
Vol 2 Chapter 2476: It ’s okay to talk about an old one

The Daxing monk also looked at Gu Qingfeng aggressively and looked at himself, opened his mouth, stopped talking, looked up at the void, and his old face couldn't help turning red. This feeling of being suddenly pulled out seemed to be taken by someone. The same clothes were wiped out in the large court.


Dahang epilepsy really has this feeling, especially everyone is hiding in the void, and it is only like standing here with Gu Qingfeng, it's like being stripped of clothes and thrown out, feeling uncomfortable.

And he couldn't figure out how the Wuyue Niangniang discovered the ancient Qingfeng.

The existence of Gu Qingfeng can not be detected, even if you stand in front of you, as long as you close your eyes, he seems to have never existed. No matter how strong the Wuyue Niangniang is, it is impossible to find Gu Qingfeng.

There is also the infinite mystery of the emptiness of this palace, and countless things are changing. How does the moonless maiden's effort to clear the void like a cloud and mist in an instant?

What is more worrying for the Daxing episcopal is that now the ancestors on both sides of the avenue of darkness and the original sin are almost here, and they want to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng more than one, and the ancient Qingfeng will not show up. Yue Niangniang forcibly pulled out, then his mother is not dead?

He even suspected that Wuyue Niang was both sarcastic and humiliating Dadao, not to let Dadao recognize the facts, but to stimulate Dadao's heroes.

It is said that these ancestors could not only kill Gu Qingfeng, but they did not even have the courage to act in the face of Gu Qingfeng.

This is not what stimulated the ancestors?

After the stimulus, she did not know how to pull out the ancient breeze, which is equivalent to directly pulling the army of those ancestors.

Originally, the ancestors of Dadao have been swept away by her shameful face. If they dare not take action in the face of Gu Qingfeng, what would they say to Dadao ’s heroes?

In other words, this time, even those avenue ancestors don't want to do anything, they must kill Gu Qingfeng at all costs for their own looks.

As soon as this road started, the original sin side coaxed again, and Gu Qingfeng was really in danger.

Think of it here.

The Dahang epilepsed a little in his heart, for a while I didn't know what to do.

On the contrary, Gu Qingfeng is as indifferent as ever. Even if he was dragged out by Wu Yueniang somehow, he is still sitting on the fine wine, leaning on Erlang's legs, holding a pot of fine wine, and looking at it, and then Helplessly shook his head.

He stood up, stretched his back, and asked lightly: "Are you really Tang Yan?"

"Tang Jun is just one name in the reincarnation of this palace."

The voice of Wuyue Niangniang came from the void.

"It's really you. I thought I knew the wrong person." Gu Qingfeng smiled: "Last time you said goodbye, after ten thousand years, how are you doing?"

Upon hearing this, the Daxing epic next to him was dumbfounded. When is this mother-in-law's time, and your boy still feeling old? Even if the old ones were changed, this Wuyue mother made it clear that she wanted to kill you.

"This palace is not here to tell you the old."

"Everything comes out, it ’s okay to tell the old one, right? Let ’s talk about it, you and I know each other a little, right?

Gu Qingfeng really wanted to talk about the past with Wuyue Niangniang.

To this day, he still vaguely remembers that after leaving the northwest of the secular world, he met Tang Yan who was the princess of the Kingdom of Yanluo, and in order to sever the relationship with the wind every month, he also lied that he had become an acquaintance with Tang Yan. In retrospect, I actually spent a lot of time in Yanluo and had a lot of good memories with Tang Yan.

It is said that.

When the ancient Qingfeng swindled to death from the mundane world, Tang Yan also sought out himself. Not only that, but the outside world also rumored that Tang Yan loved him, became depressed, lost his temper, and lost himself.

After learning that Tang Yan is the same as the cause and effect of Yun Nishang and the wind every month, Gu Qingfeng only knew that Tang Yan went into the devil and lost himself. It was not acacia, but the memory of his mother's previous life.

But even so, he still thinks that Tang Yan is a very interesting woman. At least, the days when he was with Tang Yan made him think back quite a bit.

Even though Tang Xun laid out causal arrangements only to obliterate him, and even forcibly pulled him out at this moment, he still had no dislike for Tang Xuan.

For a person who feels that he has no meaning at all, there is no such thing as joy, anger, sorrow, love and hatred.

Mo said that there was no disgust to Tang Yan, that is, those who wanted to obliterate his ancestors and original sin ancestors hiding in the void. He did not have any disgust, and could not even be angry.

"There is nothing old to tell between this palace and you."

Wuyue Niangni replied without feeling.

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: "So ruthless?"

"You emperor, this palace told you that I am laying out cause and effect, just to kill you, other than that, there is nothing else, you should not be affectionate!"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said with a smile: "I didn't say I wouldn't let you kill." He said, he took a sip of wine, and said, "Anyway, I don't think it's alive anymore. If you can kill me Then kill him, even if you do me a favor, it is better to die in your hands than to die in their hands? "

Wuyue Niangniang didn't talk anymore, and she could not stand up to Gu Qingfeng's remarks. If Gu Qingfeng could be killed, she would have already started, so why not wait till now.

"Can't you get your hands? Since we can't get our hands off, let's talk for a while?" Gu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "I'm curious, how did you find me?"

"Do you think that no one in ancient or today has detected your existence?"

"Don't say, I really think so."

"Continue to do so, then you continue to think so!"

At this time ~ ~ I do n’t know who shouted a game in the void: "You guy who is surnamed Gu, do n’t you understand why you are stumped till now? No one has detected that your existence is not fake, but, It means that no one can detect the existence of the little bald donkey beside you, as long as the little bald donkey is near you, your kid's whereabouts will never escape their eyes, otherwise you think why they can keep staring at you in secret? The contribution of the little bald donkey! "

No one knows who this is.

But when the voice came, Gu Qingfeng hadn't said anything, and the Daxing epilepsy was unwilling, and immediately anxious.


The meaning of the other party ’s words is as if to say that Daxing Leng Monk is a spy who stays beside Gu Qingfeng. The purpose is to let everyone know the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng so as to create opportunities to wipe out Gu Qingfeng.

"Who! Whose **** blood spit out here!"

Daxing's monk flushed and cried, fiercely.

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