
Vol 2 Chapter 2109: A rare opportunity

"Don't forget that the most terrible thing in You Emperor is not the taboo avenues realized, but the legendary Abi Wushenshurao and Shang poorbi fall into the incarnation of Huangquan. So far, neither of these two creations has been sacrificed. . "

The voice of Lie Yin's ancestor came, Tian Kui retorted: "If he can sacrifice, he would have already sacrificed it, how could he fall into the scarlet blood tripod."

Tian Kui has also heard of the ancient Qingfeng legend Abi Wujian evil Shura and Shangqiongbi fell into the incarnation of Huangquan. In his wish, Gu Qingfeng is now trapped in the scarlet blood tripod, not only cannot escape, but the blood of the original sin has been swallowed up Even the spirit of energy is weak, like a small flame in the winter moon, as if it would go out at any time.

Especially looking at Gu Qingfeng's lifelessness here, the whole person seemed to be dead, and Tian Kui was more determined in his heart.

"We don't know what the You Emperor is doing now." Lie Yin ancestor continued: "Because we don't know, we should be more cautious."

"Caution is always cautious!" Tian Kui snorted, "If you miss the opportunity, everything is too late!"

"Rest assured that opportunities will not be missed." Lie Yin's ancestor was very heavy, saying: "All we need to do now is to wait for others to do it!"

"Wait for others?"

The next Yuyang fairy king also asked, "The ancestor meant to wait for Loulan Blessed Land? They are in Yuhua Wonderland?" Shaking his head, he said, "I'm afraid they won't do it as easily as we do."

"No! You don't have to wait for them."

"That ancestor means ..." Suddenly, Yuyang Xianwang thought of Emperor Changfeng, and said, "You mean waiting for Emperor Changfeng to shoot?"

The ancestor of Lie Yin shook his head again and looked at the Emperor Changfeng, saying, "I know the Emperor Changfeng. He can afford the heroic heroes, so he can't do anything at stake, let alone. The Emperor Changfeng just kindly persuaded the You Emperor, and I don't think he will do it. "

"Neither waiting for Lou Lanfu land nor Changfeng Emperor, who are we waiting for?"

The Yuyang fairy king does not want to miss such a good opportunity. If it is in the wild, a letter can call out all the strong men in the entire Zixia Wonderland. The problem is that it is not a big wild here, but an ancient ruin, and a letter is still out There was not even a sound. Now the other ancestors in Zixia Wonderland don't know which ancient ruins there is, and they can't be contacted at all.

"How did you forget, just when Scarlet Blood Tripod appeared, dozens of gods came down from the sky and shrouded the Emperor."

I heard that the ancestor of Lie Yin raised this matter, and the king of Yuyang Xian moved in his heart and said, "The ancestor meant to wait for those mysterious strong men to shoot?"

Lie Yin's ancestor nodded heavily and said, "There are too many people in the sky who want to obliterate the Emperor. There are too many at all. I think the reason why the dozens of strong men shrouded the Emperor is also because of this."

No one knows the existence of the dozens of gods that shrouded the ancient breeze.

Tiankui didn't know, Yuyang Xianwang didn't know, and Lie Yin's ancestor also didn't know.


One thing they can be sure of is that the master of dozens of gods is absolutely beyond imagination.

"The dozens of consciousnesses that previously enveloped the Emperor have somehow left, but how did the ancestors know that they would kill the Emperor?

"So we have to wait!"

The ancestor of Lie Yin whispered: "Those tens of gods will never cover the Emperor for nothing. They must have a plan. As long as they have a plan, they will not miss this opportunity. We must be calm and more Keep calm and wait for the mysterious strongmen to take their shots. Only with their shots will we have hope! "

Killing Gu Qingfeng, they may not be able to grab the original sin.

But if they didn't kill Gu Qingfeng, they would not have lost their original sin.

The former is somewhat hopeful, while the latter is hopeless.

What's more, besides the original sin, Gu Qingfeng's other creatures are more powerful than one. Not to mention, only a nose and a wicked sura, as well as Shangqiongbi and Huangquan, can be called the best in the world. If one can get one, it is enough Smile proudly.

There is also a more important reason, that is, this time of the ancient times, the true son of original sin must be born.

Now they all think that Gu Qingfeng is the son of true original sin.

Only by obliterating Gu Qingfeng, other talents have the opportunity to become the new sons of original sin.

There are too many reasons to obliterate Gu Qingfeng.

Whatever the reason, it is worth their risk to bet on it.

Then again, the ancestors of Zixia Wonderland, Feathered Wonderland, and Loulan Fudi are all mature, all are masters who do not see rabbits and eagles. Even if they take risks to bet on this, the prerequisite is that they can Get out safely.

Over here.

The barbaric giants and the ancestors of the heaven and earth are playing their own abacus.

Not far away, the Great Emperor Changfeng has been staring nervously at the ancient Qingfeng who was caught in the scarlet blood.

He didn't know what the scarlet blood tripod was. He couldn't even detect ~ ~ the only thing he knew was that the scarlet blood tripod was extremely evil.

Therefore, he had previously talked to persuade Gu Qingfeng.

It was not until after the ancient Qingfeng fell into the scarlet blood tripod that the Emperor Changfeng realized that the existence of the scarlet blood tripod was far more terrible than he thought.

He could see that although Gu Qingfeng had temporarily held the powerful suction of Crimson Blood Tripod, he was not swallowed up.

But the situation is very dangerous.

As the mysterious runes of Crimson Blood Ding Ding flickered, the blood swirl in the Crimson Blood Ding Ding became more crazy, and the breath of the ancient Qingfeng became weaker and weaker.

Especially looking at the ancient Qingfeng, which has no vitality like a dead person, Changfeng Emperor was very uncomfortable. He couldn't bear it. When he was about to help, he suddenly found that his wrists were tightly clasped.

It wasn't anyone else who clasped his wrist, it was his Chinen priest, Chiba Immortal.

King Chiba stared at her with a blank face, shook his head, and said in a whisper: "Don't go!"

"But ..." The Emperor Changfeng clenched his fists and yelled, "I can't just watch the Emperor be swallowed up by this lousy son!"

"If you are sure you can rescue the Emperor, I will never stop you." King Chiba Fairy knew what kind of Emperor Changfeng was, and she asked seriously: "Are you sure?"


The Great Emperor Changfeng was speechless for a moment, he was not sure, even a little bit.

"You are not sure, not at all. The blood tripod can't even escape Youdi, what can you do if you pass? You can't do anything. Instead of helping Emperor You, you will put yourself in."

Even if the Emperor Changfeng didn't want to, he had to admit that Chiba Fairy was telling the truth. Just how the scarlet blood tripe devoured the Emperor, he didn't see it, because he saw it, so he was not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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