
Vol 2 Chapter 2106: Which one is this singing?

On the court.

As the ancient Qingfeng was getting closer to the scarlet blood tripod, the coercion from dozens of gods became more and more intense. Although his physical body was as immortal as possible, the body's acupoints would absorb most of the coercion. But even so, the immense coercion still kept him from doing it.

Those old guys dormant in the ancient black hole are far more terrible than he imagined.

The spiritual coercion of mere consciousness is so powerful, one can imagine how terrible their cultivation should be.

Gu Qingfeng itself is already weak, especially Jingqi Shen. He has been in a state of weakness since he woke up. Now he is overwhelmed by a lot of spiritual coercion, causing his spirit to start to drift away.

Fortunately, his will is strong enough, and his self-awareness is also strong enough. He was born with a proud, arrogant heart, and even a madman. Even under heavy pressure, he still stepped forward to the scarlet blood tripod.

At this moment, he can only do this. One of the dozens of gods in his body is deeper than one, and the ancient Qingfeng cannot find the source at all. It is not impossible to compete with these gods, but he does not Did not do so.

A waste of energy.

Leaving aside for a while whether to counter-suppress these dozens of consciousness, even if it can be suppressed, I am afraid it is only for a while, and the other party is in the dark, the ancient Qingfeng is in the bright place, and the other person ’s deity cannot be found. It's meaningless to waste your energy.

of course.

It does not matter.

What is important is that he wants to understand what the purpose of these gods is to suppress himself.

If you just prevent yourself from coming into contact with Crimson Blood Ding, it would be hard to justify suppressing it with divine knowledge, right?


Why do they prevent themselves from coming into contact with Crimson Blood Tripod?

What the **** is a scarlet blood tripod?

Gu Qingfeng has a lot of doubts in his heart, and he is now trying to figure out the answers to these questions.


What made him feel a little bit wrong was happening.

Just when he was about to come in front of Scarlet Blood Ding, the sense of shroud covering him turned out ... with no sign, and left for no reason.

That's right!

Just left.

One, two ... three, five ... less than a few breaths before and after, all the consciousness that enveloped him left.

Gu Qingfeng was relieved a lot at once, as if he was relieved, he felt that the whole world was refreshing.


His feet stopped, and he didn't move on.

The sudden disappearance of dozens of consciousness made him very surprised, and people were a little hesitant.

Just now I was crazy in exerting coercion to suppress myself.

Why is it suddenly disappearing again now.

Which one is this sing?

Speaking of which, Gu Qingfeng has experienced a lot of things in his life, and he has seen a lot of scenes of all sizes, even the strangest and rarest things.

But this time he was completely nagging.

If he wanted to break his head, he couldn't understand why the consciousness shrouded in himself suddenly disappeared.

If only one consciousness disappeared, all consciousnesses disappeared as if they had been discussed.

And without any warning.

It feels like the enemy and us are fighting each other, and suddenly, the other party disappears.

It also makes sense if the other party falls.

The problem was that dozens of consciousnesses worked together to suppress him, and Gu Qingfeng had endured it silently from beginning to end, and did not fight back.

Why did the other person disappear?

Gu Qingfeng may not know the reason for the disappearance of dozens of gods, but one thing he is sure is that the dozens of gods will not disappear for no reason. There must be something that they do not know.

What will it be?


He thought of scarlet blood tripod.

When he wanted to come, if there was anything that could make dozens of gods suddenly disappear, I am afraid that this is only the scarlet blood tripod.

Think about it.

There are two possibilities.

Earlier dozens of consciousness joined forces to suppress themselves, just for acting. Their real purpose was to expose themselves to the scarlet blood tripod by radical means. If this is the case, then probably the scarlet blood tripod is the gang of old guys. Trap, just wait for yourself to jump down.

There is another possibility that the existence of the scarlet blood tripod made the old guys extremely daunting, and he did not dare to show up even if he didn't dare to approach.

The two possibilities, no matter which one, is not a good thing for Gu Qingfeng, and it can even be said to be extremely dangerous.

If it is the first possibility, the scarlet blood tripod is a trap trapped by the old guys. Then this trap is absolutely how terrible, how terrible, how terrifying, how terrifying. Jumping down must be a nine-death life, and you have to peel off the skin if you do n’t die. .

Think again, I think this possibility is not very likely.

There are dozens of gods covering him. After all, there are dozens of them. They may know each other ’s existence, they may also know each other. But it is said that they have worked together to create such a trap, and they are still dedicated to dealing with their own trap. , And then perform a drama together to stimulate myself to contact the scarlet blood tripod ~ ~ This sounds a bit too nonsense, and also feel that this is not necessary at all.

On the contrary, it is easier to cause doubts, I believe that the old guys will not be so stupid.

If the scarlet blood tripod wasn't the old guys tinkering with, the existence of the scarlet blood tripod would be terrible.

Think about it.

The old guys all disappeared after they got close to the scarlet blood tripod. To what extent should they be afraid of the scarlet blood tripod?

You must know that those guys may be the masters of the ancient times. They are even integrated into this ancient black hole. They are built to be absolutely capable of affording the word horror. Even they are so scared of scarlet blood. I don't know what kind of existence the scarlet blood tripod would have.

It stands to reason that you should give up when you know there are dangers.

Most people do this.

Although Gu Qingfeng is bold enough, he is definitely not the kind of gimmick who does not hit the south wall and does not look back. He knows that there is danger and he will give up. He has enough troubles and doesn't want to cause any trouble.


This time, Gu Qingfeng did not give up.

If he gave up, when the scarlet blood tripod appeared from the beginning, he gave up, and he would not come over step by step with hardships carrying dozens of consciousness.

He has no interest in magic weapon, even if this scarlet blood tripod is the innate magic weapon of the avenue, he is not very interested.

The reason for insisting is simple.

That is, there seems to be something called in the scarlet blood tripod. This call is very evil. The evil gate called Gu Qingfeng can't refuse and can't resist it, as if he has something important in the scarlet blood tripod.

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Chapter 2106 Which Is This Singing Out (Page 1/1)

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