
Vol 2 Chapter 1855: resentment

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A horse walked into the garden.

The horse is a holy white dragon.

There were two people riding on horseback.

One was a man in white, looking unruly.

One is a young girl who looks petite and exquisite with a sword.

It is Gu Qingfeng and Xiao Jiner.

"Oh, it's quite lively today."

Gu Qingfeng smiled faintly, and hugged Xiao Jiner and jumped off the white horse.

"Sister Chiaki, why are you here?"

Xiao Jin'er seemed a little surprised when she saw Nalan Qianqiu.

"What do you say I'm here."

Nalan Qianqiu was dressed in costume, with a calm look, majestic, and cold words.

At this moment, Xiao Jin'er is like a little girl doing wrong things, she bows her head and admits wrong: "I'm sorry, sister Qianqiu, Jin'er shouldn't run out alone."

"Standing out of the house alone, without saying a word, do you still have my sister in your eyes?"

Nalan Qianqiu was about to blame Xiao Jiner. At this time, Gu Qingfeng came over and sat directly on the stool in the gazebo, saying, "I asked Xiao Jiner to come and find me. What's wrong, what do you think? "

Nalan Qianqiu did not turn around, but turned her back on the ancient Qingfeng, and said lightly, "How dare a little girl have an opinion on the Emperor You."

"It's good to have no comments."

Gu Qingfeng took a sip of wine and looked at Jin'er, saying, "Jin'er, don't you say that you miss the days in the northwest? Since you are back, let your aunt Feiyue take you everywhere Let's see."

"Jiner, go, aunt takes you to see."

Feiyue seems to know the meaning of Gu Qingfeng's words, and she will leave with Jin Jiner. Xiao Jiner first looked at Gu Qingfeng and then looked at Nalan Qianqiu. She looked a little worried, opened her mouth, and said something. No more, nothing left, and followed Feiyue left.

When Xiao Jin'er left, Nalan Qianqiu just felt uncomfortable, especially when Gu Qingfeng was behind her, but she didn't drink alcohol, and it made her look nervous.

If she could, she really didn't want to see Gu Qingfeng.

the reason is simple.

She hates Gu Qingfeng, she is dreadful, and afraid.

I hate it because she can't get used to the virtues of the ancient Qingfeng. She used to gang up in the wild when she was in the wild. It was either to tease the maiden on this avenue or to seduce the maid on that avenue. It was a disappointment with her sister-in-law Su Shi, and it made Nalan Qianqiu particularly disgusted with Gu Qingfeng.

of course.

In addition to hate, she is more afraid of Gu Qingfeng, and even has some shadows about Gu Qingfeng.

Because when Gu Qingfeng burned for nine days, she had beaten her. If it wasn't for her master sister Cang Yan, she might have been harvested by Gu Qingfeng at that time.

As a blessed person in Langya, the master sister is Cangyan, the master of Langya, which is a great wilderness. The little sister is also the famous lady maiden. Nalan Qianqiu is also a noble lady in Xiandao. Give her Nalan Qianqiu some face, no one would dare to mess with her. She was never beaten since she was a child. The time when she was beaten by Gu Qingfeng was the first and only time.

That incident kept Nalan Qianqiu anxious, until now when I think of it, she is shaking with anger.


She also knew the existence of Gu Qingfeng, which was too terrible, so even though she was angry, she didn't dare to say anything in front of Gu Qingfeng.

"What's wrong, sister Chiaki, how long have things been going on and still angry with me?"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng mentioning the events of the year, Nalan sighed coldly and did not speak.

"Before, we didn't know each other ..."

Gu Qingfeng just opened his mouth, and Nalan Qianqiu turned around instantly, staring at Gu Qingfeng in anger and yelling, "Don't you dare not know? I was in a secret world, and I was walking with a ghost Did you get hunted down by the masters of Xiandao in the secret world, did I help you solve it? "

"Sister, you weren't helping me back then, you were helping those people in Xiandao. If you weren't here, I would have killed them already."

"Well your surname is ancient, you can really turn black and white upside down!"

"What's wrong? Isn't that stumbling? With Ye Ye's original ability, isn't it the same as killing an ant?

"It wasn't Xiandaoyu who chased you back then, but the law enforcers of Xiandao!"

"In your eyes, they are the law enforcement agents of Xiandao. In the eyes of Ye, they are just a few ants."

"OK! OK! OK!"

Nalan Qianqi's complexion changed, glaring at Gu Qingfeng, biting her teeth, and she said, "Even so, do you still say we don't know each other?"

Thinking of the events of that year, Nalan Qianqiu was both angry and grieved, and yelled, "At that time, you and Nine Heavens were the enemy. I just stepped out and persuaded you, and you even tried to deal with me. You not only hurt me And ... also want to kill me! "

"Sister, you know what happened back then, how honest you and me are, but I haven't messed with you for nine days, you chased me for nine days, you have to kill me, grandfather and I have been bullied by you It ’s really impossible, everyone is crazy, the consciousness is blurred, the killing sky is dark, and the killing eyes are red, and I do n’t remember what happened later. ”

"You don't remember, but I remember clearly! I will never forget the words you said to me at the time. You called me a little girl in front of so many people, and you said you would let me go. If you kill me, you will kill us Langya ... "

"Is this happening?" Gu Qingfeng looked at Nalan Qianqiu in doubt and asked, "Why can't you remember?"

"You don't pretend to be confused with me!"

Aside ~ ~ Huo De was still curious just now, is there any grudge between Gu Qingfeng and Nalan Qianqiu, until now he can understand, dare to love that the ancient boy almost killed Nalan Qianqiu that year, No wonder Nalan Qianqiu was so angry when she saw Gu Qingfeng.

Although Huo De didn't know what happened then, listening to Nalan Qianqiu's meaning seemed to be that Gu Qingfeng and Jiutian Xiandao went to war, and Nalan Qianqiu stepped out to persuade him, but was almost killed by Gu Qingfeng.

Based on Huo De's understanding of the ancient breeze, this kind of thing was definitely done.

He knows better than anyone that if Gu Qingfeng kicked off the killing ring, it would definitely be denied by six relatives.

I said that there are no friends who have friendship, even if they have friendship, it doesn't work.

About it.

Huo De has a deep understanding. When Gu Qingfeng was about to destroy the immortal dynasty, Huo De came out to persuade him. As a result, instead of persuading, he was almost killed by Gu Qingfeng. Since then, as long as Gu Qingfeng is strong Start the killing ring, he will hide as far as he can, and never join again.

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