
Vol 2 Chapter 1858: Go back and tell 9 days, I am back

"If you are really fooled and fight against Jiutianxiandao, Jiutianxiandao may not be able to do anything for you, but you will definitely not be able to destroy today's Jiutianxiandao. There will be only one result at that time, and that is the result of both defeats. What they want is this result. Behind the scenes They can take advantage of the fishermen. "

Gu Guqingfeng asked, "Isn't it?"

怎么 "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"The people behind the scenes are not necessarily directed at the grandfather? Can't they be aimed at your nine-day immortal road?" Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly: "Your nine-day immortal roads have either oppressed this avenue or suppressed that avenue in order to dominate the world these years. In ancient times, people did not dare to challenge you. In ancient times, their ancestors were awake, and they definitely do not want to be bullied by your nine heavens. "

"I heard that some time ago, did n’t Yaodao break up with you Xiandao? Bao Buqi, who helped the scene behind the scenes, is that Yaodao wants to play your fairy road, not to mention ..."

The smile on Gu Qingfeng's mouth became more intense, saying: "Your nine heavenly paths can dominate the world, completely stealing the position of others' heaven. They have been dormant for so many years and have been unbearable. It ’s time for Tiandao to come out, maybe this time the Tao is the master behind the scenes. "

After drinking a glass of wine, Gu Qingfeng continued: "Also, in the impression of Grandpa, Tiandao also likes to play this kind of tricks."

"You are right. At this time, it may be that other avenues are deliberately directed at Jiutianxiandao, but whether it is directed at you or Jiutianxiandao, this is a conspiracy. As long as you are the king of the emperor, you avoid the limelight. They wo n’t be fooled, would n’t it kill two birds with one stone? ”

"This sounds fine, but ..." Gu Qingfeng asked, "Why is it that you and me are out of the limelight, why don't you Jiutian Xiandao avoid it?"

"You emperor, you might be a bit hard for some strong men to say this. Now the immortal **** of the world, the heavens and the world, and the peace and prosperity of the world are unprecedented worlds. If you show up, you will break this world and set off in the wilderness. There is a huge wave, and how Jiutianxiandao will stay out of it, even if you don't want to care, you have to come forward. "

"In a word, Grandpa can lose his face, but Jiutianxiandao can't lose his face, right?"

"It's not about losing face or losing face, it's ... this is ... for the benefit of everyone." Nalan Qianqi was anxious, but for a while she didn't know how to persuade the ancient Qingfeng, and said: "Not to mention that nowadays all heavens and heavens I do n’t know if the person from Xuantian Ship must be You Emperor. Where did you lose face, then, do you still have face in Jiutian Xiandao? When you burned Jiutian with Youhu for nine days, what kind of face is there in Xiandao? throw?"

"Ha ha."

Gu Gu Qingfeng smiled, drank his own wine, and asked, "I have something to ask you, if the Lord insists on avoiding the limelight, what are you going to do on Jiutianxian Road?"

Nalan Qianqiu bowed her head and drank alcohol, as if hesitating to answer the question of Gu Qingfeng, thinking over and over again, she finally decided to respond truthfully, saying: "I do n’t know how to prepare for the Immortal Road of Jiutian, I only know that Those who enforce the law, those who are destined, and those who should be robbed have received the imperial edicts of the Immortals, and all the nine-day ancestors, including the Sanqing Four Royals, have also cleared the gate. The origins of the immortals have been opened, and the law of the immortals has been activated , The trial of Xiandao has all started ... "

"Some people behind the scenes may be directed at Jiutian Xiandao, but I think that compared to the top of Dadao, Sanqian Dadao wants to obliterate you. This threat to the world may cause the existence of ancient catastrophe. , Other avenues will definitely follow behind. "

"You emperor, all the grudges between you and our Jiu Tian Xian Dao have passed. In ancient times, our ancestors of Jiu Tian Xian Dao were all asleep, and those who dominated Nine Days were some pedantic and incompetent people. I do n’t want to be your enemy, and I want to resolve your grievances with Jiu Tian. Before I came, some of my ancestors from Jiu Tian also specifically explained to me. If you want, they would like to invite you to sit for nine days. Apologies for offending you in ancient times. "

Looking at the quiet ancient Qingfeng, Nalan Qianqiu stood up and poured wine, and said carefully: "Yi Emperor, the nine ancestors who were awakened in nine days are enlightened people. They don't want to be against you. If they can, they also I hope to work with you to resolve this ancient and ancient catastrophe. "

"Nine days have been so cold for Grandpa, I really can't adapt to it."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Nalan Qianqiu cheerfully, stretched out his arm, and laughed: "You see the goose bumps are all up, after these nine days dominate the world, it's different. The routines are deeper and harder than before. No, start playing soft? "

"You Emperor."

Nalan Qianqiu said truthfully: "Whether you believe it or not, what I said just now is very sincere, so, for yourself, for Jiner, for all of us, for heaven and earth, for all beings, hope You can think it over. "

Hearing that Nalan Qianqiu raised Jin'er, Gu Qingfeng raised a brow slightly, although the corner of his mouth was still smiling, but this smile was no longer free and easy, but gradually became an arrogant and overwhelming smile. What's wrong with Jiner? What's wrong? Listen to your tone, if you don't agree with me today, you are still going to threaten me with Jiner? "

"No! No!"

Nalan Qianqiu's complexion changed in shock and quickly explained: "You emperor, you must not misunderstand, I don't mean it at all, how can I threaten you with Jiner."

"What do you mean?"

"Jin'er always cares about you, and doesn't want you to get into trouble. If you fight with us again, Jin'er will worry about you, and my sister and sister said, Jiner's situation can't be overjoyed, and The blood of your original sin and the blood curse of Jin'er have a great source. If Jin'er is sad because of you, it is very likely to awaken the blood moon curse again. Thinking about it, there really is no other meaning. "

"I always could n’t figure out why Su Shi would let Jin'er come over. Now I heard you say, Grandpa seems to understand a little bit." Gu Qingfeng said: "Why do n’t you say it is a maiden or a routine Shallow. "

"Oh my God!"

Nalan Qianqiu was about to collapse, explaining: "You emperor, how can you guess so wildly, my sister asked Jiner to come here, not to persuade you ~ ~ or to let you have Do n’t worry, you do n’t mean to threaten you halfway. Do n’t misunderstand, okay, this time, it ’s Xiao Jin'er himself! ”

"What does Su Shi mean, don't you say it, I know it very well."

Laogu Qingfeng stood up and said, "Okay, big sister, it's not too early, my grandfather won't leave you."

等等 "Wait, you ... are you leaving now?"

"if not?"

"Whether you promise or not?"

"depend on mood."

"What is mood?"

Gu Qingfeng, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped, turned around, stared at Nalan Qianqiu, and said coldly, "Looking at the mood means that the grandfather can do whatever he wants, understand?"

"You emperor, you can't ..."

She Nalan Qianqiu just spoke, but when she touched the dark eyes of Gu Qingfeng, she never dared to say any more.

"Go back and bring me two sentences. The first sentence was brought to nine days. Tell them and I will be back."

"The second sentence brought Su Su, Xiao Jiner, I gave it to her. If Jiner had any mistakes, I would go to her for the last time."

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