
Vol 2 Chapter 1848: Amazing change

She could feel it when she heard she was awake, and Gu Qingfeng didn't talk anymore, because he knew it was not a good thing, and it was even a terrible thing.

Today's Gu Qingfeng is trapped in the whirlpool of guilty original sin, and those who can feel his existence are without exception those who are related to guilty original sin.

in other words.

Xiao Jin'er is also in this whirlpool of false original sin.

Even when Xiao Jiner brought out the bloodless moon, Gu Qingfeng already knew that Xiao Jiner was also in the whirlpool of false original sin, and even if Xiao Jiner reshaped his body in the future, he still could not get rid of the vortex of false original sin. Go out.


Know how to know.

I still hope that a miracle will happen to Xiao Jiner.


Dreams are beautiful, this world is always so cruel.

After all, Xiao Jiner still couldn't get rid of the original sin.

Found that Gu Qingfeng suddenly became silent, Xiao Jin'er sat opposite, frowning, and asked with concern: "Brother, what are you thinking, why don't you speak?"

"It's nothing." Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly, looked up and took a sip of wine, and asked, "How has Jiner been in these years?"

"Jin'er had a great time, of course, but he always missed his elder brother very much."

Gu Qingfeng wiped Xiao Jin'er's nose and said, "How can you learn to make a flattery when you are young?"

"I didn't slap the elder brother, Jiner said the truth."

"I heard Huo De said that he has been practicing Su Shi's master sister Cang Yan in Langya Blessing for many years?"

"Uh, my brother and sister in Langya Fudi are very nice to Jin Er. Jin Er wants to practice, but he does n’t want to practice. Brother and sister take me out to play. In many cases, Jin Er will follow her sister to talk in the heavens and the world. Road. "

"Oh, that's good." Gu Qingfeng nodded and asked, "Yes, when did you remember the past?"

"It's been a long time. I used to have strange dreams intermittently. At first Jiner didn't care, but later, as the frequency of dreaming increased and the dream became clearer, Jiner gradually thought of the previous things."

"Then do you know why you lost your previous memories?"

"I know, sister Sister worried that my previous memories would affect my growth, and also worried that I would be unhappy in the future, so she sealed my previous memories."

"Do you know that?" Gu Qingfeng was surprised. "How did you know?"

"Sister Mi told me."

"So, Su Shi also knows that you remember the past?"

"Uh-huh, I know."

"Hey! This is a rare thing. Su Shi knew that previous memories would affect your growth, and just let you remember the past?"

"Big brother." Xiao Jin'er was obviously a little unhappy. "Don't you want Jin'er to remember the past?"

"No! Jiner, don't get me wrong, elder brother doesn't mean that, I just can't understand Su Shi's thoughts."

"What's incomprehensible to me is that my sister-in-law hurts me. No matter what I do, my sister-in-law supports me. I also listen to my sister-in-law. This time I came to my elder brother secretly and only got my sister's consent of."

"You came here alone, and Su Shi knew that?"

"Of course I know." Xiao Jin'er shook the sword in his hands, and the white horse that was always following him, and said, "My elder sister knows that I'm coming for the elder brother, not only gave Jiner a horse, but also I sent this sword and made Jin'er defend herself on the road. "

This ancient breeze was even more confused.

Knowing that Xiao Jiner was gradually remembering her previous memories, Su Shi could not stop it. Even Xiao Jiner came to find himself secretly, even Su Shi nodded in agreement.

Is she stumped not to know that the existence of Xiao Jin'er is equally incompatible?

She was stumped and didn't know that Xiao Jin'er was also in the whirlpool of false original sin?

Don't you know that everyone in the heavens and earth is staring at themselves now? Why did you ask Xiao Jiner to come and find herself?

Do not!

Su Shi knew.

And she knew better than anyone else.

But if you know, why do you do that?

What medicine is she selling in this gourd?

Not sure.

For a while and a half, Gu Qingfeng couldn't think of which one Su Su was singing.

"Brother, can Jiner ask you something?"

"whats the matter?"

"Why don't you go see your sister-in-law for so long?"

"What am I asking her for?"

"Doesn't Big Brother want to slap sister?"

"This ..." Gu Qingfeng stretched his back, facing Xiao Jiner, he didn't know how to answer this question.

"Big brother, do you know? Sister Sister has been waiting for you, although Sister Sister did not say to me personally, but Jin Er knows, Sister Sister must miss you very much. When I followed Sister Sister Preaching and preaching, often At dusk, sister-in-law would be dazed by the sunset alone. Sister-in-law said that she likes dusk, in fact ... Jiner knows that sister-in-law does not like dusk, but because sister-in-law always thinks of big brother at sunset. "

"Actually, Jiner came to the elder brother ~ ~ not only because she missed her but also wanted her to see her sister."

Xiao Jin'er looked pitifully at Gu Qingfeng, begging: "Sister Sister, really ... really pitiful, brother, can't you go and see Sister Sister?"

"Jiner, Su Shi agreed to let you come to me, or would you just let me see her?"

"No! No, this is Jiner's own thoughts. When she came, Jiner also told her sisters' thoughts, but sisters did not agree."

"It won't matter. Your sister Su Shi doesn't want to see me. Why do you keep letting me see her?"

"Sister Xi doesn't want to see you, but she knows that you don't want to see her, so Sister Xi doesn't want to force you at all." Xiao Jin'er said quietly, "Sister Xi is really pitiful."

"Jin Er, I'm sorry for your elder brother, and there are some things you don't understand, so don't force your brother anymore, okay?"

"Jiner may not understand it before, but it doesn't mean that Jiner doesn't understand it now."

Gu Qingfeng smiled, jokingly and asked: "Then what do you understand? Tell me to listen."

"The elder brother is deeply guilty of false guilt, and it is deep and deep, and may even cause the ancient catastrophe, and the sister-in-law is the true robber. The relationship between the older brother and the sister-in-law is like Water and fire are so common that they are destined to stand opposite each other in the future. "

After hearing that, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but startled and stared at Xiao Jin'er deeply. After a while, he asked, "Is Su Shi telling you these things?"

"Sister Xi will not tell me this, and no one told Jin Er." Xiao Jin Er shook her head and said very seriously: "Big brother, I just said that Jin Er already knew nothing about that before Ignorant little girl, Jiner knows many things. "

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