
Vol 2 Chapter 2471: Vanished Son

"Howling wind! How dare you stop me from having an old thing?"

Xuanyuan Hao was arrogant and arrogant. After receiving the support of the temple, he didn't put anyone in his eyes. In normal times, he might even politely call an ancestor or elder to the wind, but now He was full of anger and had already lost his mind. Now the ancestor of Fengfeng stepped forward to stop him. Xuanyuan Hao was immediately angry. 35xs

Although at this moment Xuanyuanhao has no respect for the ancestors of Fengfeng, and still speaks of old things, after all, the ancestors of Fengfeng are holy elders and semi-sacred people. Naturally, he will not have general knowledge of Xuanyuanhao in this section. , Said: "Haoer, you need to calm down! Don't be used by others!"

The mysterious woman who popped out suddenly existed, and why she knew so many secrets in the holy place, the ancestor of Fengfeng was not clear, but he knew one thing.

If the mysterious woman was to anger Xuanyuan Hao, then she succeeded, and now Xuanyuan Hao has lost her mind.

If the mysterious woman is here to spoil the situation, then she has also succeeded. The original stable situation, after her agitation, will probably only be more chaotic in the future.

If the mysterious woman was planning to destroy the Holy Land and make the Holy Land look shameful, then she also succeeded. Now that the Holy Land scandal has been exposed, everyone knows that Xuanyuan Wuji, which represents the Holy Land, is at odds with the Temple. Taking the holy land as the head, the so-called holy land, like the mysterious cave heaven, has become a laughing stock in the eyes of the major cave heaven and earth.

Howling ancestors know.


He always knew.

When the mysterious woman revealed the scandal of the Holy Land, he was expected to cause such consequences.

But he couldn't stop it.

Not that you don't want to, but you can't.

Because every word spoken by the mysterious woman is true, the truth makes him irrefutable at all.

Now Feng Feng's ancestors have no regard for others, and they don't know how to restore it. Only when Xuan Yuanhao calms down can he let him lose his mind and make trouble here.

However, the more he persuaded, the more angry Xuanyuan Hao was, not only that, Xuanyuan Hao even started to fight against the ancestor of Xunfeng.

"Master! What are you doing!"

Xuanyuan Tong rushed up and stood alone in front of Xuanyuan Hao.

"Do n’t call me my brother! I have never been your brother. You recognize Xuanyuan Wuji as a master. I do n’t recognize him. What is Xuanyuan Wuji worthy of being a master of Xuanyuan Hao?"

"The master treats you like a child and teaches you hard. Even if you betray the master, his old man never blame you. How can you be so disrespectful to the master?"

Xuanyuan Hao repeatedly disrespected the teacher under the court, and Xuanyuan Tong could not bear it anymore. Now she couldn't help it. 35xs

"Misunderstanding! What kind of thing do you even pair with Xuanyuan Hao?" I think you are looking for death! "

To say that Xuanyuan Hao is really cruel, Xuanyuan Tong just reprimanded him, and he even opened the sacred ruling bow and aimed Xuanyuan Tong. It seems that this is to kill Xuanyuan Tong with a single arrow.

"Xuanyuan Hao! I have endured you for a long time, you are too much!"

At the moment of the rush, Xuanyuan Tong lit a sacred flame all over her body. The fire was so strong that it was even worse than Xuanyuanhao ’s sacred day.

Messed up!

Completely messed up.

Looking at Xuanyuan Hao and Xuanyuan Tong, who did not agree with each other on the field, and the ancestors of Xunfeng who were on the fence, hiding in the void, no matter whether they were Avenue ancestors or original sin ancestors, everyone was a little hesitant.

No one Xuanyuan Hao went crazy and even his six relatives didn't recognize him. He previously shot a big Japanese trial arrow and didn't know who shot him. Now Xuanyuan Hao and the ancestor of Xunfeng came forward to stop him. Xuan Yuanhao not only gave a little face, but also prepared a The arrows obliterate Xuanyuan Tong, who is also the nine wise son.

It's really eye-opening and amazing.

At this moment, the hymn rang and sacred advent, at the same time, a mighty mighty force was pressed down, and the ancestors hiding in the void had a feeling of discomfort.

Immediately after, eight sacred pillars of light descended from the sky, four of which trapped Xuanyuan Hao, and the other four pillars of light trapped Xuanyuan's pupil. With a sigh, the eight pillars of light rose up to the sky, and then disappeared.

Then there is no more.

Xuanyuan Hao disappeared, Xuanyuan Pu disappeared, and even Xuanfeng disappeared with the disappearance of the eight beams of light.

It disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

Everyone may not know what the eight pillars of light are, but one of them is very clear. The old guy in the Holy Land must have shot it, and the Xuanyuanhao three were forcibly taken back.

After Xuan Yuanhao disappeared, the sacred day also disappeared, and the holy light of the sky also disappeared.

The emptiness of the Ligong Palace is restored as it was, and it has become what it should be. The darkness is like an abyss, changing, rotating, and endless.

The ancestors hiding in the void looked at the vast emptiness of the palace, all booing a little.

No one expected that things would change like this, let alone that the Holy Land would end up in such a way.


Not long ago, Xuanyuan Hao descended from the sky. Like the gods, the holy light of the sky not only covered the void of the palace, but also destroyed the countless ashes of the original sin. The Japanese trial arrow killed the ancestor of the green robe in public, and then provoked the ancestor of the original sin, the son of the original sin, and finally the variables of the original sin.

No matter it is the old demon of Heishan or the ancestor of Lantern, nor is it the Emperor of Weiyang, the Emperor Xiaoyao or the Emperor Xitian Buddha, even the Jiuyou Emperor who claims to be the most likely to ask God the original sin is afraid to appear.

At that time, everyone thought that the Holy Land was stable and they also voted for the five-body admiration for the layout of the Holy Land. Even if the Emperor did not show up, the Holy Land could stabilize the situation this time, so that they could order the heroes to guard the avenue together.

I never thought that I would kill a mysterious woman halfway.

First, satirized the original sinner, reprimanded Xiandao, and then exposed the scandal of the Holy Land, making the Holy Land look shameless and losing all the honor. It also annoyed Xuanyuan Hao, and he fought with Xuanyuan Tong. Finally, the old man in the Holy Land The guy had to come forward and force them back.

When the voice of the mysterious woman first came, no one knew whether she belonged to the avenue or to the original sin, let alone the purpose.

Up to now, although everyone still does not know whether the mysterious woman belongs to the avenue or the original sin, it seems that the purpose is more or less.

The mysterious woman should have deliberately disturbed the situation, without even revealing her face. With only a few words, it destroyed the overall plan of the Holy Land, and also made the situation that was just stable more chaotic than before, and also made a mess of the Holy Land. At least, after the scandal was revealed, it would be almost impossible for the Holy Land to order the heroes. Without the Xuanyuan Wuji Holy Land, many people would not be considered a Holy Land at all.

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