
Vol 2 Chapter 2090: Be scared

at last.

The thing that made the black pig demon king most worried and afraid was still happening.

One of the reasons why he wanted to leave Gu Qingfeng was because he had an inexplicable sense of fear. In addition, there was a more important reason. He knew that Gu Qingfeng had been ignited The original sin karma fire awakened the original sin and became a target of criticism. Many people suspect that he is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny. I do n’t know how much existed in heaven and earth.

The black pig demon king has always been afraid of causing trouble to the upper body and getting involved in the troubles of the ancient Qingfeng. At that time, I don't know how to die.

Hey, what are you afraid of?

It didn't take long before I encountered the ancient breeze, and I began to be stared at by some terrible beings, and listening to the meaning of the ancient breeze, these existences may also be integrated into the ancient black holes, and may be old guys in the ancient times!

Oh Cangtian!

A catastrophe in the ancient times, even those prodigious ancestors have fallen. Many of the old guys who returned to the market were also driven in during the ancient times. The Black Pig Demon King can't imagine, and can't imagine what. This kind of existence is stronger than the ancestors of the avenue. Can they survive the catastrophe of the ancient times?

How to do?

逃 Escape now?

But the key is still too late?

The Black Pig Demon King was so upset, and his brain was very confused. He asked nervously, "Uncle Gu, what should we do?"

"What should I do?" Gu Qingfeng shrugged, and said indifferently: "What else can I do?"

"Let's just be stared at those terrible beings?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Qingfeng asked with a smile: "Is there any good way to stump you?"

"How can there be little?" The black pig demon king wants to cry without tears, and he knows that there must be nothing good when he encounters the ancient breeze.

If you haven't encountered the ancient breeze, although you are seriously injured and have no idea about life or death, you still have hope for survival.

now what.

After encountering the ancient breeze, even though she was full of vitality, she scared away the people of Zixia Wonderland, but his mother is now staring at the horrible existence.

In the face of Zixia Wonderland, the Black Pig Demon King can still struggle so much, but if faced with the mysterious and unknown terrible existence, the Black Pig Demon King has not even had the courage to struggle. From ancient times to the present, The Black Pig Demon King clearly knows that in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and trick are like child's play. In the face of terrible existence, there is no other way but to wait for death.

"Uncle Gu, are you ... not afraid at all?"

Looking at the ancient Qingfeng drinking wine and leisurely, I didn't know that he was walking around the kiln. The Black Pig Demon King couldn't understand it. He was stared at by dozens of terrible existences in the ancient black hole. Do n’t be afraid, not only not afraid, not even worried, even if it is not him, but someone else stared at by dozens of terrible beings.

"It's okay, Ye has been staring at him all these years, and it's used to staring at him now. If one day no one stares at Ye, I may feel a little less."

Hearing Gu Qingfeng's words, the black pig demon king could not help but growled, can anyone who is staring at his mother be used to it? Still saying this?

"Furthermore, it's useless to be afraid. It's useless to be afraid. I'm afraid they're staring. I'm not afraid that they will continue to stare. If you can't help it, just let them stare. When they should show up, they will naturally show up."

Gu Qingfeng patted the black pig demon king's shoulder and motioned him to look away, don't take it seriously.

Just ...

He is used to it, can see it away, and can even take it seriously.

The black pig demon king can't get used to it, he can't ignore it, let alone take it seriously.

After a moment of contemplation, the black pig demon king said, "Uncle Gu, there is a small sentence that I don't know should be said inappropriately."

"tell me the story."

"If it's wrong, you have the right to put a fart on the young, don't take it to heart."

"OK, let's say."

"If you think about it, you should think that you should not come to this wild ancient black hole because of your old situation." The Black Pig Demon King said seriously and solemnly: "When the ancient ruins appeared in the Great Wilderness, the Great Wilderness Giant There are also many strong men from 36 holes and 72 blessings. Although the young people did not see the Forbidden Land Holy Land, I think they should also come. After all, they are ruins of the ancient times, and no one wants to miss them. "

"Even if you don't say it, you know that the grandchildren have always looked at the original sins of your old body. If you let them know that you are also in the ruins of ancient times, the grandchildren will probably not give up."

Lao Gu Qingfeng smiled, drank a sip of wine, and smiled, "Oh, black pig, I understand all these words. What would you do if you were me?

"Run quickly, run as far as possible."

"Run?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Where can I go?"

"No matter where I go, it's safer than staying here."

"Nothing, in my opinion, there is nothing safer than here." Gu Qingfeng said: "After all, here is the endless sea and the ancient black hole. You asked me to leave here, stumped back to the wilderness? Here, anyway, the claws of the Three Thousand Avenues can't reach here. Isn't it a sheep to enter the tiger when running back to the wilderness? "

I heard Gu Qingfeng say this ~ ~ The black pig demon king thought it over carefully, and it really made sense.

Dahuang is the site of Three Thousand Avenues. Once you step in, you will also enter the rules of Three Thousand Avenues. At that time, various trials will be endless.

In the black ancient black hole may be a little dangerous, at least the trial of the Three Thousand Avenues could not come here.

and many more.

After thinking about it, the Black Pig Demon King felt that this was not the case. Now the problem facing Gu Qingfeng is not the trial of Sanqian Avenue. The enemy he faces is not only Sanqian Avenue, but also the return market. The ruins, forbidden places of the Holy Land, even more terrible existence, such as those who stare at the ancient Qingfeng at this moment, in all likelihood, they are directed at the original sin of the ancient Qingfeng.

The black pig demon king said: "Uncle Gu, the young is thinking about the current situation. You might as well go back to the wilderness. If you want to talk about the future of this world, the younger may not know it, but the ancient and ancient ruins. More or less understand what it means. "

"Oh, it's not simple, do you know this? Listen to it, what does this ancient ruin mean?"

意味着 "It means that a storm for the original sin is coming. Rumors have it that the original sin God has been questioned in the ancient times, and it has also opened the era of innocence. This time the ancient times, the original sin God may be born ..."

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