
Vol 2 Chapter 2311: plot

Whenever it comes to this, the roots of the woman's hate are itchy.

When the ancient times just started, she ran secretly out of her home, playing under the pseudonym Bei Changqing in various worlds.

As soon as the ancient times opened and everything was revived, she wanted to come out and enjoy the scenery and see the world.

of course.

If she only appreciates the scenery, Bei Changqing will not run out secretly. Although her tutor is strict, she is strictly forbidden to go out, but she will occasionally follow her family to the major worlds.

She ran secretly because she wanted to find her own cause and effect.

Rather, it is to find a man who has an inexplicable cause and effect with himself.

That man is no one else, but the famous Emperor You.

Before she came out, she didn't know who the You Emperor was, and why she had a cause and effect with You Emperor, and she didn't know what cause and effect with You Emperor.

Because she didn't know, she was curious to run out secretly.

At that time, in order to find the whereabouts of Youdi, she did not spend much time. For this reason, she was still lurking in the Xian Dynasty. After a long search, she did not find Youdi, but she heard a lot of legendary stories about Youdi.

It was either the destruction of the immortal dynasty, the burning of nine days, the blood-washed wasteland, or the **** of Jiuyou, and it seemed that they had an unclear relationship with many avenue ladies.

Originally, before Bei Changqing did not come, I was looking forward to this inexplicable cause and effect, dreaming that the legendary Youdi will be the white horse prince in his own mind. However, after learning about these deeds of Youdi, Bei Changqing She couldn't believe it. She didn't think of a guy who had cause and effect with herself anyway. She was a murderous man, full of mischief and carelessness.

At that time, Bei Changqing was extremely disappointed, but she did not give up searching because she was too curious to know what was the cause and effect between herself and the Emperor.

Fortunately, kung fu lived up to the caring person, and finally found the whereabouts of Youdi in one side of the world, and also saw Youdi himself.

It was just before I had time to contact the Emperor that she was forcibly arrested by the old man and closed in confinement, and this level was ten thousand years, and it was not until the black ancient black hole appeared that she was released.

From ancient times to the present, it is not more than ten thousand years, and Bei Changqing has been retreating. Naturally, he knows nothing about ancient times.

Strictly speaking, it can't be said that nothing is known.

When she was retreating, she would occasionally listen to other people in the family talking about some people and things in the wild.

For example, the floating emperor known as the hero of ancient times, and some of the talents that emerged in ancient times, she still heard about it.

As for the Emperor Tianlong of Lao Shizi, she has never heard of it before.

At this moment, the old lady next to her suddenly said, "I don't know if the lady still remembers that the old man mentioned a young man to the lady?"

"Do you mean the Floating Emperor?"

"No! It's not the Emperor of the Floating Life, but the Emperor Musashi, who is on the same level as the Emperor of the Floating Life, and is known as the Master of Immortals!"

"Little Master Xiandao, Emperor Musashi?"

Bei Changqing crooked his head slightly and frowned for a moment, thinking suddenly, thinking: "Remember, I remember my mother-in-law seemed to say that the old generation of Xuantianxiandao cultivated a sky in ancient times. In spite of it, it seems that it is the Emperor Musashi. It is said that this guy is very good. He has a bright bloodline and is a dragon dragon. He is still the true number that should be inherited. Owns the Immortal Arcana Jiuxiao Dragon Sword. "

The old man nodded and said, "Yes! That's him."

Bei Changqing didn't understand it. I don't know why the old man suddenly talked about Emperor Musang.

"Miss doesn't know. The Emperor Musashi and the real Emperor Tianlong are brothers of Nai. They are like yin, yang, sun, and moon. One has a blood vein of light, one has a blood vein of darkness, one has a dragon dragon body, one has a dragon dragon body, one These are the numbers that should be hijacked for true life, and the other is the original sin variable that changes the life against the sky. "

Bei Changqing was surprised, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

"And ..." Lao crutched his cane, his expression a little dignified, and said, "Their lives and deaths are inextricably linked, and everything is damaged. If one of them dies, the other will not survive."


For the first time, Bei Changqing heard such a strange and strange thing.

"The old predecessors of Xuantianxiandao have high hopes for the Emperor Musashi. This time, the Emperor Musashi will definitely be in this deserted ancient palace. Even the old man doubts that ... An incarnation of the Emperor Musashi may be observing in the dark at this moment."

The old man looked up at the real Emperor Tianlong who was suppressed by five statues of the Emperor Minghua in the void, and said, "The Emperor Tianlong is not afraid of Miaoru, maybe it is because he knows that the Emperor Musang will never watch Miaoru come. Kill him. "

"Is Emperor Musashi so powerful? Will it be Miao Rulai's opponent?"

"The Emperor Musashi has both a bright bloodline and a deserved number of true lives. In addition, he has been taught by the old predecessors of Xuantianxian Road for so many years, and it is absolutely impossible to imagine his cultivation as a strength. Putting the Immortal Arctic Nine Dragon Dragon Sword is enough to esteem the heroes. Moreover, no one knows how many gods and magics he has in his body. Even if he is not an opponent of Miao Rulai now, Miao Rulai can never kill him. "

Having said that, the old man paused and then said, "Actually ... the Emperor Musashi is not an opponent of Miao Rulai, it is not important at all, even if he is not Miao Rulai's opponent, as long as he appears, Miao Rulai cannot kill him. , He can't die, and naturally the true emperor Tianlong can't die. "

Bei Changqing didn't understand, and asked, "Why is this?"

"Miss, the old man just said that the existence of the Emperor Musashi is the hope of the old predecessors of Nai Xuan Tianxian Road. They have high hopes for the Emperor Musashi. How can those old predecessors call Miao Rulai to kill the Musashi emperor? Even if it is only one Incarnation ~ ~ The old predecessors of Xuantianxiandao will not stand idly by. "

"It turned out to be this way," said Bei Changqing. "No wonder the true Emperor Tianlong was suppressed by the five Great Kings' puppetized Buddha statues. He dared to be so arrogant and arrogant. It turned out to be the old predecessors who relied on Emperor Musang and Xuantianxiandao.

"It's just ..." The old man looked puzzled, Bei Changqing asked, "Just what?"

"There is a bit of the old man who can't figure it out. Even we know the relationship between Emperor Musashi and the true Emperor Tianlong. It is impossible to not know Miao Rulai. Since he knows why he has never killed the Emperor Tianlong, he is really stumped. Fearful? Or are you planning? "

"you are wrong!"

At this time, the silent seven old suddenly said, "Miao Rulai did not kill Tianlong true emperor because of his jealousy. He didn't kill Tianlong true emperor, maybe it was not to force the real body of Tianlong true emperor. . "

"So what does he mean?"

Qi Lao Shen said, "Perhaps Miao Rulai wanted to force the Tibetan emperor, and even the old predecessors of Xuantianxian Road behind him!"

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