
Vol 2 Chapter 2067: Inquire about news

The Black Pig Demon King didn't know what was going on. I saw Gu Qingfeng waving his hand so casually. When he responded, people had disappeared from the ancient ruins, and the next moment appeared in one where there is no sky, and where there is no land, everywhere. It's a dark place.

"What is this place?"

He had been jealous of Gu Qingfeng, but now he was taken to an unfamiliar place. The Black Pig Demon King was really panicked. He ignored the injury and hurriedly explored the place. As a result, nothing was detected.

It wasn't that his eyesight didn't work, and it wasn't that he didn't know anything, but that this place really had nothing.

"A small space."

I did not see any action from the ancient Qingfeng, and somehow an old chair appeared out of thin air.

"Small space?"

After all, the black pig demon king is the existence of the destiny of the avenue, and the time of practice is more unknown than the ancient breeze. No matter the experience or experience, it is extremely rich. He is not unaware that this is a small space, he just can't figure out the so-called Where did the small space come from.

Baffled Gu Qingfeng Today's ability has now reached the space that can easily be transformed into a party?

to be frank.

If this kind of thing happened in the wild world, it would not be so shocking to call the black pig demon king.

He knows a little about Space Avenue himself. It is not difficult to open up a space to build a cave. It is nothing more than spending time and blood.

I want to say that a swipe of the hand can open up a space. At present, the Black Pig Demon King can't do it, and he can't imagine how deep the accomplishment of the space avenue can be.

However, this is not what shocked him the most. It really made him feel unbelievable, and even creepy, Gu Qingfeng could even create a space in the ancient ruins.

知道 No matter what space is created, you must rely on the law of space.

For example, to open a cave house in a certain world space, you must first understand the structure, order, and rules of world space. This is a foundation, and new spaces can only be opened on the basis of world space rules.

The question is, there is no structure at all in the ancient ruins, and there is no law of order. There is no origin. How does this guy open up a new space, and still just wave it casually?

如何 How did he do it?

I wonder.

The black pig demon king couldn't think of breaking his head.

He faced Gu Qingfeng, who was lying on a chair with Erlang's legs at ease, and he did not dare to ask.

来 "Come! See if there is an elixir that suits you, just click on it and stabilize your life first."

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng waved another hand, and in a flash, a bunch of messy things appeared in front of the Black Pig Demon King, there were all kinds of elixir, and various rare resources. Look at the Black Pig Demon King He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, Gu Qingfeng, so he didn't dare to get these resources, and said, "Ancient ... Master, you have nothing to do directly. Let's go, small ... Although the injury is severe, I can carry it for a while. "

Gu Qingfeng ran through Jiuyou with the Black Pig Demon King at that time, knowing that this person is not only mean and insidious, but also very cautious. He didn't say much, and collected the resources that still went out, saying: "You I think so much, Grandpa won't hurt you. "

I heard this sentence, the black pig demon king was quite despised.

He is not a fool. He knows the skill of Gu Qingfeng clearly. If he really wants to hurt him, it is a matter of waving his hand.

What Xun really scared him was that he didn't know what moths Gu Qingfeng had to bring here.

"My grandfather asks you something." Gu Qingfeng took out two wines, and then threw them to the black pig demon king. He fixed his eyes on the famous impermanence of impermanence. At the moment, there was a tremor in his heart. He was too aware of this thing. How precious is the child.

这个 "This ... Uncle Gu, what are you always asking?"

The black pig demon king looked at the impermanence of **** in front of him, and did not dare to reach out to pick it up. He is now seriously injured and can't bear the impermanence of hell, and he is already afraid of the ancient breeze. What's the matter?

"How did you get here?"

怎么 "How come?" The Black Pig Demon King was a little puzzled, and asked carefully: "Where do you mean here? Is it the ancient ruins just now?"

"Nonsense! Or else."

"The little one ... was involved."

"Where was it involved?"

"Arid ancient black hole."

"How did you get into the ancient black hole?"

The black pig demon king stared at the ancient Qingfeng, and was very puzzled, saying, "There is an ancient relic in the great wasteland ... It didn't take long for the small one to enter, and the ancient relic fell into the endless sea again."

"It really looks like this." Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and murmured, "I said why so many people suddenly appeared."

Hearing Gu Qingfeng said this, the Black Pig Demon King was even more puzzled. Is it hard to say that this guy is different from himself? Didn't he enter the ancient ruins of the Great Wilderness and then be drawn into the ancient black holes of the endless sea?

If this guy is not involved in this way, how did he get in?

I don't know, the Black Pig Demon King didn't dare to ask more.

"Did you say that the ancient ruins suddenly appeared in the wilderness?"

"This ... shouldn't it be sudden?"

应该 "Should?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "What's wrong? Your kid doesn't know much about the ancient ruins?"

"Uncle Gu ~ ~ Your master knows that Xiao has always been a single man alone in the Great Wild, with a humble identity and weak strength, who dares not mess with him. He is as honest as his wife-in-law all day, When the gate is closed, the second door will not be reached. When the younger knows that there is a desolate ancient ruin in the desolation, they have already entered early. "

"is it?"

The ancient breeze drank a little wine, silent, as if thinking about something.

"Small guesses that the ancient ruins should not have suddenly appeared, at least what were the previous signs? Otherwise, the wild giants would not swarm in."

听 "Listen to you, aren't many people entering the ancient ruins?"

"Absolutely many, at least half of the Great Wilderness came, and there were also many good fortunes at the 72 holes of the 36 holes. In addition to those above the Nine Heavens, there were a lot of people below the Nine You. After all, they are ruins of the ancient times. No one wants to miss it. The ancestors of the major giants, as well as those destiny of the avenue, are countless. The scene is really ... "

To this day, the Black Pig Demon King still clearly remembers the scene after entering the ancient ruins in the Great Wilderness. The deserted ruins are full of people and are packed in groups, countless and countless.

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