
Vol 2 Chapter 1877: Dishonest domain master

This humanitarian shark.

It is both the master of the fairy court and the domain master of Miluo Tianyu. The Great Wilderness is called the shark elephant master, who rules the original law of Miluo Tianyu and dominates the three thousand worlds in the heaven. It is a veritable and well-deserved heavenly master.

There are three major hobbies.

Drink, eat meat, listen to music.

On weekdays, I ’m addicted to drinking and drinking wine and wine in the kiln for three days. There is n’t a small amount of virtues that Tianyu overlords should have. Even Tianyu ’s government affairs are too lazy to pay attention to it. Milo Tianyu ’s big and small things are also everyone. The elders of Xianting are talking about this. I have n’t done any serious business except eating, drinking, and having fun all the time. Of course, word-of-mouth is not bad, and it can be said that there is no word-of-mouth at all. People in Miluo Tianyu mention this domain owner, Shaking his head and sighed in four words, wine bag rice bag.

of course.

Everyone just talked about it.

In fact, I know in my heart that the person who can take the seat of the domain master is definitely not a wine bag rice bag, and nine days will not let a wine bag rice bag that eats, drinks, and plays all day to take charge of the laws of order in one heaven.

It is said.

The shark-like master was also a big man in his time. When he was not the master of the heavenly domain, he once slapped a fairyland, and heard that he had killed the demon himself. Not only that, but it was also reported that he was killed by people. Desolation Void Beast.

Whether this is true or not, no one knows, and no one has seen it, anyway, everyone passed it on.

There is also the mysterious background of the shark-like domain owner. No one knows where the puppet actually came from, even how many years he has cultivated, and the predecessor of which era is unknown. For so many years Since then, the only impression other than delicious and lazy is the addiction.

Therefore, shark elephant domain owners also have a lot of nicknames, what big shark elephant, what old-fashioned pig.


Those anxious Lords gathered above the main hall, looking at the sharks, this time, eating meat and drinking like no one else, and humming Xiaoqu, they really do n’t know what to say, and finally everyone I couldn't bear it, and said.

"Master Domain Master, the sky is about to fall down, why are you still ... still in the mood to drink and eat meat!"

The shark-like domain owner sat on the throne, closed his eyes, shook his head, and played with two skulls in his hands. When he heard the words, he didn't open his eyes. He just took the bowl and took a sip of wine. Can't fall. "

The masters of the immortals above the hall looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, and didn't know what to say.

"Master Lord, if the Emperor Yu really returns from his death and resurrection, even if the sky does not fall, it will be almost."

The shark-like domain owner said indifferently: "It's not yet confirmed that You Emperor Yu really died and resurrected, what are you anxious for!"

"Although you haven't seen Youdi, you can basically confirm that Youdi is really back."

"What's the matter here? Without saying it, it must be in Luo Tianyu."

"Master Domain Master, what if the Emperor is in our Luo Tianyu?"

"That's what it is! Don't be afraid of anything in case of anything, just in case."

Finally, the shark elephant domain owner opened his eyes and rubbed his chin, saying, "If the Emperor really appeared in our Luo Tianyu, it would be really difficult."

"So, I hope that the master of the domain will get an idea, so we can prepare as soon as possible."

"You guys call me the idea, so let's just wait for the will of nine days."

An immortal lord asked, "We just have to wait like this. It's not a way to do it. If Jiutian's will has not come down, and the Emperor appears, what should I do?"

"What can you do? You can do whatever you want." The shark elephant domain owner tore off a bull's leg and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing. . "

"What! Eat or drink? Lord Tianyu, that is Emperor You, the enemy of our fairyland, and it threatens the existence of heaven and earth. Now I do n’t know how many people have come to Miluo Tianyu. It will cause chaos. How can we, as the fairy officials of Miluo Tianyu, sit and watch? "

"Yes, now the masters of all the wonderland are waiting outside for our letter. If the Emperor appears, and we sit idly by, then what other faces of our fairy officials will stand in Miluo Tianyu? What else? Face staying in Miluo Tianyu? "

"As the immortal officer of Miluo Tianyu, it is our duty to maintain the order of Miluo Tianyu. It is our duty to protect the safety of everyone's lives. Otherwise, we are sorry for the nine days of grace, and we are sorry for the trust of millions of immortals ... ... "


Before the words of the Lord of the Immortals were finished, they were interrupted by the Shark Lord, and he said impatiently: "Hey, what are my duties and responsibilities with Master, I do n’t want to listen, since you do n’t agree with me Then, what do you say? Or wait for the Emperor to appear, let us all copy the guys to destroy the Emperor? "

The words fell, and the Lord of the Immortals gathered above the hall. Look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

"Why don't you talk?"

"Do n’t dare? Have you persuaded? Anyone dare? If you dare to stand up, Master, I immediately gave up the seat of the Lord of the Heavens and let him do it, who dares?

"Who just held the obligation to maintain the order of Miluo Tianyu, and it is the duty to protect the lives of everyone? Come here, come out and tell Laozi to see how big your face is?"

The heads of all the fairy dynasties had red ears and red ears, and no one dared to answer.

The shark elephant domain owner took a sip of wine ~ ~ and said: "Everyone is a smart person, so whoever plays these imaginary heads, who will not shout? Lao Tzu will shout, and Lao Tzu will shout The slogan is absolutely shocking, but the key is that the light will shout that the slogan has a fart, and also say that I am sorry for the nine days of grace, and I am sorry for the trust of hundreds of millions of immortals. You really are not ashamed. Slogan, you don't feel panic, I feel sick! "

The shark-like domain lord satirically satirized the lords of the imperial court in the hall and said, "I really ask you to copy the guys to fight with the emperor. Counselling, Lao Tzu also counsels, who does n’t counsel in the face of the Emperor? Saying something disrespectful, including Jiutianxiandao, may also counsel. If you do n’t counsel, you have already longed for your will, and you need to slogan here?

"Master Tianyu, then you say, what shall we do?"

"I didn't say that just now. Wait for the will of nine days. If it doesn't go down, we will just wait."

"Well ... how should we explain to those outside Wonderland masters?"

"What to explain? Lao Tzu, a domain master of Miluo Tianyu, do you still have to explain to them? It's against them!"

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