
Vol 2 Chapter 1892: Touch the nail again

"Whether you admit it or not, the old man is the ruler of Miluo Tianyu!" Shengyang Gong stood in front of Da Ri Long Ling, twisting his beard, yelled proudly: "Now my Da Guang Guang Xian Dao is for the road The first is the Lord of Nine Heavens, who controls the world. Everyone knows that the old man who is the master of the heavens enshrined in the Nine Heavens Immortal Road does not need your heavenly recognition. "

"The Big Sun Guangxian Road is the head of the avenue, and the master of the nine heavens who dominate the world? Hehehe."

The old man named Lotus shook his head and smiled.

"No more nonsense, the old man came here to search the whereabouts of Youdi's criminals, not to intentionally embarrass you, and not to contradict the heavenly road. Please cooperate with me to sacrifice the old Qing tower and ask the old man to visit exactly."

"Fang Caiyun has already made it clear that You Emperor has never been. As for whether you believe it or not, it is your business. You want to enter the Qing Tower to search. You do n’t have this qualification yet. Hey, let ’s go and ignore it. they."

After her mother-in-law said that she would leave with Yun Yun and others around.


Mother-in-law of Lotus stopped but just didn't turn around, and said, "I don't know what else to teach about Shenggong?"

"Your Lord is the Lord of the Heavenly Way of Miluo Tianyu, knowing that the criminal of the Emperor You has returned. Instead of just sitting around and not cooperating with the husband's search, is this the so-called Heavenly Way? Does your mind still have the responsibility to guard the avenue? ? "

"It seems that you just said that the Great Sunshine Fairy Road is the head of the avenue in ancient times, and the master of the nine heavens that dominates the world. The responsibility of the people of this road is naturally guarded by your Great Sunshine Road." Mother-in-law of Lotus said: "If the old man hasn't heard anything wrong, you seem to have said something. If the heavens are unjust, then you will be as if the sky is dead. Then, you will be as the sky is dead."


Shengyanggong was speechless for a while, and wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say, because he did say that the heavens were unjust, and Cangtian was dead.

Mother-in-law of Lotus left, and returned to Shangqingzong with Yun and others.

And Shengyang Gong stood in front of Da Ri Long Yan, his face was blue, staring at Shang Qingzong, his hands behind him were just holding, his heart was angry.

Before he came, he didn't put Shang Qingzong in his eyes. Even if the supreme Yunzhang was a heavenly immortal, even the Shang Qingzong had a strong background. He is not afraid of being the ruler of Luo Tianyu, because he came this time. In order to search the whereabouts of Youdi's criminal, for this reason alone, no matter how high the other's strength and how powerful his identity background is, he is fearless.

There is a way to be upright and righteous, not afraid of heaven or earth.

Even if Shang Qingzong now has a heavenly master and three heavenly guardians, Shengyanggong is still not afraid.

Of course.

It's just not afraid.

He can not take Yun Tian as such a fairy, even if Yun Yun disagrees, he dare to use the rule of heaven to forcibly search as the administrator of heaven.

However, in the face of the sudden emergence of the master of heaven, if he uses the laws of heaven, then he will have to weigh the consequences.

of course.

If Jiutianxiandao backs him up, he will not look at the so-called masters of heavenly Tao at all.


Jiutianxiandao has no intention till now, and Shengyanggong dare not openly oppose Tiandao.

After all, Tiandao is Tiandao. Since ancient times, it has been the true ruler of heaven and earth. No matter how dare the Shengyanggong is, he would not dare to challenge the honor of Tiandao alone.

"Does Jiutianxiandao have no intention yet?"

Shengyanggong asked.

The elders in the surrounding heavens shook their heads, one by one, looking like they had a heavy heart.

in fact.

They did not agree with Shengyanggong's claim that he would search the You Emperor's whereabouts in Miluo Tianyu.

Because Jiutianxiandao has not lowered its purpose so far, without Jiutianxiandao's protection, there is no one in their hearts. After all, the search is not the ordinary devil, but the emperor who has turned the world upside down in ancient times. They are all afraid.

It ’s just that they are the students and officials of Shengyang Gong. They do n’t dare not listen to the words of Shengyang Gong. When they want to come, as long as they declare Tianyu and martial law, the major worlds will search and search, walk in the cinema, and do something Just give an explanation to the hundreds of millions of immortals in the major wonderland. At that time, no one can say that the Xianting Mansion has not done anything. They never thought that Shengyanggong would take everyone to search the ancient world.

Jiutian had a will early. The ancient world is not under the jurisdiction of Xianting Mansion, and Xianting Mansion has no right to search here. This is already considered to be against the will of Xian Dynasty. Using the laws of heaven, now everyone thinks of it.

Anyway, Yun Ye is also Tianxian. To act on her is to provoke the prestige of Tiandao, and the consequences are unthinkable, and it is not something they can afford.


The Lord of Heaven appears in time, otherwise, they really don't know how to bear the consequences.

Shengyanggong wanted to get rid of You Emperor.

They also want to get rid of You Emperor.

But the premise must be nine days immortal protection.

Shengyanggong may not be afraid of dying or offending Heaven, but they are afraid of dying and offending Heaven.

"Elder Elder, since Yun Yun has stated that the Emperor You never came, it should be true that she wanted to come. She does not need to deceive us, let alone protect the criminal of You Emperor."

"The existence of You Emperor is a life of misfortune, and it can be said that the heavens and earth cannot be tolerated. Even if the Shang Qing Sect wanted to, there is no such courage to cover the You Emperor, not to mention, the Lord of Heaven is also in the Shang Qing Sect.

The elders around Tianyu have stepped forward to persuade Shengyanggong. They are all old fritters. They know that this time when Shengyanggong came to the ancient world ~ ~, they have hit the nail twice.

One time was that the Lord of the Immortal Mo Ruyi did not give the face of Shengyang Gong.

Now came to search Shang Qingzong also touched the nail.

They all knew that Shengyang Gong's face could not be hung up, and some could not come down from the stage. Therefore, they took the initiative to stand up and persuade him to be a step for Shengyang Gong.

"Elder, now the entire Miluo Tianyu has been under full martial law. The masters of the various immortal dynasties have also carefully searched their respective worlds and have not found the whereabouts of You Emperor. Perhaps the criminal of You You is not in our Luo Tianyu. It ’s not going back first. ”

Many elders around Tianyu wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible, and went back to their homes, at least, leaving the ancient world first.

I don't know why.

Perhaps the existence of the ancient world is too special, or it may be the hometown of the Emperor. Since coming to this world, they all feel uncomfortable, and along the way, they are searching for the Emperor in the ancient world. In fact, their whereabouts have always been uneasy, because they are afraid, afraid to find the Emperor in the ancient world.

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