
Vol 2 Chapter 1547: Advent


The mysterious master stood on the nine-headed fire cloud and red flame tiger salamander, and it no longer seemed light and light, nor was it leisurely anymore. It was more a kind of arrogance and coldness, a kind of silence and domination. Even the one with a value of 200 million seems to be a little cheesy and a little more overbearing.

The countless people gathered in the gold-mining tower have already scared back, have not dared to speak, clamored, or even dared to breathe, including Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy. I dare not breathe one.

this moment.

Everyone has a special feeling. It feels that space is frozen and time stops. A sense of unclear and unknown fear hangs over everyone. Even the small world of wind and moon in the clear sky becomes drowsy, as if It's cloudy.

and many more!

What about the sun?

At this time, someone found that the round of the sun originally hanging in the sky disappeared.

I really disappeared.

He is as if he never appeared.

How could this be.

I want to know that the small world of the wind and moon is called the world that never sets. The sun is permanently hanging in the sky, and it shines on every inch of the world with great light. It has never disappeared. How can it disappear today.

Why exactly!

do not know.

No one knows.

No one cares about this at this moment.

at least.

Hundreds of people from the three major families of the Lotus Mystery in the market, and thousands of people from the Jinwu Li family.

They all shed their hair, knelt down on the ground in embarrassment. At the beginning, they were still mourning and mourning because the meridians broke off and the fairy was scattered, but gradually passed by bit by bit over time. Feeling stronger and stronger, they no longer dare to mourn.


Only fear remains.

This sense of fear seems to permeate every inch of the skin, every meridian, every trick, every drop of blood, the mind, soul, mind, knowledge of the sea, and even the deepest part of the soul.

I dare not move.

No one dares to move.


A strong sense of fear caused their bodies to tremble uncontrollably. As the fear became more intense, the tremors became more intense.

Especially Xuanyun three, they are closest to Gu Qingfeng, they are almost kneeling beside the Huoyun Chiyanhu, and the fear is very strong. The three face down, kneeling on the ground, their mouths, noses and noses are bleeding blood. , The body is constantly trembling.

They are afraid, completely afraid, afraid of the bones, and also of the soul.

"Before I bet, I once said that you still have a human relationship today. Although you say you don't recognize this relationship, I still give it back to you. The young people are brave and stubborn. They want to show face. I can understand and I will not care about you, but there must be no bottom line, let alone self-knowledge. "

Gu Qingfeng's voice was very bland, he could not hear any emotions, no sorrow, no joy, no anger and no joy, and bland could not be bland again. He jumped out of the **** and said: "Lao Tzu can bear yours It ’s so brave, you can forgive me for your face, but you will never get used to the problem of your face on the nose! "

既然 "Since you think so, that ten million celebrities, I will complete you today, now give me, ten million celebrities, one can not be less, one less, I tear you alive!"

When the ancient breeze ceased, he glared angrily and sang loudly, saying, "Oh!"


With such a prestige, the fairy armors of the three men, Zhen Xuanyun, Bai Yufei, and Liu Feng, collapsed, kneeling naked, and their skin membranes were also blasted by the shock. The flesh and blood of the three were vague and hissing in pain. The shouting of the split lungs, dare not neglect, endure the severe pain, shook his head with trembling.

Looking at this scene.

Su Mu Lingyao's face was pale and scared. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she just spoke to her mouth, and then she swallowed it back again. She glanced at the flower butterfly fairy.

The flower butterfly fairy is also eclipsed, standing there, afraid to breathe.

Previously, they thought that Gu Qingfeng said to give Xuan Yun a face, just to find a step down.

Until now, they realized that they were wrong. Gu Qingfeng said to Xuan Yun a favor, not to find any steps for himself, but to return Xuan Yun a favor.

They thought that in the face of Xuan Yun's threat, Gu Qingfeng didn't dare not agree. After all, Xuan Yun was behind the lotus secret that has been passed down from ancient times. It is also until now that they realized that Gu Qingfeng was not afraid to refuse, but really did not want to agree with Xuan Yun. Cloud computing.

It was not until this moment that they knew why when Jin Wu Li Jiahao swarmed thousands of people over, Gu Qingfeng still sat leisurely and drank a little wine and smoked a spirit, because he had this ability and had This ability is even more so.

He said that the Jinwu Li family were like ants in his eyes. As it turned out, it was true. Thousands of people in the Jinwu Li family knelt down.

He has such terrible abilities.

How can I be afraid of the Jinwu Li family?

In the face of Xuan Yun's provocation, what steps do you need to find for yourself?

Faced with the threat of Dan Lei, need to recognize?

I do n’t need it.

He just didn't want to care about it, that's all.

right now.

He wants to care.

No matter what fairy pride and talent, no matter what seniors, no matter what you are, and no matter what you are, you are the five-perfect town star Jinxian, whether you are a family of immortals or passed down from ancient times. Lotus secret, he did not look at all.

"Small, unreasonable, provoke wrongdoing, do whatever you want ~ ~ arrogant and arrogant, just as arrogant, you not only do not teach, but also his mother's help."

The ancient Qingfeng walked over, and many elders of the scared lotus mystery, the luxuriant Bai family, and the Jinwuliu family trembled. They wanted to run, but, the whole meridian was broken, the fairy spirit broke apart, could not move at all, and looked at the ancient Qingfeng that came slowly. Hundreds of people trembled in fright.

Especially Liu Kaiyun and Bai Teng, the two kneeled on the ground, and the whole person began to twitch. For them, the footsteps of Gu Qingfeng were like the footsteps of a **** of death. Each step made them fall into the abyss of despair. in.

"Who the **** is used to your fault!"

The ancient ancient breeze raised his palms and clasped his hands on the cover of Bai Teng's heavenly spirit. With a click, Bai Teng's arms and limbs flew, leaving only his head and upper body.

"Who the **** gets you!"

He lifted one foot and slammed into Liu Kaiyun's chest with a click, Liu Kaiyun's arms and limbs flew across the body, leaving only his head and upper body.

"especially you."

Gu Qingfeng walked in front of Dan Lei and said lightly: "Behind your back, threatening words, bullying others, just give your mother a lick of your face and say to Lao Tzu that you have cultivated for tens of thousands of years? Is one of his mother ’s dogs trained for several years? In 10,000 years, that can also cultivate a good virtue, not to mention that your mother is still alone! "

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