
Vol 2 Chapter 2120: Immortal legend

Before meeting Gu Qingfeng, the demon woman felt that as long as he appeared in the ancient black hole in the ancient times, it would probably disappear.

the reason is simple.

From ancient times to the present, there are too many existences in the sky, and they all stare at his original sin.

This is just one of them.

Second, no one would want him to open the age of enlightenment and become the original sin God who dominates the future.

The reason is equally simple.

He is the variable, and it is also the biggest variable. Who will give his fate to the biggest variable?

The answer is yes, no one, including herself.

Because of the identity of the variable, let alone talk about whether he is destined to be the original sin of God, whether he is or not, even if he is not a person of original sin at all, even if he has nothing to do with the original sin, there will not be many existences in heaven Allow him to live like this.

If one of his biggest variables is alive, no one's heart will be solid, and no one will sleep well.

Even if the son of the original sin really came into being, someone questioned the original sin God and opened the era of injustice. As long as Gu Qingfeng is still alive, everything may change. For cause and effect, fate is, and so will the future.

and so.

The ancient breeze must die.

Many beings have been watching.

It's not that you don't want to do it, but that the time is not up.

As long as they have a chance, they will kill it.

This time is a good example.

Gu Qingfeng is deeply trapped in the blood-drinking tripod. It is definitely a great opportunity for the demon woman, and those wild and ancient guys who are secretly staring at Gu Qingfeng may also think so. Because of this, they sacrificed the consciousness to encircle Gu Qingfeng. .


Finally failed.

Instead of obliterating the ancient breeze, it was also dispersed by the smoke that directly worshiped after three lives of death.

It looks like this.

This is indeed the case.

But the real purpose of those old guys' shots this time is not so simple.

Maybe those old guys didn't come to kill Gu Qingfeng from the beginning, but a temptation.

What was tested was the depth of the ancient breeze.

It is also the attitude of Abi Infernal evil Shura in his body, and Shangquan Bi fell into Huang Quan.

At the same time, there are other existing attitudes, even the attitude of heaven and fate, and the attitude of original sin in Gu Qingfeng.

The existence of Gu Qingfeng is too mysterious and full of many unknowns.

The demon woman knows that Abi Inferno Evil Shura and Shang Qongbi fell into Huangquan both entered the era of infidelity and merged the true blood of original sin, and those old guys in the ancient times also knew.

The demon woman didn't know why Abi Wujian evil Shura and Shang Qiaobi fell Huanghuang appeared on the body of Gu Qingfeng at the same time, is it causality or fate? Or is there another reason?

she does not know.

The old guys in the ancient times also didn't know.

Because I don't know, I have to test.

The demon woman knows that many existences not only watch in secret, but also some of them even bet on Gu Qingfeng.

The question is who is watching? Who bet on Gu Qingfeng again.

These problems the demon woman wants to know, those old guys in the ancient times also want to know.

In the face of the biggest variables such as Gu Qingfeng, no one dares to act lightly. All existence is careful and careful, because taking the wrong step is impossible.

The point is that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is the biggest variable. No one knows his veins and no one knows which way he should go. All you can do is try and test. This is also helpless. It is the only thing that can be done.

These temptations failed in the eyes of the demon woman.

Although the goddess incarnations sacrificed by the old guys were completely annihilated, it was only the gods incarnation. For those old guys in the ancient times, losing a gods incarnation is nothing, just like ordinary people lose a hair. It's just as trivial. As long as those old guys are willing, don't say a godly incarnation, even ten or hundreds of words are just a matter of fingertips.

The reason why the temptation failed was that this time the temptation neither detected Abi Wujian Evil Shura nor shang poor green fell Huanghuang, as to whether there is any tentative presence in the sidelines, and what exist in the ancient Qingfeng The bet was unknown.

At that time, all her attention was on Gu Qingfeng, and she didn't have any thoughts to care about the others.

For ancient breeze.

This was the first time she had never seen it before.

I have heard many times before. After witnessing this, the demon woman realized that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is far more mysterious than her imagination, and it is no exaggeration to call it beyond imagination.

It was also this time that she finally understood why many beings in heaven and on earth have chosen to wait and see, and can understand why some people have bet on Gu Qingfeng to believe that he is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

Don't say anything else.

Just his flesh is enough.

Although the demon woman didn't want to, she had to admit that Gu Qingfeng's body showed from various signs that it might really be the legendary immortal body ~ ~ If not, then everything is fine.

If it is really immortal.

So this time, can he ask God the original sin, the demon woman may not know, but one thing is certain, if the body of Gu Qingfeng is in an immortal body, no one can obliterate him from ancient to modern times.


No one can do it.

No way, no world, no God.

Shape is inseparable, God is immortal, living with the sky, eternal and immortal.

This is not so simple, but the fact.

Fortunately now, if Gu Qingfeng's body is really the legendary immortal body, it is also the immortal body without awakening.

As long as the immortal body is not awakened, it can be obliterated.

Once awakened, the advent of the gods will not help.

This may be one of the reasons that many existences have been watching. They are waiting, whether the immortal body of the ancient Qingfeng can awaken, because whether the immortal body of the ancient Qingfeng awakens determines their attitude, and it is also related to their choice. .

If the immortal bodies of the ancient Qingfeng did not awaken, they might have shot.

If the immortal body of the ancient Qingfeng awakens, the shot has no meaning.

Gu Qingfeng has already realized the avenue of life and the avenue of death. It is a transcendence of life and death. Life and death are no difference to him. Life is death, death is life, immortality is immortal. It is difficult to kill him. Fortunately, although it is difficult, there is still a little hope, but if his immortal body awakens, the only hope left will disappear.

The immortal body is inseparable, God is immortal, what do you kill?

Can't kill it.

Even if death comes, it can only stare at the immortal body.

(End of this chapter)

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