
Vol 2 Chapter 1667: 1 cut random edge

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Gu Qingfeng slept for ten days and a half months. When he woke up, the Xuantian ship had left Jinyang Tianyu and entered another heaven. The next heaven was Miluo Tianyu. This is much faster than expected.

After the ancient Qingfeng woke up, he went to a hot spring, took a bath, and when he was free, he walked up on the Xuantian ship.

There are many maids and general servants on the ship.

They belong to the worldly mortal like the ancient Qingfeng.

The difference is that Gu Qingfeng didn't do any repairs, and they all had some more or less repairs, and some looked good.

In ancient times, all things are revived, the aura is full of richness and purity, coupled with the immortal dynasty established by the heavens and the world for nine days, there are countless spiritual schools in the world.

It can be said that mortals in the secular world now have no difficulty in practicing. Not only is it not difficult, it is also very easy. You can just add a practice door in the secular world.


There are also many young people with dreams who want to come to the barren land to try their luck. After all, the barren land is full of immortals. If you are lucky and are impressed by the immortals, it will be better to enter the fairyland practice than in the secular world. The sectarian gate has a large starting height, and even if it gets the guidance of the immortals, it will benefit a lot.

There are countless mortal mortals in the wilderness in modern times, and there are also some masters who show people's popularity, such as the well-known king of ten squares, the king of a thousand stars, and the king of the flames and so on.

Like many mundane mortals, they all came to the wilderness with their dreams. They started from the lowest-level handmaids and went through all the hardships until they reached the Avenue of the Stars and the Throne of Heaven.

of course.

After all, there are only a few people who can get ahead. Most of the young people with dreams have been lingering in the wilderness for a long time. Not to mention their presence, they have not even got a foothold, and some have even paid their lives for this.

Gu Qingfeng walked for a while in Xuantian Ship, and felt a little bored, so he came to the deck of Xuan Tian Ship.

If you say that the deck of this Xuantian ship is really big enough, looking at it, it looks like a wide square.

There are also many exquisite tables and chairs on the deck. Three or two or two people gathered together, drinking and chatting while admiring the vast expanse of wasteland. It was really cheerful and comfortable.

Gu Qingfeng casually found a seat and sat down, took out the fine wine, and sipped slowly, thinking of the original sin nightmare involuntarily in his mind.

The tombs of all kinds of avenues that were previously found in the avenue cemetery are there, but humanity is not there, and Gu Qingfeng has realized that the era of injustice may be related to humanity, and then remembered that Master really taught himself the nature of people, plus himself The ancient Qingfeng worship of the living beings, the basic Qingfeng has basically been able to affirm that the so-called innocent era is not truly innocent, but an era with only humanity.

When he gave birth to the pilgrimage of all living creatures to worship, he was wondering why the immortals, monsters, monsters, monsters, etc. would worship like themselves.

Now Gu Qingfeng understands that they are worshipping not themselves but humanely. To be exact, they may be worshipped without the Word.

In other words, in the so-called era of inhumanity, humanity is the absolute master, just like the heavenly hegemon of the ancient times, the demon, the demon, and the ghost worship the heavenly Tao.

The Supreme Master of the Wudao era is like the God of the present day, dominating the world.

If so.

Then the indignity is not the indignity, but the indignity of humanity. Perhaps it should be the overlord who controls the origin of humanity!


Gu Qingfeng remembered that when he was in the secular world, he also conceived an incarnation of such human taboos as Shang Po Bi and Huang Quan.

If the era of injustice is really the era of humanity.

Well, Shang Qiaobi fell into Huangquan and other creations, and I am afraid it is not just the incarnation of human taboo, it may be the incarnation of original sin.

Remember this.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help feeling a horrible thought.

In his mind, if all this was true as he had guessed, indignity is humane, then in other words, he had already become the incarnation of original sin, but he had not realized it at all.

He didn't understand before.

I do not understand how a drop of blood of the original sin gave birth to the person of the original sin.

For a while, I was also very entangled whether I was a person or not, and whether I had a father or mother?

Now it seems.

There is nothing tangled about this.

Noness is humanity, and nonessiness is nobleness. A drop of blood from nobleness can of course give birth to a person.

There is just one more thing that he couldn't figure out. What happened in the era of the infidelity, what was done on the infidelity, why good humanity is related to the original sin, and heaven and earth and fate have taken away the humanity. Is the Three Souls also related to the original sin?

Gu Qingfeng did not know and could not imagine.

He wondered if he wanted to figure it out, he had to find the source of humanity first.

As long as the origin of humanity is found, all the secrets of the era of innocence will be revealed to the world.

But where should this humane source be found?

Since the Archaean era, the human origin has disappeared without trace. It has gone through ancient and ancient times, and has never appeared in ancient times. Even if it hasn't happened once, where can we find it?

The only thing that is certain is that the humane roots still exist today. If the humane roots had long since died out, there would not be so many sentient beings in the heavens and the world.

Humanitarian roots should be hidden somewhere now.


Gu Qingfeng remembered Supreme Master again.

If this man is really the hegemon who dominates humanity in the era of injustice, then he must know the whereabouts of humanity, and there is even a possibility that the humanity is hidden before the man disappeared.

Before the grandfather disappeared, he turned into three thousand vain me.

Oneself is one of them.

Gu Qingfeng wondered if he could find the false true self ~ ~ Even if he could not be the infidelity in the era of infidelity, it would become the infidelity in ancient times. In order to find the whereabouts of humane origin.

The problem is that once you find your true self, you will realize the true body of your original sin.

The two are mutual.

Although the old monk said that falsehood is original sin, original sin is not falsehood.

But Gu Qingfeng felt that the so-called vain is the original sin, and the original sin is the vain, and the two do not distinguish each other at all.

Whether it is or not.

Candling around, going around a large circle, in the end still can not escape the four words of falsehood and original sin.

Since he was confused and realized in his self, Gu Qingfeng has taken a lot of light on the four words of guilty original sin. It doesn't matter whether he resists or accepts. He doesn't resist or accept. Everything goes along with everything. natural.

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