
Vol 2 Chapter 1659: Extravagant ship

"On board?" Gu Qingfeng pointed to a huge ship not far away, and asked, "Are you the people on this ship?"

"No, we are not on this ship." Lei Lie pointed to a huge ship in the distance and said, "We are on that ship."

"Where is your ship?"

"Go to Miluo Tianyu."

"Mi Luo Tian Yu?" Gu Qingfeng pulled out the astrolabe and glanced, and found that the direction to Mi Luo Tian Yu was exactly on the route of Qian Ji Tian Yu, and asked with a smile: "When will your ship set sail?"

"Just today, as soon as people arrive, they set sail immediately."

"Oh, this is not right."

Both Huang Lao and Lei Lie are a bit embarrassed. I don't know what Gu Qingfeng means exactly.

"I am preparing to find a large ship to go to Qianji Tianyu."

Upon hearing this, Lei Lie was overjoyed: "It's just right, Qianji Tianyu and Miluo Tianyu are separated by three heavens, and they are still in the same direction. As long as Daoyou arrives in Miluo Tianyu, he will take another big ship to Qianjitian. The domain is there. "

"So what are you doing, walking."

"Taoyou, please!"

I learned that Gu Qingfeng will take a big boat with himself in the future, how happy Lei Lie mentions. He has a problem, that is, he doesn't like to owe people's favor. If he owes it, he can't eat well every day. Well, if not, he wouldn't look for the ancient breeze everywhere after the ancient breeze had left, in order to return this kind of affection.

In addition, he is also a good friend to make friends, no matter what kind of immortal path or Buddhist path, even if it is a demon path, or even a demon's friend, he also has, guessing that Gu Qingfeng may be the legendary master, and maybe even It is an ancient power, and Lei Lie naturally wants to get to know him.

The ride on the Xuantian ship requires a certain fee.

And the cost is not low.

As for how many immortal stones it takes to reach Miluo Tianyu from Jinyang Tianyu, Gu Qingfeng does not know, because Lei Lie helped him pay for the cost of riding the big boat.

After Lei Lie boarded the ship, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but be taken aback by the scene inside.

The moment I entered the dock, it was like walking into a golden palace.

Pillars of white marble are erected on the four corners, and the surrounding walls are all carved with white stone bricks. The top of the palace is made of sandalwood, the crystal jade is a lamp, the pearl is a curtain, and the black gold is a pillar. The huge bright moon beads, shining like a bright moon, are covered with white jade and gold beads.

It really shows luxury.

哪里 Where is this dock? It is just a luxurious palace!

I want to say that Gu Qingfeng is not the master who hasn't seen the world. He has seen many beautiful and picturesque caves and magnificent palaces.

只是 He just didn't expect that a Xuantian ship used to carry passengers turned out to be so luxurious.

Follow Lei Lie walking inside, let alone, the dock is really big, and listening to Lei Lie ’s voice, it seems that there is everything on board, there are quiet rooms for cultivation, taverns for drinking, gambling gambling houses, Bathing hot springs, even the kiln sisters who accompany food and drink with acacia.

This can not help but sigh Gu Qingfeng.

I sighed that after the resurrection of all things in this ancient age, the aura is full, and the resources are abundant, the practitioners now understand and enjoy more and more.

In the trading world of his mother, it is not easy to be chic and chic, and you have to have everything in a big boat.

他 What kind of energy does this mother-in-law cultivate? She is drunk every day.

Can't stand it.

I sigh and sigh.

I lament that it does not mean that I don't like it. On the contrary, Gu Qingfeng likes such a luxurious Xuantian ship.


If I had known everything in Xuantian's ship, he would never have been lonely and cold alone, walking through the wilderness.

Riding in the Xuantian ship, while drinking a little wine, listening to Xiaoqu, how comfortable it is!

"Dao friend, but can you drink two glasses of wine?"

"Of course, there is no joy without wine."

"Ah? Hahahahaha! This time I really met a real fellow in the same circle. I don't hide it, and I don't have wine or joy. I don't feel comfortable without drinking a dozen or twenty altars every day."

Lei Lie Haha laughed: "This way, Taoist, I'll take you to the rest place first, let's go to Chunmanlou and have a good time, we must not get drunk!"


"Hey! Huang Lao, we must come to accompany."

"You're welcome."

The dock is large.

The big one is like a palace and a cave.

Xi Leilei specially ordered the most luxurious inner house for the ancient Qingfeng. There are many quiet rooms in the inner house, there are cultivation, rest, alchemy, treasure refining, and refining array.

After visiting Gufu with Gu Qingfeng, Lei Lie greeted his group of brothers, and then killed Gu Manlou directly with Gu Qingfeng.

The so-called Chunmanlou is a place to drink and listen to music, and it is also a lively place in Xuantian Ship.

Overcrowded almost every day.

Can't stand it.

Lei Lie is the owner of money. Since the day he boarded the ship, he has directly reserved a private room in Chunmanlou. These days on the boat are also delicious and hot with a group of brothers. The one I passed was quite happy ~ ~ This is what Lei Lie sees as a person who values ​​love. When he came to Chunmanlou, he brought a group of brothers toast and salute. Well, and he is also very hearty. As a tribute, he even drank a full nine bottles of fine wine, without even breathing in the middle.

The ancient breeze is also a good wine drinker, and it is still a very good wine drinker, no one is happy.

I have a way to say that every confidant has a thousand glasses.

Although Lei Lie is not his confidant, nor is he a friend, but the drinking thing is about an atmosphere, the atmosphere is right, the wine is naturally more and more happy, Gu Qingfeng is no exception, maybe it is alone all year long The reason for drinking may have been so many days running in the wilderness. It was too boring. Today, I encountered such a thrilling thunder, Gu Qingfeng was very happy, and the altar under my feet was empty. An altar.

"Fresh! Really refreshing! It's been so refreshing for a long time! Hahaha!"

After drinking a dozen or two altars of wine, Lei Lie pulled his upper clothes down, naked his upper body, exposed an explosive muscle, stood up, touched his mouth, and said excitedly, "Taoyou, if Just let me meet you earlier. You do n’t know. None of my little brothers can drink. After a few altars, I will rest. Every time I have not enjoyed it, these guys will not work. You even drink more than ten altars, just like anyone else, the amount of alcohol is not that big! Hahaha! "

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