
Vol 2 Chapter 1614: Fan of Life and Death with Great Mercy

好 "Oh, you little bunny! You didn't see it, you're great!"

Xun Daxing's epilepsy wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and the more anger in his heart, the more anger. In addition to anger, it was more shocking and horrifying.

His physical body is known as King Kong is not bad, and it is also the legendary immovable gold body. The Daxing Acolytes have been mingling in the wild for so many years. Although they dare not say that no one can fight in the world, but these worlds can fight. The number of people who hurt him was absolutely rare.

今天 But today, I was vomiting blood by the mouth of a mortal who was to be cultivated as not to be altered and to be altered. This is how daxing monks can't be shocked, can't be frightened, and not angry!

"It seems that I don't show you any real skills today, you really can't beat you!"

I say nothing.

The demon monk Da Xun pulled out the broken fan hanging around his waist, pointed at the ancient Qingfeng, and snarled: "Boy, today I will let you see the power of the fan of life and death of great mercy!"

Anyone who has heard of the name Daxing Leng Monk almost knows that he has a broken fan in his hand. This broken fan is given by the ancient lamp-burning Buddha and is called the Daci Dabei Fan of Life and Death.

According to rumors, this broken fan's mana contains infinite mystery, one can be brought back to life, and the other can be wiped out, no matter what fairy demon or monster you are, it is no exception, and no matter what you cultivate and what Nothing can stop it.

"Little bunny! I'll give you one last chance! Say! Who the **** is your mother, otherwise I'll tell you to die!"

"Who frightens such a shit."

Gu Qingfeng stood on the top of the statue of Buddha, and smiled and smiled towards Dahang's monk, despising: "Dahang, he said that the master looked down on you, and today a grandfather is standing here, so you just fan the shit, don't say If the ash flies off, if you can use this **** to shake the grandfather, even if it is a strand of hair, even if your kid is capable! "

"Little! Rabbit! Cub! Son!"

The monk Dahang has never suffered such a great humiliation. He was so angry that he yelled word by word: "Lao Tzu doesn't kill you today, it's your grandson who daunts him!"

Hu Daxing shouted, raised his fan of life and death with great compassion and sorrow, and suddenly passed over to Gu Qing.

With this fan, the light of the Buddha is everywhere, and the Dharma is boundless.

Like the destruction of heaven and earth, like the cycle of life and death, like chaotic change.

After a click.

I looked back again.

The Daxing monk was there like a statue, because he found that the guy was still standing on the top of the statue and looked at himself with a grin. The smile at the corner of the mouth was a little mocking, a little contempt, a little Pride, a little gleeful, as if watching the fun.

"You ... I ... How could that be ..."

The Daxing epilepsy was completely stunned. He looked at Gu Qingfeng, and then looked at the fan of life and death of Daci and Compassion in his hand. He couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't understand it, and he couldn't understand himself. What is this guy like? Still standing still.


Wu Daxing's unbelievers fanned again.

He is still full of light, and the dharma is boundless, like the destruction of heaven and earth, like the cycle of life and death, like chaotic change.

He is just this fan, Gu Qingfeng is still standing on top of the statue of the Buddha looking at her with a smile, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is getting stronger.


Xun Daxing's epilepsy fanned seven or eight times in succession, with the same result.

At this moment, the Daxing epilepsy was completely dumbfounded, not only a blank in his mind, but even some began to doubt life.

大 "Dahang, you are so broken, hasn't it failed? Shouldn't it be broken? Hahahaha!"

Laogu Qingfeng stood there and laughed.


How could it be broken.

The monk Daxing epilepsy knows clearly that this fan of life and death with great mercy and compassion is not bad, nor can it be bad.

But if it is not bad, why hasn't it affected the guy in front of you?

I really did not have any impact.

I said the ash fly out.

Is a piece of clothing.

No hair was shaken.

For the first time in his life, the Daxing monk encountered such a situation. In the past, as long as he took out his big compassion fan of life and death, whoever he wanted to live would live, and whoever he wanted to die would die. Existence may not be able to determine their life and death, but it is absolutely enough for the other party to drink a pot, it is impossible to be as unaffected as today.

感觉 It feels weirder and stranger than encountering ghosts and gods.

Lu Daxing's face changed and changed, staring, staring at Gu Qingfeng for a long time, unable to return to God for a long time.

"I want to say, Daxing, just leave your broken fan still useless, useless, what do you keep, what kind of compassion, big compassion, life and death fan, neither mercy nor sorrow, let alone life and death. Why not, what do you say? Hahahaha! "

Looking at the appearance of a daunting monk, Gu Qingfeng laughed more and more happily.

你 "You! Who the **** are you!"

Maybe he was aware of the seriousness of the matter, and the Daxing epic was no longer laughing and cursing like a genius, and the whole person became serious, like an incarnation of a great Buddha.

The ancient breeze lifted the altar, drank a sip of wine, and smiled, "What? Really don't know anymore?"

Tong Daxing's epilepsy was terrified and said, "Do we know each other?"

"Crap! Of course I know. Not only do I know, but seriously, I owe you a favor."

The Daxing monk stared at Gu Qingfeng carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he knew it, but he couldn't remember it and didn't have any impression. He said, "Why don't I know you? I don't have the slightest impression on you. "

"Familiarity is right. As for why I don't have any impression, this is a bit complicated to say, and I don't understand it myself."


I want to say why others don't have any impression of themselves ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng himself couldn't say anything for a while.

I only know that it should have something to do with returning to the truth.

He had previously realized great silence, transcending all life and death.

He realized that he was free and free from all avenues.

He also realized that he was vain, and transcended all truth and falsehood.

He then realized great compassion and transcended all beings.

Realizing that the four major states of mind of the Buddhist family can be sanctified, and sanctification can transcend everything. It is also the legendary return to return to truth, but the ancient Qingfeng did not sanctify, and there was no return to return to truth. Instead, it lit the fire of the original sin karma, and was silent. Extinction.

The ancient breeze pondered that he should be returning now, but he has not yet returned to the truth, and is in a state of chaos, so other talents will have no impression.

of course.

This is just Gu Qingfeng's own guess. It is not clear what kind of state he is in now.

"What's your last name, what's your name, and what's the road number!"

"My name is Gu."

The ancient breeze drank another sip of wine, and he smiled, "The road number is Qixiao. As for the name, the real name is Sirius, also known as Qingfeng."

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