
Vol 2 Chapter 1622: Original sin and true life

Gu Qingfeng and Daxing epilepsy chatted while drinking a little wine, and they mostly talked about the chaotic situation of ancient times. Although Gu Qingfeng had no interest in this thing, he fell asleep for a long time. , I do n’t know much about the changes in the ancient times, and I do n’t know much about it, especially from the mouth of the Daxing episcopal. It sounds like watching the lively, and it is quite happy.

这个 "This ... Guy, hey!"

I was chatting, and the Daxing epilepsy suddenly stood up and poured a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng himself, saying, "Speaking of us, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingfeng didn't pick up the wine handed by the Daxing episcopal, and said, "Which one did you play? What moths do you want to put together?"

"What kind of moth, I just pour you a glass of wine. Do n’t you kidnap the gentleman's belly with the villain's heart, OK?"

"Don't dedicate yourself to diligence or steal!"

"Rest assured, this diligence is neither treacherous nor robber, but I just want your kid to do me a favor, and ..."

Wu Daxing didn't finish the monk's words, Gu Qingfeng interrupted immediately and said, "No talk, no help."

"Fuck! Wouldn't your kid be so terrific, I haven't said anything yet, so you can't help? In case it's a good thing."

"What good thing can your old boy say? If you have a good thing, will you still ask for help?"

"What did you say! I just want you to point and point me to this stupid apprentice. This bunny is a bit dull, and his brain is not very bright. I have taught it for so long, and I haven't grown much."

"I said Daxing, are you okay with your brain? Let me give you a pointer?" Gu Qingfeng smiled, and said, "Master and I always only kill people, how can I give pointers? What's more, this kid is a true robber. Man, Lao Tzu is the original sin person. The ancient catastrophe is estimated to be the original sin. You asked me to be a original sin person to point to a person who should deal with the grandfather in the future? Grandfather, I will not kill him, it is enough You face. "

I heard the words.

The Daxing epic has not spoken yet, but the Fuji monk was scared and knelt directly on the ground, and said, "Ancient ancestor of the ancient times! Although the small one is a true robber, it is not ... Little wants, little is innocent, little never thinks about dealing with your elderly in the future, even if you give the young ten thousand to ten thousand courage, the little dare not be against you, you If the old man doesn't believe it, the younger can swear now, even if the younger dies, he will never be against you! Absolutely not! "

"You're not motivated!"

The monk's monk clinging to the monk's collar was a violent beating, and he reprimanded, "Could you give Lao Tzu a little face? Gu Gu's words would scare you like this? Dare to ask more No? Just your mother-in-law or the robber who inherited the true life? I do n’t know if the true life scared the dog's eyes, why did you choose your soft egg to seduce the goods! You said that you drink alcohol every day What else can you do to eat meat? What the **** are you doing? What are you eating? Nothing left! Go!

After a violent beating, the Daxing epilepsy went straight to the spot and dropped the Fuji monk from the top of the statue.

The Dahang epilepsy seemed to be very angry. After a reprimand, he glared at Gu Qingfeng and yelled, "Gu Zi, you do n’t do it without pointing, why frighten him, and you scare this silly apprentice, Lao Tzu. No wonder the apprentice, Lao Tzu, didn't fight, his mother! It's not much yet, I'm afraid it will happen, and I will count on him to cope with the catastrophe in the future.

Gugu Qingfeng laughed and said, "Come on, you are also acting in front of Grandpa."

"Act? What act? When will I act for you?"

"I said Dahang, why didn't I find out how old your old man was so much?"

"What's the matter? What did your kid say? How can I not understand."

"Really? OK! Now that you asked me to point your apprentice, then you call him now, and the Lord must point and point him well." Looking at the Daxing monk who was there, Gu Qingfeng laughed: "What? Don't dare? "

"What dare not, I can't wait for it?"

"Okay, pretend, Dahang, we two talked so much just now, dare you still suspect that I was impersonating the original sin?"

"Guzi, heaven and earth have conscience. I was just kidding. I didn't suspect you were posing as original sin."

"Even if you do not suspect that I am posing as the original sin, I am afraid that my consciousness is now biased towards the original sin. I am afraid that the Lord has merged the original sin and I do not know that he is unconsciously led by the original sin.

这个 "This ... this ..." Daxing epic scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I was seen by your boy."


The Daxing epic has always wondered whether the ancient Qingfeng in front of him is not the ancient Qingfeng he knew before. When the Daxing epic wanted to come, after all, the ancient Qingfeng was a person of the original sin, combined with the blood of the original sin. What's even worse is that after igniting the fire of the original sin karma, after ten years, his mother came alive again.

The most important thing is that he knows that the blood of the original sin that the ancient Qingfeng merged with is not the blood of the original original sin, but the blood of the original sin that belongs to the iniquity.

Although the ancient breeze still looks like that ancient breeze, it is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the ancient breeze ’s self-awareness has long disappeared ~ ~ Now this ancient breeze is only posing as the original sin? What if Gu Qingfeng's self-awareness had merged with the original sin, and he didn't know it?

and so.

Earlier, the monks of the Xinghang tried it with the monk Fuji. The monk Fuji is a true robber, and for the original sin, the existence of the monk is a threat. If the ancient breeze in front of him is really posing as the original sin In this case, even if it is not wiped out on the spot, it will never be allowed to grow up.

"This old boy, don't get angry when you say it, I'm not distrusting you, I'm afraid! I'm really afraid!"

The ancient breeze asked, "What are you afraid of? I'm afraid I'll kill you, the true robber?"

"Not afraid of you, but fear of original sin."

The Daxing monk sat down again and said with a serious expression: "Some things you may not know. The reason why Lao Tzu hid here with a fool is not just to hide from the bald donkeys in Xitian, but also to hide The original sinner. "

"What do you who dodged the original sin do? Why is it that other original sinners want to kill your apprentice?"

"The original sinners wanted to kill not only my apprentices, but all those who should be robbed of their true lives, and I can also tell you that those robbed people have said less and died since ancient times. With hundreds and thousands of people, two of the deadly ones who died should be killed. "

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