
Vol 2 Chapter 1806: Stimulated

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While Gu Qingfeng and Huode were chatting, they were about to leave this barren secret, and suddenly found that there were glimmers of light flashing from time to time in the sky. These glories flew across the night sky like a shooting star, and both knew that these glory Fairy light blooms, each brilliance represents a fairy.

"There are people in the place where the birds don't shit?"

Gu Qingfeng glanced up and found that there were still many immortals in the sky, hundreds of them.

Huo De also looked around. He found that these immortals were flying around in the air, as if they were looking for something, and said, "Estimate what kind of treasures you are looking for?"

"This broken place talks about aura, not even turbidity, and it's a wonder that it can contain heaven and earth treasures."

"Who knows, why don't we go and see?"

"Look at Mao, what's so good about this."

"Isn't your kid just fine watching the fun?"

"It's not bad to take a look at the fun and have fun, but now I just want to find a place to have a drink and sleep."

"Well, let's go, leave here, in the wilderness, the old man will take you to eat delicious and spicy, toil your kid!"

"It's daring."

The ancient Qingfeng jumped up, and in an instant, the person was already in the mid-air. Huode had no such ability as the ancient Qingfeng, which disappeared as soon as he moved. He could only offer the flying sword honestly and imperially. Walk with the sword.

Standing in the air, glanced at the fire, Gu Qingfeng said impatiently: "I said, can you hurry up? Why mother-in-law?"

"Nonsense! Do you think the old man doesn't want to hurry? This is already the old man's fastest speed, okay, he just had to use his milk hard!"

After a long time, Huode got up with it, watching Gu Qingfeng's intention to leave again, he quickly grabbed Gu Qingfeng and said, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?"

"My husband always wanted to ask you one thing, what's so mysterious about your boy's evil manner? The old man saw his boy's evil, whether he walked in the air or leaped up, very careless. The disappearance disappeared without a trace, and I said that the old man's people could not keep up, even the consciousness could not keep up. Your boy taught the old man to be uncle. "

"Want to learn?"

"Of course I want to learn."

"You can't learn."

"What does it mean for an old man to learn? You have n’t taught it yet. How do you know if an old man can't learn? I said, Gu, you look down on people too much."

"I didn't look down on you."

"You just look down on my husband!"

"Well, you're right, I just look down on you."


Huode's anger was glaring at Gu Qingfeng, and the roots of his teeth were tickling, and said, "Your cub is too hurting to speak! No! The old man couldn't swallow this breath, let's make a bet!"

"What bet?"

"Don't you look down on the husband? Don't you think the husband can't learn? What if the husband learns?"

"Huode, it's not that Ye didn't want to teach you, and Ye really didn't look down on you, you really can't learn."

"Indeed, your kid isn't looking down on the old man, you are too lazy to look down on the old man! It's even more humiliating to the old man's incompetence! Today you must teach the old man if the old man can't learn, even the old man's incompetence! If the old man learns, your kid must give the old man a statement. "


Gu Qingfeng smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, then you listen carefully. Grandpa and me are self-made, named Takong Xing, Ta is broken, and empty is space. Empty, lines are horizontal lines, do you understand? "

"You can understand anything?" Huo De said suddenly: "Your boy didn't say anything about his mother, you just called the empty line, you talk about the cultivation method."

"I have already said that stepping is a broken stepping, empty is the empty space, and the line is a horizontal line. Are you stumped and can't understand?"

"What do you mean?" Huod thought for a while, and said, "Don't you mean that you are ... stepping into space and running across the world?"

"Yes, that's what it means. Can you break the space?"


Huoyu was stuffed, staring at Gu Qingfeng in amazement, and said, "The old man's mother didn't even understand the word space, how to break the space."

Huo De knows that in the great wilderness, whether it is the cave heaven or the mysterious heaven, it is a kind of space. In addition, the small thousand world, the medium thousand world, the large thousand world, various realms, and various realms belong to space.


he knows.

However, with regard to the word space, he only knew these things, and other than that, he didn't know anything else.

"So, I said you can't learn."

"I ... you! This **** ..."

Huode has been with you for a long time, so I came out without you, an old face was red, how embarrassed and how embarrassed, he asked unbelievably: "There are barriers in all kinds of space, your boy realized this Laozizi walks in the air, that is, those so-called space barriers are like furnishings to your kid? As long as your kid is willing, which space world do you want to enter at will?

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said, "How else can you break the space and run across the world?"

"You ... you **** ... you **** really ..."

Huo De shook his head for a long time, shook his head, and said sourly: "Forget it, the old man ca n’t learn it, okay? His mother! It's more deadly than the popular one! The old man took it, really served it, the old ancestor, I take it I'm incompetent! "

Huo De's self-esteem was shattered again by Gu Qingfeng.

He can't remember this is the first time ~ ~ In the impression, since Gu Qingfeng practiced in Yunxia School that year, Huode's self-esteem began to be shattered by Gu Qingfeng's terrible fortune Unbearable. Later, as more and more stimuli were received, Huo De gradually became numb. He had no self-esteem in front of Gu Qingfeng. For this reason, Huo De suffered a lot of blows, even for a period of time. There are problems.

Not only does it not make sense to cultivate, but even life is not interesting.

I ’ve worked hard for hundreds of years, but I ca n’t get them to practice for a few years. The magic weapon of hundreds of years of hard work is not enough to make a difference. The immortal art of hard work for hundreds of years ca n’t make a random prestige. .

Under this.

Do you still practice hair?

Later, Gu Qingfeng reshaped the flesh, and dreamed back to the previous life. Huo Dezhuo thought about himself. Later he was reshaped by Gu Qingfeng, and dreamed back to the previous life. Huo Dezhuo thought that he would later reshape the flesh by Gu Qingfeng, and dreamed back to the previous life. , Huode pondering that he was later reshaped by Gu Qingfeng, and dreaming of his past life, Huode pondering that

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