
Vol 2 Chapter 1498: a familiar stranger

凌 Qian Ling left while taking a break from Gu Qingfeng.

I deliberately went out to inquire about the news. It has been two or three days since the floating island incident, but Jinwu's secret place has not had any movement so far, which makes her very disturbed.

Although it is said that Gu Qingfeng's strength is far beyond imagination, but Qian Ling wants to come, even if Gu Qingfeng's strength is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with the entire Jinwu Li family.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that she didn't know who Gu Qingfeng was, nor did it know which sentence Gu Qingfeng said was true or not, and even Gu Qingfeng's spirit was normal and abnormal. She doesn't even know it now.

I really do.

When floating on the island, she questioned Gu Qingfeng and got an affirmative answer, confirming that Gu Qingfeng was pointing to understand the mysterious senior of Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue, Qian Ling thought that Gu Qingfeng was just a senior who had lost his cultivation. Man, maybe it was a big master before.

I just followed what happened later. I personally witnessed that Gu Qingfeng frightened four Taibai Jinxian to death, ransacked the descendants of the Jinwu Li family, and then played with the flower fairy and Mu Lingyao in Babaozhuang ...

I do n’t know if I have experienced too many things in the past two days, or if the ancient Qingfeng has brought her too many shocks and incredibles since she came to the small world of Fengyue.

So that Qian Ling was thinking all day long, her mind was in a mess, and the more she thought, the more ancient Qingfeng was strange. The stranger made her feel that the little alcoholic who had cultivated in Xiaoluo's mystery for more than 20 years and now in Fengyuexiao The world is exactly the same for two people.

She always felt that countless mysteries and unknowns were everywhere on Gu Qingfeng's body, as well as countless weirdness and weirdness.

This makes Qian Ling very heartless, she does not want and will not pin all hope on such a person.

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng's act of scaring four Taibai Jinxian on the floating island really scared Jinwu Li's family. Qianling explored in Fengyue Small World for a long time, and did not detect anything in Jinwu Li's family. movement.

But she knew that Jinwu Li's family would not give up, but she did not know when the storm would come.

出来 Come out this time.

The news of investigating the Jinwu Li family is only one. She also has one important thing to do, which is to visit the fairy fairy white pigment, and by the way return the white pigment token to the white pigment.

Sui Naihe This wind and moon small world is really too big.

And she did not know where Bai Susu lived.

It was hard to find out where the white pigment lived, but was told that the white pigment was not at home.

In desperation, I had to return to Jinyu Island.

I went back to the manor and found that only one thousand birds were playing with the fish in the pool, and asked, "What about the others?"

"They are all practicing in the house." Chidori knew that Qian Ling went out to inquire about the news, and asked, "Is there anything in the Jinwu Li family?"

"Not yet."

"I'm right, I'll just say, if the Jinwu Li family really started, their people would have appeared long ago, and they wouldn't have waited until now. The little drunkard would scare them on the floating island."


"Yes, Sister Ling, have you seen Bai Susu?"

"She's not at home."

"Bai Susu supervises a lot of business in Fengyue Small World. Now Fengyue Small World is hosting another big event. She must be very busy. You must not see it now. I am afraid that you will have the chance to see her only after the big event. . "

Qian Qianling nodded, she thought so too, looked around, and asked, "Is he ... still sleeping?"

"Who are you talking about? Little drunk? Uh, he's still asleep. I called him after you left, and he said he didn't sleep enough. He would sleep a little longer."

"Have you called him just now?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Thousands of birds." Qian Ling hesitated for a moment and said, "In the future ... you can't be rude to him anymore, you know?"

"Ah? Why?"

虽然 "Although I don't know who he was before, I can be sure that he must have been a senior man before. Moreover, he also dealt with the Jinwu Li family in order to help us, and even the benefactor of our little Luo secret place."

"Oh, okay, I'll try to be more polite to little drunks in the future."

"Not as much as possible, but certainly! Also, don't call his little drunkard later."

"What should I call him? He doesn't have a name, so I can't feed him, right?"

"Since he is a senior, you just call seniors."

"Calling senior drunkard? This ..." Chidori shook his head and said, "I have known the drunkard for more than 20 years. We have such a good relationship. I have always regarded him as a good friend. You asked me to call him senior. I ca n’t say it, it ’s too awkward, and it ’s too good to call his predecessor. I do n’t like it. ”

Qian Ling thought it over for a while, and felt that Chidori was not unreasonable. It was impossible to say that Chidori could not yell, even she was a bit unspeakable. After all, they had called the little alcoholic for more than 20 years, and suddenly they called their seniors. adapt.

"Sister Linger, I know what you mean, and I know that the little drunk was a senior man before, and I also know that the little drunk dealt with the Jinwu Lee family for us. In fact, I'm very grateful for the little drunk, but ... Well, you probably don't know much about the little drunkard. He is very casual and doesn't care about these etiquettes. He doesn't just care about it, he also hates it. "

Chidori crooked his head and said, "I used to want to give an official name to the little drunk ~ ~ but the little drunk just said the name, there is nothing officially informal, as long as I call Shunkou, and the little drunk He has said personally that he hates those messy etiquettes most, seniors and juniors, little drunkards have lived in our little Luo secret place for more than 20 years, have you ever seen him salute? "

Qian Ling thought carefully, she really hasn't seen any rituals popular in Gu Qing, even once, even in the face of Dan Qing's ancestor, she never shouted a senior, and even more so after coming to the small world of Fengyue, No matter what the other party ’s identity is, what background they are, and no matter what the other party ’s strength is, men always call their brothers, and women are all big sisters.

"We didn't realize that he was a senior before, but now that he has realized it, it would be inappropriate and impolite to call him a little drunk."

"This is easy to handle. Since the little drunkard claims to be the grandfather, then we can just call his grandfather not. Since then, we have expressed our respect for him. He listens and listens, and most importantly he will not give birth. Minute."

"Master?" Qian Ling thought for a while, and felt that this title was really like Xiao Chi Tou said, it can express his respect, and it won't be too much to listen to.

Just when the two were chatting, suddenly, two people appeared at the gate of the garden, Qian Ling and Qian Tou looked over, and found that the two were the flower butterfly fairy and the little witch Mu Lingyao.

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