world of Jinwu also depended on the pride of other high-ranking people.

Can't stand it.

如何 What is the strength of a person? The level of cultivation is only a standard. In addition to cultivation, it depends on a person's creation, magical power, and magic weapon.

There is no way to find this thing.

Most people don't.

Lord Maoma has practiced for more than a thousand years, and he doesn't even know what it is.

and so.

More often, I look at personal magical powers and magic weapons.

The magical and magical tricks also have high requirements for talent and understanding, and it is not easy to cultivate. Over the years, Lord Ma has also cultivated several magical magical tricks, but most of them are small tricks. They are not big tables at all. The Ministry of Eight Wild Swords practiced fairly well, and in recent years, Ma Wangye also relied on the Eight Wild Swords to hang out.

It does not matter.

What's important is that since Ma Ma has been gambling, he has almost lost all the magic weapons he can lose. The only remaining Fei Fei Sword is also a defective product, and it still fails from time to time.

According to his current situation, Mo said that even in the same realm, even if he encounters Luo Jinxian who is lower than his realm, he is not an opponent if the opponent ’s tempered magic weapon is better.

A good quality magic weapon can definitely increase your own strength. If you buy a magic weapon, even if it is only inferior, the power cannot be underestimated.

For example, if Prince Ma had successfully tempered the congenial sword that he bought for him, the repair of his triple heaven and six kingdoms would not cause the wind to fall to Da Luo Jinxian of the previous triple heaven and nine kingdoms. However, it is enough to be afraid of the Daluo Jinxian, who is in the upper third of the heavens, and even the big one who is very successful.

As for the big Luo Jinxian of the Four Heavens, let alone.

For each heavy day on Daluo Mountain, it doesn't sound like a big difference, it just sounds. In fact, the gap between the two is larger than the gap between Shangxian and Jinxian, and even between Jinxian and Daluo. Big.

Because Daluo is 1989 heavy, every time he breaks through a heavy sky ~ ~ Fairy and even the physical body will change accordingly. This change is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative change. , Is for Xiao Zhengtian, the second is for Li Yantian, the third is for pure 罡 天, the pure method of quenching, and the fourth dwelling of Da Luo is for the magical sky, quenching The magic method.

A double-stranded big Luo Jinxian, singled out two or three one-rounded big Luo Jinxian who did not fail.

A three-day big Luo Jinxian, singled out two or three one-day big Luo Jinxian, you can crush.

A four-day heavy Luo Jinxian, single out two or three one-day heavy Luo Jinxian, you can obliterate!

Normally, the higher the realm, the stronger the fairy spirit, and the stronger the magic power.

The difference is difficult to make up for by congenital grade fairy soldiers alone.

of course.

There is no absolute thing in the world.

A heavy Luo Jinxian, if you are holding a congenital grade immortal soldier, you may not beat a double Luo Jinxian.

In the great wilderness, anything is possible. The heavy Zhong Luo Jinxian can't move by virtue of his own great fortune. This kind of thing is not without it. The Zhong Zhong Da Luo Jinxian holds the innate fairy soldier with a sword. It is not that the beheading of the triple heavens Luo Jinxian has not happened.

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