
Vol 2 Chapter 1477: Scared alive


Strangling silent.

Everyone present, looking at Gu Qingfeng sitting on a chair, and looking at Li Zhengshi kneeling on the ground, maybe this scene is too weird. It ’s weird that everyone ’s thinking has not kept up, and their consciousness has not reacted. One by one. It's as silly as I was.

They couldn't figure out why, the upstart just said something lightly, and then why Li Zhengshi suddenly flew out and kneeled on the ground.

And it didn't seem so simple to just kneel on the ground. Li Zhengshi didn't react at all. The crowd sacrificed to explore the past. This investigation didn't matter. The look of frightened suddenly changed because they found that Li Zhengshi had lost consciousness and passed out.

Do not!

It is not as simple as fainting.

Because they found that Li Zhengshi's mouth, ears, and eyes, the whole body of Qiqiao began to spill blood.

It was not only that the complexion had changed greatly, but the scalp had begun to tingle, and some of them were unstable.

After a short while, Li Zhengshi began to breathe the slightest mist.

How can I make a fairy mist?

Sorry to say?

All the people sacrifice their consciousness with anxiety and horror, and penetrated into Li Zhengshi's body. This investigation, Mo said that other people, even Qian Ling and Xuan Yun, were frightened and some stood still.

Because they found that Li Zhengshi ’s fairy spirits were scattered, those fairy mists were not the other, it was Li Zhengshi ’s scattered fairy spirits!


How could this be!

暴 The upstart only said a word. Not only did Li Zhengshi kneel on the ground, his consciousness disappeared, but the Qiqiao bleeding also disappeared. How could even the fairy in his body be inexplicably disintegrated.

do not know.

No one knows.

莫 I have never seen such a thing before, and I have never heard of it before, it is unheard of, it is more evil than dreaming!

If Gu Qingfeng's breath of smoke had killed the ashes of the fierce immortals like King Kong Dishahu just now, everyone would be shocked.

Then at this moment, he said an understatement, bleeding the seven tricks of Li Zhengshi himself, and breaking down the immortal spirit, which has made everyone no longer shocked and horrified, but fear and horror!

In the field.

Each of the four Taibai Jinxian was ashamed and frightened.

The more than 1,000 people who loyal to the Jinwu Li family all retreated as if they were ghosts and gods.

Xuan Yun's face also changed and changed, shabby and irony, staring at Gu Qingfeng in horror.

"What's wrong, now I thought Grandpa was bragging, to make you play? Grandpa said that when he took a breath of chaos, he could blow up the heavens and earth, and down the universe, and kill you little ants, just like playing. Go back and tell the Jinwu Li family and let them settle down. Let ’s give them a lesson today, and then their mother ’s blindness. Be careful that the ancestors of the Jinwu Li family ’s tomb are blown away and go away. "

There are more than a thousand people in the Jinwu Li family. You look at me, I look at you, and then leave, no one dares to stay.

They are really scared.


In the face of a mysterious and weird person, a smoky spirit can blow away a fairy martial art, and an understatement can make a too white and perfect Jinxian Qiqiao bleeding fairy spirit collapse.

Who is not afraid?

Everyone is afraid!

What's more, more than a thousand people just ate with the Jinwu Li family, usually waving flags and shouting for a group fight, there is no need to take their own lives for the Jinwu Li family.

He was the other four white gold immortals. Although they were afraid to die, they did not leave. Instead of leaving, they still issued a letter, as if they were notifying other people in Jinwu's family.

"Oh, there are people who are not afraid of death."

Gu Guqingfeng looked at the four Taibai Jinxian, and said, "It seems that you are not going to kill a few people today, can you still shock you? Believe it or not, you can scare you to death!"


The four Taibai Jinxian stared at Gu Qingfeng, offering Taibai Jiuzhong, holding flying swords, and kept back.

"Ha ha."

Lao Gu Qingfeng smiled, and looked at the four too white gold immortals who kept retreating, screaming loudly.

This prestige was like a thunderous thunderbolt. The other thunder didn't feel much, at least Qian Ling didn't, but when she looked back again, the four Taibaijinxian who were retreating stood like a statue. Where, glaring at his eyes, opening his mouth, a look of fright, followed by the four Taijinjinxian all stiffly fell to the ground.

怎么 What happened to them?

Xi Qianling trembled to sacrifice his sacrifice and searched the past, he suddenly found that all four Taibaijinxian had no vitality.





How did you die?

There were no wounds on or around the body, and the immortals did not disintegrate. The five internal organs and the six concubines were all well. Why did people die somehow?


Wu Qianling found that the four too-white gold immortals were all intact, but his mind was broken.

Suddenly, she remembered what Gu Qingfeng said just now. He said with a prestige that he could scare these people to death.

I was stumped and said ... Is the four too-white gold immortals really scared to death by Gu Qingfeng's prestige?

Oh my god!

Qi Qianling's heart couldn't bear any more, and he suddenly collapsed and sat on the big cricket.

In the field, everyone found that four Taibai Jinxian were scared to death by the ancient Qingfeng. Not only did more than a thousand people from the Jinwu Li family flee wildly, but even the people gathered on the floating island did not dare to stay and ignore them. Everything fled here.

On the floating island, there were originally densely packed people, and there were less than a few breaths before and after, all of them ran clean, leaving only the nine-headed fiery cloud red flame tiger.

On the big cock, more than a dozen people in the secret place of Wang Ma, Qian Tou and Ronaldinho were already scared. The body was still shaking and could not even breathe.

They are so.

Qian Ling was also paralyzed sitting on the big urn with a scary face, without a trace of blood, looking at Gu Qingfeng like a monster.

She knows that Gu Qingfeng is not an ordinary person.

I always knew.

I also know that Gu Qingfeng is not afraid of the Jinwu Li family, and is definitely not pretentious.

It's just ~ ~ She doesn't know what Gu Qingfeng is capable of, nor does Gu Qingfeng's so-called deterrence, how to deter it.

She wanted to break the sky, and did not expect that Gu Qingfeng's smoky smoke could destroy the gray flying fumes such as Jin Wu Di Sha Hu, and even a word that Gu Qingfeng's understatement could make Li Zhengshi such a great consummate. Bai Jinxian Zhen's Qiqiao Bleeding immortal spirits also collapsed. What surprised her most was that Gu Qingfeng's prestige screamed the four Taijin immortals to death.

到底 What kind of person is he?

Qian Qianling's mind was blank.

The ancient breeze may be tired, and stood up and stretched a lazy waist severely, watching Qianling paralyzed sitting on the big salamander, shaking his head and not speaking.

I looked at Xuan Yun again, looking scared, and laughed, "Xuan Yun, how about it, this play is not a problem, right? Didn't you let you down?"

Wu Xuanyun stared at Gu Qingfeng, his eyes were full of panic, and he couldn't even breathe a word, how dare he say a word.

"Little Ruri, Grandpa left first, and then I met Grandpa Dong and asked you to drink."

The ancient breeze raised the fire cloud in his hand and drew it in the air, and the nine-headed fire cloud red flame tiger issued a burst of tiger howling, a swoop to the air and flew away.

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