
Vol 2 Chapter 2176: True or false

"Some things ... I want to ask."

Gu Qingfeng was silent for a long time, and finally spoke a word. No quiet lady was silent, as if waiting for a question asked by Gu Qingfeng.

"Is this what happened between you and me?" Gu Qingfeng asked: "Maybe I should ask, are these causes and effects between you and me deliberately planted, or are you destined to arrange?"

Wuyou Niangniang did not answer this question in time, but responded slowly after a while: "I remember ... you asked me that question then."

"Yes, I did ask when I first met you in Canyang Valley."

"Then do you remember how I answered you?"

"You said that you forgot and lost ..."

"I answered you that way, and I still answer it this way. Is the cause and effect between you and me deliberately planted or arranged by fate ... I don't know, it may be me or fate ... Maybe more. "

"Aren't you awake now?"

Wuyou Niangni asked without answering, "Am I ... awake?"

"What do you mean, stumped you are still asleep now?"

"I don't know ... I've forgotten and I'm lost, I don't even know what I am ... or not I ..."

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to ask, and he couldn't see whether the woman on the opposite side was really lost and forgotten, or did not want to say, maybe she was really lost as she said, lost in the true self, no Know which one is the ego and which one is the ego.

This reminded him of Jun Xuanzhang, who was so lost in ‘I’.

It is also true to think about it. A person has been reincarnation so many times, several lives and many lives, and now the past and present are fused together, who can distinguish which is the true self, which is the self, and which is the ego.

There was another silence, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask, "I ignited the fire of the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain that year, and then woke up inexplicably in the quicksand little secret world. I heard you were there?"

"I don't know ... I forgot and I'm lost ..."

That's it again.

Gu Qingfeng was extremely speechless and very helpless. I was thinking that when I met the woman this time, I could answer some inner doubts. Now it seems that there is no hope. No matter what she asks, the woman asks three questions.

What he wants to know now is the third cause and effect between himself and Wuyou Niangni, and the third cause and effect with Yun Nishang, including the cause and effect between Jun Xuanyuan, whether they were intentionally planted or arranged by fate.

If it was the cause and effect they intentionally planted, what was it for? What's the purpose?

If it is the cause and effect of fate arrangement, what is it for?

Eradicate yourself to get rid of the original sin?

This is not impossible. Gu Qingfeng knows that Yun Nishang and Jun Xuanzhang are both lost, and both fell into the sea of ​​bitterness. Only by killing the original sin may they be able to escape from the sea of ​​bitterness. Yun Nishang and Jun Xuanzhang are like this. Madam is no exception.

But what Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand is, if they really want to obliterate themselves and get rid of the original sin, why would they plant cause and effect with themselves?

After stumbling and planting cause and effect with oneself, can you escape from the sea of ​​bitterness after eradication?

do not know.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't think of a reason.

If it is these causes and effects of fate arrangement, he even wonders why.

It is certain that fate wants to get rid of the original sin.

Leaving aside whether the ancient Qingfeng was destined to be the original sin God, even if it is, why arrange so many inexplicable causes and effects?

Is it difficult to say that these cause and effect are arranged to restrain themselves?

Gu Qingfeng once heard a saying that emotion is both a variable in a constant and a constant in a variable.

Affected by emotions, constants can also change causality, and variables can also be doomed to cause and effect.

These things are too profound and profound, and the ancient Qingfeng is not very understanding.

So I'm not quite sure.

He has too many doubts in his heart to answer, but he hasn't found the answer yet.

Like the sun setting over the moon, like a dream, like a dream, a woman like a true and false is looming, as if it would disappear at any time. What does Gu Qingfeng feel like, he asked, "Are you leaving?"

"if not?"

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. I'm lost ... and forgotten."

"Will we meet again?"



The woman disappeared.

It just disappeared in the eyes of Gu Qingfeng, disappearing without a trace, just like never before.

Ancient ruins.

With the disappearance of the woman, the weird breath like a demon in the ruins disappeared.

Daxing Monk lifted his head, stared at his eyes, and frowned, as if contemplating something. Next, the dragon queen mother looked at the turbulent vortex, and her expression was somewhat complicated. Although the two did not know what happened, But just now they could feel the existence of Wuyou Niangni, and they could more or less infer the mandala, the wind and the moon, and Wuyouni are the past and present.

"No maiden ... left?"

Dahang epilepsed his throat and asked, his voice was a little hoarse.

The ancient Qingfeng seemed as if he hadn't heard it, but stood here, staring at the turbulent vortex in the air.

After Wuyou Niangni disappeared, when the turbulent vortex in the air is no longer the sun and the moon, the flowers and trees in the mountains and rivers in the ancient ruins also withered and decayed in a short period of time, everything is like this, this feeling is like the whole world As terrible as death.

"No! It's going to be ashes here!"

Dahang's epistemic guessed that there might have been a woman without a maiden who was supporting the ancient ruins. Now that woman without a maiden is disappearing, the ancient ruins will also be reduced to ashes, saying, "Guy, let's go quickly!"

Gu Qingfeng took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, looking at the ancient ruins that were turning to ashes. He nodded, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped, because he found that many mysterious beings were quietly leaving.

Who are these mysterious beings? ~ Gu Qingfeng does not know, even when it appeared, he did not know.

A glance at it was more than ten.

At this moment, he saw the white sorrow standing on a barren hill in the distance.

Bai Chou was staring at him at this moment.

But beside Bai Chou, there was still a person, a woman in a black robe and a black hat, who looked mysterious and mysterious, nihilistic, giving a very unreal feeling.

Gu Qingfeng knew this woman as if she was called a witch maiden, and she heard that the existence of the Daxing epilepsy was as old and unknown, mysterious and unknown.

The Daxing epilepsy also seems to have found the witch maiden, her face can not help but change slightly, open her mouth, but what she wants to say is stop.


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