
Vol 2 Chapter 1502: Chance of winning gold

Although the prizes on each floor of the Golden Tower will be doubled, the odds are also doubled.

For example, at the beginning of the first tower of the Golden Tower, there will be two teleportation arrays, one of which can be transmitted to the second floor, and the other is transmitted from the first floor of the Golden Tower.

If you are unlucky and are sent out by the teleportation team on the first floor, then the 10,000 cents paid will be thrown away.

If you are lucky, you will get a bonus of 20,000 cents when you teleport to the second floor. Of course, if you want to continue to make progress, you must give up the second floor bonus.

Only the two teleportation arrays appeared at the beginning of the second floor, but three, two of which were teleported out, and only one went to the third floor.

The chance of winning a prize will also change from one-half to one-third.

At the third level, there will be four teleportation arrays with a probability of one quarter.

The fourth floor is a five-way teleportation array with a one-fifth chance.

The ninth layer is a ten-matrix method, and the chance is one-tenth.

Each level goes up, the teleportation matrix increases exponentially, and the probability naturally increases exponentially.

In terms of bonuses, the first to ninth tiers are increased by 110,000, but the ninth tier is increased by 100,000 100,000, and the eighteenth tier is increased by millions.

Chance is the same.

The number from the top to the ninth floor is nearly 100,000, but the chance is one in ten.

The bonus for the eighteenth floor is millions, and the odds are one percent.

The bonus on the 27th floor is 10 million and the odds are 1 in 1000.

In other words, there will be a thousand formations on the twenty-seventh floor, and only one formation will lead to the twenty-eighth floor.

I can imagine how low the odds are.

"Sister Lingyao, how many floors have you taken at the most?"

"Oh? After playing Golden Tower for so many years, the highest one is on the ninth floor."

Qiandiao said enviously: "Wow! The prize of the ninth layer is 100,000 cents 欸, don't you win 100,000 cents with 10,000 cents?"

"Fart miles, I could have won 100,000 cents at that time, but I gave up. I was going to go up to the tenth floor to win the two hundred thousand, but I was unlucky, and I was passed on the tenth floor."

"Ah! What a pity."

所以 "So, don't be too greedy as a person, you must be content, if I can go up to the ninth floor this time, I will definitely not go up to the tenth floor."

At this moment, the flower butterfly fairy who was silent next to her said: "Yaoer, if I remember correctly, you will say this every time before you go to win the golden tower."

"Hate!" Mu Lingyao rolled her eyes and said, "I'm serious this time."

"Which time are you not serious? As a result, you have gone to the Gold Tower for so many years and have never received a bonus, not even once?"

"Who said no? Once again I went to the seventh floor and listened to you, didn't I receive a bonus?"

The Flower Butterfly Fairy said helplessly: "That time you did receive the seventh-level bonus, but you just came out of the gold tower ... you are not willing to start the tower again, but every time you are finally passed out, you are willing to give up. The 70,000 prize money won is only enough for you to break through the seven times to win the gold tower, but on that day, you went through more than a hundred times. "

Qiandiao was surprised: "Ah! I ran more than a hundred times a day, and I needed to pay 10,000 cents for a break. Sister Lingyao, didn't you spend more than a million to break the gold tower that day?"

Xi Mu Lingyao smiled embarrassingly at Qiandiao, and said to the flower fairy once again, "My good sister, can't you give me some face in front of Qiandiao?"

"If you want to save face, do n’t play Golden Tower again. Even if you want to play it, you may go once in a while. Anyone like you will inevitably come every time Golden Tower opens. Dozens of times, sometimes you can lose your mind and play hundreds of times. "

"I'm not trying to get the money back."

"You can't get it back."

"Who told you I can't come back!"

I heard that Mu Lingyao would make dozens of times to win the gold pagoda each time, Chidori was very surprised, and asked, "Sister Lingyao, how many cents did you spend to win the gold pagoda in these years?"

"Not much, tens of millions."

"What? Tens of millions? Oh my!"

"More than tens of millions, I think you have spent hundreds of millions of immortal stones in the gold towers these years."

Chidori stared at the flower and butterfly fairy, and said, "How many there are!"

"My memory has always been good. Do I need to give you a careful calculation? Besides, this is only after I know you, before I know you, you have not gone less. If you count it all from small to large, Then ... I'm afraid I have one billion cents. "

I heard that Mu Lingyao spent more than one billion cents on the gold tower alone in recent years. Mo said Qiandiao felt incredible, even Qian Ling was shocked.

大家 "Don't believe it, if you counted from small to large, it may have cost a lot, but there is absolutely no one billion, absolutely no!"

Despite Mu Lingyao's strong explanation, no matter whether it is Qianling or Qianbird, or other people in Xiao Luo's secret realm, he can see from the guilty expression of Mu Lingyao. I am afraid that Mu Lingyao spent ten to break the gold tower. More than 100 million.

不得不 This has to be sighed. Mu Lingyao is too rich. It costs 1 billion just to win the gold tower. Then how terrible is the fairy stone she spent to refine the magic weapon.

However, it is not surprising to think about it carefully ~ ~ One billion cents of stone, for the ordinary family immortal may be a number just enough to choke them.

But for a family like Mu Lingyao, a billion immortal stones are probably nothing but nine cows. After all, their Mu family is one of the families of the Presbyterian Church, and the Presbyterian Church is in charge of the entire Fengyue small world. How rich.

"Don't watch me spend so much in the past to win the Golden Tower, huh! Miss Ben will one day win all of it! Isn't it one billion cents! As long as Miss Ben broke into the 45th floor of the Golden Tower, Take it all back! "

"You speak lightly."

The Fairy Butterfly said: "Who have you seen breaking into the 45th floor in these years? Let alone the 45th floor, how many people have broken into the 36th floor?"

"Sister Huadie, don't you blow my self-confidence, okay. Although no one has broken into the 45th floor in the past century, it doesn't mean that I can't. Maybe I broke into the 45th floor this time?"

"Do you think it's just that simple to say with your mouth? The chance of breaking into the ninth layer is one tenth, the eighteenth layer is one hundredth, and the twenty-seventh layer is one thousandth. The thirty-sixth floor is one in 10,000, and the forty-fifth floor is one in 100,000. Do you know what this means? "

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