
Vol 2 Chapter 2378: Lively and extraordinary Arugu 9th Palace

There are also old monsters in Montenegro and old ghosts in green lanterns, a demon master, and a ghost master.

These two hegemons have been plotting against the original sin God for a long time. Although it is not the ancient and ancient variables, but from the ancient times has been painstakingly operated to the present, the profound original sin on his body is absolutely impossible to imagine, let alone how many rounds are behind it. God ’s hope is not small.

These existences have great hopes to ask God, the original sin. The master Ru Yun does not say, and there are various ancestors behind it.


Daxing episcopals are sure that it is not only a few of them who hope to make the original sin God, there must be ancient and ancient variables dormant in the dark, and there must also be ancestors of the original sin dormant in the dark.

For example, while in the Kham Palace, an ancestor of the original sin appeared in the sky to cover the void with the original sin.

Like this ancestor of the original sin, the ghost knows how much dormancy lies in the shadow to seek the original sin God.

There may even be more variables than Gu Qingfeng who hope to ask God, the original sin, who dormant in the dark has not appeared.

This is not impossible.

The variables, the causes and effects are chaotic, and the fate is unknown. Even the enameless, known as the messenger of fate, cannot know its existence.

People may have been hiding in the dark waiting for an important time.

If so, it would be crazy.

You should know that the masters of the avenues in the sky and the sky are staring at the Gu Qingfeng.

But if there is a person hiding in the dark, who is more hopeful than the ancient Qingfeng to ask the variables of the original sin, God will come out at that time, and unexpectedly ask the original sin, or maybe the original sin recorded in the book of destiny is not ancient Qingfeng at all. Whether it is the guardian of the Heaven and Earth Avenue or the one who seeks the original sin, God will probably collapse.

Including those who pin their hopes on Gu Qingfeng.

These existences can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is the existence of the apocalyptic era. They pinned their hopes on the ancient breeze. They simply wanted to enter the era of the apotheosis. As to whether the last era of the apocalypse opened by the ancient breeze was not important to them. They will be happy when they open the era of injustice, and even if the original sin God who opened the era of injustice finally wiped out the ancient breeze, they would not care.

For example, the old beggar from the Guixu market, he is one of them.

The second kind of existence of hope in the ancient Qingfeng also hopes that the ancient Qingfeng will be able to ask God the original sin and open the era of infidelity.

Different from the first category, they think long-term, and they hope not only to open the era of injustice, but also care about the person who opened the era of injustice.

Because who can ask God, who is the original sin, and who can open the era of infidelity, it means that he will become the hegemon who will dominate the world in the future.

If the person who finally claimed God ’s original sin was not to start the era of infidelity, but to become the hegemon of heaven and earth, dominate everything in the world, instead of opening it.

For example, the Demon Emperor's Blood River, he can represent the second type of existence. He pinned his hopes on Gu Qingfeng for this reason. What he saw was not all signs that Gu Qingfeng was the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, but The fancy Gu Qingfeng is a man, knowing that Gu Qingfeng has claimed the original sin, God, definitely not to become the world overlord who dominates everything in the world.

If it were not for this, with the arrogant disposition of Demon Blood River, it would be impossible to investigate the ancient Qingfeng for such a long time in secret.

The third type is the existence of hope in the ancient Qingfeng. They are not gambling whether ancient Qingfeng can ask for the original sin. To be honest, even if the final sin is asked for God, and even the beginning of the innocent era is not the ancient Qingfeng, they don't care, because they are in ancient times. Qingfeng bet on the original sin and the era of injustice, and even the meaning behind fate, which is a future of gambling.

For example, the acolyte monk, such as the black water maiden, such as the witch maiden, and the ancient nameless.


As the Daxing epilepsy followed Gu Qingfeng in the void of the palace, he gradually went deep into the void. There was a chatter without a word, and his various incarnations were scrambling around in other ancient Gu Jiu palaces.

I do n’t know if it was because the two of them have entered the depths of the Ligong Palace, or because the heavens and the earth both knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was not easy to mess with, or maybe it was because the terrible existence outside the avenue of Gu Qingfeng's incarnation killed the heaven and underground not long ago. Many incarnations of avenue masters.

As a result, although the undercurrents of Ligong continued, they were just undercurrents and did not emerge. Everything seemed calm.

It's true that the other ancient palaces are really lively.

Each of the original sin law bodies emerged from the dark, looking for the light of the original sin, but also for the flower of the original sin, the essence of the original sin, and the possible opportunity for the original sin.

of course.

Can not find the light of original sin, and some original incarnation of the original thought of those who lost their original incarnation.

Since the Aruguu Jiugong was conceived in the Arago black hole, I don't know where in the Jiugong from which many incarnations of the original sin will be lost.

These incarnations of the original sin that lost themselves are all attracted by the original sin's breath of the ancient Gu Jiu Gong like the original sin, and they wandering in the ancient Gu Jiu Gong like the lone spirit and ghost, where the original sin's breath is strong.

Some masters of original sin took the opportunity to devour these incarnations of original sin.

Although the incarnation of these original sins was swallowed up, they could not deepen much of their original sins.

Quantitative change causes qualitative change. Everyone understands this simple truth.

Mosquitoes are as small as meat.

Deepen your original sin as much as possible before the first opportunity of original sin appears.

The deeper the original sin in his body, the greater the hope of asking God about the original sin.

Even if God is not asked for the original sin at the end, after the beginning of the infidelity era, will the deep original sin have a unique advantage? Perhaps no one knows, but there will be no harm.

The Daxing acolyte looked at it and devoured the existence of these original incarnations in the Aboriginal Nine Palace. Most of them were some incarnations of the original sin, and there were even a lot of acquired incarnations of the original sin. The original body of the original sin is either those who have been prepared by the giants of the heavenly heaven and earth to cultivate them in secret, or the original sinners under certain avenue hegemons.

The masters who truly seek the original sin, God disdain to swallow these self-incarnation incarnations, or it should be said that they simply do not look down on these self-incarnation incarnations.

Each of them has deep original sins. For them, the original sins that devour these self-losing selves will not deepen their original sins too much, and they are almost negligible.

While searching for the light of the original sin, they did not sit idle, but instead raised the idea of ​​those who did not flow into the original sin body.

The incarnation of the original sin body, devours the original incarnation of those who lost themselves.

When they devour, those old sinners will devour them.

This is like a big fish eating a small fish, a small fish eating a shrimp, and a mantis catching cicadas and cardinals behind.

It's really hilarious.

Looking away, the first palace of the Fanggu Nine Palace is more lively than the first palace. The original sin body is everywhere, all like madness. In order to deepen their original sin, one by one began to starve.

Some of the original sins and old oilies have even fought in order to devour the original sins and legal bodies. They are not only fighting against the ideas of the original sins, but they are also fighting against each other's ideas. By the way, a fisherman will profit.

If the original incarnation of the lost self is just a mosquito meat for them, then the original sin body is like a chicken to them, and the old sin oil is an elephant ’s flesh to each other. , After swallowing, will certainly deepen his original sin.


The excitement that happened in Huanggu Jiugong is far more than that.

Not long ago, a sensational excitement took place in Zhengong, one of the nine ancient palaces in Aragon.

And it is also a lively about Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing.

The reason is that some people say that Ren Tianxing found a flower of original sin in a barren ancient ruins.

Whether this is true or someone is behind the scenes for Ren Tianxing.

He felt that if this was really a game for Ren Tianxing, then clearly the goal of the person who achieved the game was achieved.

Ren Tianxing was besieged by a large number of original sins in Zhen Palace.

If the purpose of the man in the game is to draw the original sinful law body dormant in the dark, then his purpose is also achieved.

Among the original sin bodies that besieged Ren Tianxing, many of them were some of the original sin bodies that had recently infected them, but there were also many old ones that had invaded the original sin for many years. There were even wandering in the ruins and even the original sin old oils from the return.

If the purpose of the man in the round is to test the depth of Ren Tianxing's original sin variable, then his purpose has also been achieved.

When besieged by a large number of original sins, Ren Tianxing offered two consciousness of magic.

One of them is Nairobi.

The second is Jidu ~ ~ Regardless of whether Luo Ji or Jidu, in the ancient times, they were all well-known evil stars. Every time they appear, they are like disasters. Bone bones everywhere, its dark and evil name, compared to the ancient nose of the ancient Qingfeng A nose inferior evil Shura, Shang poor blue fell to Huangquan, including the swallowing of the heavens and the blood sacrifice than the past, are also the ancient times that made the Three Thousand Avenue daunting Dark evil overlord.

If the purpose of the person in charge of the game is not only to test the depth of Ren Tianxing, but also to draw out how many existences are in secret to support Ren Tianxing, and how many existences hope that he can ask God for the original sin, then he is also successful.

When Ren Tianxing was besieged by all kinds of original sins and laws, his support behind him also paid off in the water.

If the man in the bureau wanted to take this opportunity to obliterate Ren Tianxing, his purpose had failed.

Because the original sinful law besieged him not only did not obliterate Ren Tianxing, but was also run away by Ren Tianxing after sacrificing Luo Yan to envy the two evil stars, many original sinful law bodies were also killed by the ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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