
Vol 2 Chapter 1792: Alive

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Rumors are rumors after all.

No one knows whether it is true or not.

You ca n’t believe this stuff completely, but you ca n’t help but believe it. It ’s enough to believe only two or three points. Others have more power to listen to a joke.

Want to come in ancient breeze.

It was no coincidence that nature hard-cranked a seed to itself at that time, and one of them was sure to be unkempt.

The purpose behind it is nothing more than three.

Either want to use yourself.

If it is rumored that Xiandao and Tiandao conspired to suppress humanity and nature, then in the ancient times, when nature recovers, it will inevitably compete with Tiandao Xiandao. Certain people must be used to contain Tiandao and Xiandao.

This is one of them.


Another purpose may be to set yourself up.

I am afraid that nature has long known that it is a person of original sin and an ill-intentioned self. It is the biggest variable in ancient times. It may cause ancient catastrophes in the future. What kind of tricks you put on yourself to restrain yourself against it, just in case.

If it is not the first and the second possible, then only the third is possible.

It is cause and effect.

Causality is unclear and unclear. It is related to past life, but also to this life, and even to the afterlife. It can be said that it involves the past, the present, and the future.

Just to make you guess, you can guess what the two words causality mean.

In addition to the seeds that nature had shoved into its own back then, the avenue seed that smashed into its own body with the turbulent flow of the road also made Gu Qingfeng feel a sense of extreme fear.

To this day, he still clearly remembers that he was practicing, and suddenly found that the turbulent streets appeared.

The turbulence of the avenue is not to say that it can be encountered if it can be met. Only the avenue collapses or the avenue perishes.

It does not matter.

It is important that when the turbulence of the avenue appeared, there happened to be a avenue seed hitting Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng knew that nature would not force itself to give a seed for no reason.

The sky will not fall for no reason and a boulevard seed will hit you.

He didn't know what seeds nature had tucked into himself.

It is also unknown what the avenue seed that fell from the sky was.

The only thing I know.

After the fallen avenue seed fell on himself, he somehow merged with himself, and it felt as if he belonged to him, just like the raindrops falling in the sky into the sea, without distinguishing one another.

And after merging with that avenue seed, Gu Qingfeng had somehow felt that someone was sending a message to himself.

To this day, he still remembers clearly.

The avenue seed said they found themselves and were still looking for themselves.

Also let yourself be careful of the Po Wa people, beware of the Kaye people.

Also let yourself not believe in cause and effect, saying that it is their trap.

He also said that he should not let himself believe in past life, or even believe in himself.

There are as many past lives as there are cause and effect.

Finally, I told myself to find a woman, that the woman had herself on the back, and repeatedly told that she must find the woman.

These words have so far failed to understand what is going on.

The so-called them in the seed mouth of Dadao refer to who Gu Qingfeng did not know.

No Gu Qingfeng, no Gu Ye people, and who are they, Gu Qingfeng did not know, unheard of.

Gu Qingfeng doesn't quite understand why there are as many causes and effects as himself.

What's even more depressing for Gu Qingfeng is that Dadao Seed also said that he wanted to find a woman, what woman? Why does that woman have herself? Gu Qingfeng did not want to understand his head.

Originally, I was thinking of some clues from the old monk, but unfortunately, when the ancient Qingfeng mentioned it, the old monk was silent.

He knows that the dying old monk must know what is the Powa and the Gaya people, but he doesn't want to say anything.

To be precise, it is not to be said.

At that time, the old monk had clearly told Gu Qingfeng that he did not want to say something, nor could he not say it, but he did not dare to say it.

As for why he didn't dare, the old monk didn't say clearly.

I don't know why he didn't dare.

Gu Qingfeng thought that about ninety-nine percent of the so-called Kaye people and Laozi sons and daughters-in-law are related to the Wudao Age.

It is not known what has to do with the era of injustice.

Gu Qingfeng has been stuck in this heart for a long time. He always wanted to find the answer to this puzzle, but unfortunately, there was no way to start, there was no clue, and there was nowhere to find.


Seriously, even if you know where to look, Gu Qingfeng may not go.

Because I have been tossing for most of my life, I am really too lazy to toss, and I really ca n’t toss. He has too many things on his body. If he is tossing, it will be over, and he will definitely fall into it completely. Even if you want to relax and have a drink, I'm afraid you can't relax anymore.

In this life, people say that they are neither long nor short. Gu Qingfeng had tossed most of his life in order to survive. In the latter half of his life, he didn't want to toss about the messy mess about causality. Can't toss out a reason, even if I really solved all my doubts, but also understood the cause and effect, what about it? What's the point in this life that his mother was frightened for some broken things?

This is just tossing and understanding. If tossing and not tossing and understanding at the end, it will be more **** and more vain.

Gu Qingfeng lived not for tossing but to enjoy life. In order to survive, he had tossed his youth into his youth. Now he has a little bit of chicness and does not need to run around for survival. He doesn't want to Just toss into a great life.

Now, he doesn't want to do anything, he just wants to float around like nothing, and count the day after the day.

"Two sisters, you say, why do people live for life?"

Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked such a sentence, making both the centrifugal fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian one of them. Xu didn't expect that he was still so arrogant and ruthless. .

Qing Qing took a moment to think about Xianxian, shook his head and said, "Master Huihui ~ ~ I ... I have never thought about this problem, and ... I don't know what people live for."

"You are still young, you really shouldn't think about this kind of nihilistic question." Gu Qingfeng glanced at the centrifugal fairy and asked, "How about you, centrifugal sister, have you thought about this problem?"

"I ..." The centrifugal fairy hesitated for a moment, carefully responding: "I think people should chase their dreams alive."

"This is a standard answer." Gu Qingfeng asked again, "What is your dream?"

"I ... my dream is small."

"Dream is big or small, speak it out, maybe he will help you realize it."

"My ... dream is to find a wishful Langjun, live in seclusion, and live some ordinary life." After saying that, the centrifugal fairy said a little shyly: "I'm sorry, let the grandfather laugh."

"Is there anything to laugh at or laugh at, except ... our dreams are almost the same. Look at me, if you can meet each other, or we can just make up for it."

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