
Vol 2 Chapter 2061: Reentry into the ancient times

The ancient black hole in the barren wasteland revolves wildly like endless turbulence.

Rumbling-哝 !!

The loud noise came like a thunder, and the entire black ancient black hole of the earthquake was trembling violently, and the turbulent flow was shaken like smoke.

After the ancient breeze came out of the ancient ruins, the first time I felt someone was staring at myself.

More than one.

What ’s weird is that these people aren't staring at sacrifice, they are more like hiding in a corner of a black hole in a deserted ancient black hole, leaving him nowhere to be found, and no one knows who is staring at himself.

Even before, although some people were staring at him secretly, but there were not so many, and if there were none, this time out of the ancient ruins, he could clearly feel that there were many beings staring at him secretly.

Is stumped because of the so-called ominous thing?

The ancient breeze heard Fengfeng's old predecessors say that many existences have always looked at ominous things, shouldn't these people who are secretly staring at themselves all aim at the ominous thing?


He didn't know.

To be honest, if these people are really aimed at the ominous things, he wouldn't mind giving them out.

After all, he had no interest in the ominous object of Lao Zizi, and never took the initiative to ask for it. It was an ominous object that inexplicably integrated into his body.

The key point is that even if he wants to surrender the ominous thing now, he can't sense the existence of the ominous thing in himself, even what the thing is.

How can I hand it over under this condition.

I actually think about it, it's ridiculous, but it's also very depressed.

Not only is that ominous thing, he has a lot of existence on the door for some reason, but also the kind that can't be thrown away. He doesn't want it, he has to.

For example, A nose inferior evil.

Like the poor blue falls Huanghuang.

Includes the so-called original sin, the so-called falsehood, the so-called variable, and so on.

If these are all creations, then there is no doubt that they are mysterious, weird, and powerful and terrifying creations. It is precisely because of these creations that the ancient Qingfeng has always been troublesome and never rested.

Fortunately, after all these years, he has long been used to this troubled life.

麻烦 One trouble is trouble, two troubles are trouble, three four, one hundred and one thousand are trouble, no matter how much trouble, it doesn't matter to Gu Qingfeng.

After returning to the black ancient black hole, Gu Qingfeng didn't move, so he just stood there, thinking that someone who would stare at his existence secretly would come to **** the ominous things.

I was surprised by him, after waiting for a long time, no one came to snatch, even if there wasn't one, let alone snatch, even the consciousness had never come to investigate.

I waited for a while, but without seeing any movement from the other side, Gu Qingfeng did not continue to wait, and left.

Rumble! ——Stupid!

The thunderous loud noise came again, and the ancient black hole of the earthquake became more and more chaotic.

The loud noise didn't know what it was, as if it sounded at the source of the Aragu black hole, every time it came, the chaos of the Aragu black hole shook.

When the loud noise came before, the Abi inferior evil Shura in his body and Shang Qinbi fell into Huangquan were excited and excited, but later, after the inexplicable integration of ominous things in the ancient ruins, both existences became extremely quiet again. .

This time the loud noise came again, and Abi Wushenshurao and Shangqianbi fell Huanghuang again, and this time, Gu Qingfeng felt that there was still a kind of existence in his body.

Although this feeling is very weak and weak, Gu Qingfeng still felt it, and he suspected that it should be the ominous object.

It's a pity that Gu Qingfeng can only feel a kind of faint enthusiasm, still can't feel the existence of ominous things, I don't know what this thing is.

I shook my head without thinking.

I wandered inside the black ancient black hole.

The ancient ruins are still swirling inside the ancient black hole like turbulence.

It looks the same as before.

The only difference is that as the ancient black hole becomes more and more chaotic, each relic vortex continues to grow, and after touching with other relic vortexes, it merges into a larger relic vortex.

The ancient ancient breeze deliberately wandered in the ancient black hole for a while, and found that the whirlpools of the ruins are merging with each other, some are merging, some are three or four ... even more.

He is very clear that each vortex is formed by the ancient ruins. If the two vortexes are merged together, the two ancient ruins will be fused together. Ten and eight whirlpools merge together, and it is also the integration of ten and eight ancient relics.

You must know that each turbulent flow in the ancient black hole is a lot of space. These spaces are irregular and ever-changing, and they are intertwined and indistinguishable.

Although the space of the ancient ruins is not as ever-changing as the turbulent space, it has no origin and no rules. If it is integrated, it is not impossible.

I didn't think much, Gu Qingfeng pondered and went in to see.

I wandered in the black ancient black hole for a while, and deliberately found a relatively large relic swirl and rushed in.

I soon entered an ancient ruin.

Within the relic ruins, the entire sky is a huge vortex, sweeping the turbulent flow of the ancient black hole.

Below the ridge is the endless desert.

The difference is that there are many undulating sand dunes in the desert ~ ~ It looks like a continuous range of mountains, and there are many old mountain peaks in the desert, and a lot of barren Ruins.

There was a mountain peak not far from the ancient Qingfeng, and he was surprised to see that there were still several cave ruins above the mountain peak.

I'm right.

Ye is the ruins of Dongfu.

Xudong House is actually a kind of space.

He is nothing but a space opened up by magical power.

Xudong Palace has its origins like the world and the mysterious realm. If the origin disappears, the structure will gradually collapse, and the Dongfu palace will collapse with it, thus becoming a Dongfu ruins.

This thing is generally difficult to find, because after becoming a cave ruins, it is like a dust that will drift with the wind.

若 If the origin of the world space dries up, it will gradually fall from the wilderness into the endless sea.

However, Dongdong House did not, because Dongfu House was relied on such a large space as the ancient ruins. As long as the ancient remains, Dongfu will also exist.

For world space, the great wilderness is the world.

洞 For Dongfu, this world is heaven and earth.

World space was born from heaven and earth, and Dongfu was developed based on the world.

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