
Vol 2 Chapter 1534: Big limelight

"Oh, isn't this the famous Baiyufei Grandpa, Xuanyun Grandpa, Liufeng Grandpa?"

Xi Mu Lingyao is not only a hot personality, but also a person who likes to show the limelight, but also a master who has revenge.

Earlier, Bai Yufei and Xuan Yun were dumb and silent, and secretly satirized her for being unreasonable and bullying. If the ancient breeze did not board the 27th floor of the gold tower, it would be fine, but now the ancient breeze Not only climbed to the 27th floor of the Golden Tower, but also directly to the top of the Golden Tower.

This is Mu Lingyao very proud and proud, and also feels very face-saving.

Although she only knew Gu Qingfeng for a few days after full play, Ke Lingyao still felt very face-to-face. After all, she had previously appeared in front of Gu Qingfeng in public. Everyone knew that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, at least one group.

How can Mu Lingyao not be proud?

When she was a kid, she had a lot of limelight, but she was a petty limelight, and she has been in the limelight for a while, and she has also made a big disaster. Since then, there has been very little limelight.


古 Today, the ancient Qingfeng boarded the 989th floor of the Golden Tower, breaking the highest record ever.

As a friend of Gu Qingfeng, she is also a group. Mu Lingyao feels it is necessary to have the biggest limelight in history.

The most important thing is that I can take this opportunity to teach the three hypocrites Xuan Yun severely.

I am so.

She stood up, and jumped to Dasao deliberately, ridiculing: "Miss Ben just remembered that you were all energetic and glorious and marvelous. How amazing you are now like quail. Is the food off? Come on! Isn't it terrible? Continue to be terrified, why not continue to be terrified? "

Bai Yufei, Xuan Yun, and Liu Feng were all blushing, with their heads down, facing the satire of Mu Lingyao. Although they were angry, they had no face to refute.

"Ms. Mu."

At this moment, Father Dan Lei stepped forward and said, "The three of them have realized their mistakes, so please ask Miss Mu to give them general insights."

"Yeah, we have taught them just now, and they regret it."

Immediately, the old Baiteng seniors of the giant Bai family and the old Liu Kaiyun seniors of the Jinwu Liu family all stepped forward to intercede for the three.

"The three old seniors, not the younger ones, must have general knowledge with them. You should ask them what they have done before." Mu Lingyao first saluted the three seniors, and then continued: "This gamble is not our home. The grandfather proposed it, but it was proposed by your three eldest sons. "

"Our grandfather didn't want to bet with them at first, but the three eldest sons had to force our grandfather to gamble with them. If they didn't gamble, they would admit it. In the end, our grandfather had no choice but to agree to this. Unfair gamble. "

Thinking of the cause and effect before and after this gamble, Mu Lingyao said she could n’t help laughing, she was so happy, she said, “You can bet on gambling, it ’s not enough to bet a loud one, three big boys. He also said that he wanted to bet a little bit bigger, and even opened his mouth to bet 10 million bets. "

"Holy God! That's 10 million loud noises!"

To say that Mu Lingyao ’s method of ridiculing people is really powerful. Standing on the head of the aunt, she still feels inadequate, and ran to the three people of Xuan Yun and Bai Yufei and asked, "Actually, I always wanted to Ask the three grandsons, you bet so big, have you ever thought that you would lose? Have you ever thought that if you lose, how did you get off the stage? Um? Let ’s talk about your journey, Ben Miss is really curious! "

Xi was so sarcastic and ironic by Mu Lingyao that Bai Yufei, Xuan Yun and Liu Feng shivered in popularity, but still dare not to look up to refute anything.

"I don't think you guys thought you would lose? If you thought about it, you wouldn't dare to gamble on the 10 million sounding heads, would you? Do you think our grandfather really can't make it to the top 20? Seventh floor? Huh? Hehehehe! "

Wu Mu Lingyao was very proud, and proudly wanted to laugh out loud. She hadn't been so surprised for a long time.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I said that you don't think our grandfather can reach the 27th floor of the Golden Tower. Even this lady did not expect our grandfather to be so powerful! Not only on the 27th floor, but also on the 27th floor. The fifty-fourth floor broke the highest record in the millennium, and it reached the sixty-third floor. It broke the highest record in the history of winning the gold tower. In the end, it was easy to climb to the 981th floor and become the gold tower. The first person to reach the top of a tower for thousands of years since it was built. "

Although Mu Lingyao here was a bit of a nuisance to win the host, and also a bit of a fox and a fake tiger, but today she wanted a fake fox and a tiger, and Master Dan Lei and others wanted to talk to him, and Mu Lingyao did n’t give them a chance to talk at all, and continued to be ironic Xuanyun three people.

"Ask you if you will!"

Speaking, Mu Lingyao suddenly remembered the previous thing, and couldn't help but laughed, and said, "You tell me if you deserve it. I said that the spirit of our grandfather had a problem. Let the gamble be invalidated. But you're better, jumping out one by one, Yaowu Yangwei rebutted Miss Ben. "

"She also said that Miss Ben was unreasonable and bullying? She asked Master Luo to come out to be fair? You have to force our grandfather to bet with you, now? Okay, dumbfounded, pleated, played? Are you gambling? What do you say you shouldn't be called? "

如果 "If you weren't so mean at that time, don't ask how kind and honest you are, just ask you to be less mean, but with a little kind of kindness, wouldn't it be so?"

Mu Lingyao was sarcastic and sarcastic here, and everyone was talking about it. They were also present before. They all knew that Mu Lingyao was telling the truth. They also thought that Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei and Liu Feng were all three. It is self-sustaining, digging a pit and burying yourself, and deserve it.

Listening to everyone's discussion, the three of them know that they have lost all face this time. If there is a seam now ~ ~ The three can't wait to get in immediately, they also regret it! I regret why I gambled with Gu Qingfeng at that time, and even more regret why I did not run when Gu Qingfeng climbed to the top of the gold pagoda. After running, although I could n’t raise my head in the future, it was only the future. It's better to be ashamed!

Beside the lotus, the secret place of the lotus, the luxuriant white family, and the Jinwuliu family's faces are all green and white for a while. Xuanyun three are their juniors after all. Now the juniors have such shameful things, and they, as elders, also follow the shame.

说 Although she said she was very angry, she could only endure it bit by bit. She not only could not refute, but also had to take an old face to apologize and hope to resolve the matter.

Maybe it ’s enough, and it ’s enough to show the limelight, Mu Lingyao smiled and said to them: "Three old seniors, younger ones know what you mean, they can understand your mood, and they know that you are for the three grandsons. I have already disregarded my face. If the junior is betting with the three grandsons, I haven't said anything. Even if I look at the face of the three older ancestors, the juniors are not accountable. Ah, but our master. "

"The junior is just a fake fox and a tiger. With the help of our grandfather to climb the top of the gold tower, he stood up and made fun of the three big boys by the way. Now that he has laughed at them, he has enough to show. The younger quit first. "

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