
Vol 2 Chapter 2496: 1 humble cause

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"Gu Gu, you don't have to worry too much. All that Lao said was just speculation." Xu Shi heard Gu Qingfeng's self-deprecating, Daxing episcopal comforted: "Even if you are the cause and effect of others, it may not be It will certainly be unknown, and whether or not you are the incarnation of someone else is still an unknown number. You must worry about it. "

After all, the words of comfort are words of comfort. Such comfort words don't even convince Daxing monks themselves, let alone Gu Qingfeng.


Then again, does Gu Qingfeng need comfort?

The answer is yes, no need.

He has always been open. If he can't, he would have collapsed because of his situation and the various causal situations he has experienced.

Although it was because of the incarnation of others that made him a little uncomfortable, he would be a little bit embarrassed after he was swallowed up after he was swallowed up. It was even more unacceptable for him to live for the rest of his life.


Gu Qingfeng never seeks out troubles for things that haven't happened, let alone worry about uncertain things.

There is a way for soldiers to block the wall and water to cover the earth. As long as the sky doesn't fall, everything is nothing. What should I do if the sky falls?

Not much.

Do whatever you want.

Take one step at a time, even if you really are the incarnation of the ancient nameless causality, even if the ancient namelessness has swallowed up the cause and effect, even if the ancient namelessness has a 100% certainty to devour itself, Gu Qingfeng is not afraid.

He never believed in the absolute word, as long as there was a little hope, he would not let anyone devour himself.

Taking 10,000 steps back, it really is n’t working. Gu Qingfeng still has one last way to go. That is to kill myself before my self-consciousness is lost. I ca n’t live. No one wants to occupy Lao Tzu ’s physical body, and count one by one. If you can't fight to death, you will be happy again.

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to think about this issue, but Tang Bao suddenly appeared, and said something so that Gu Qingfeng was a little scratched and wondered what she was thinking.

Although Tang Yan did not explicitly say that she was an ancient and innocent cause and effect incarnation, she had almost the same meaning inside and outside of her words, and left without saying a greeting. Obviously, the purpose of her appearance was to tell her that it might be ancient. Anonymous incarnation.

The question is what did she tell herself exactly? What tricks do you play and what medicines are sold in the gourds?

Sorry she wanted to find her nameless account now?

Or do you want to guard yourself from obscurity?

Neither of these possibilities seems to be very reliable.

Tang Yanming was standing on the side of the road. In other words, if the ancient namelessness can completely obliterate the origin of the original sin, this is good news for Sanqian Avenue and everything in the world.

It stands to reason that Tang Mao and Wu Guming are on the same front. So, why does she tell herself?

Could it be that Tang Yan reads his old feelings and can't bear to see that he was finally swallowed up by the ancient namelessness, so he disclosed the news to himself and prepared himself in advance to deal with the ancient namelessness?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng himself couldn't help laughing. He wondered if his charm should not be so big. Tang Yan is not an unworldly girl, but an old man who knows how many years he has lived and how many times he has reincarnation. Demon.

In the eyes of these old demons, the so-called feelings are probably not even a joke.

A monk of Dahang said: "The old lady pondered that Wuyue's mother must not have acted well."

"So what kind of bad eyes do you say?"

"This ..." Daxing epilepsy took off the worn-out monk hat to reveal his bare head, reached out and touched it, shook his head, and said, "Old man couldn't figure it out for a while and a half, but one thing is certain, Wuyue Niangniang It ’s absolutely trivial to exist. She can determine the destiny of the road through the layout of cause and effect, and the formation of cause and effect with your kid, which shows that her existence is absolutely terrible. "


Daxing epilepsy Shen said: "Maybe she appears and tells you that these arrangements are another cause and effect."

Gu Qingfeng said dumbly: "This **** thing is also a cause and effect?"

"Boy, the layout of cause and effect is difficult to say, and it is easy to say. Sometimes it takes only one sentence to plant a cause. Don't underestimate this cause. As long as it is properly arranged at the right time, a small cause may be able to The greatest impact. "

The Daxing monk said with a stern look, and said seriously: "Gu boy, old man, let me ask you, before that, is your boy ready to let it be, let it be, and just want to end it as soon as possible, as long as it can end it, you will die Don't care, right. "

Gu Qingfeng nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Now you know that you may be the incarnation of ancient nameless causality, and may eventually be swallowed up by ancient namelessness. Are you stumped and ready to let nature take its course, just want to end it all as soon as possible?"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said, "I still planned that way, and didn't think of anything else."

"Old boy, old boy, the old man is afraid to say that he knows your boy, but he knows more or less about your temperament. Your boy doesn't care about life or death, but if he is swallowed up by the self-consciousness, you The boy will certainly not accept. With the understanding of you by the old man, even if the boy kills himself, he will not allow others to devour your self-consciousness and then occupy your physical body. "

Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng stared at the Daxing epilepsy with a suspicious look. He didn't realize that Daxing epilepsy knew himself so well, like a maggot in his stomach ~ ~ as if he thought What, this old bald donkey knew everything.

"It's going to be that time, your kid might not be thinking about ending it all as soon as possible, but how to make the ancient name unknown pay the price, maybe even when your kid will desperately fight with the ancient name unknown."

"Once your boy is crazy, he can do anything. Now you have no interest in God, the original sin, but you won't be allowed to get angry and ask God, the original sin, to die in the end!"

The Daxing monk kept talking, every word made Gu Qingfeng startled.

He originally thought that Daxing epilepsy knew enough about himself, and knew his temperament clearly. Until now, until now, he realized that he still underestimated Daxing epilepsy. The old bald donkey said Then, let Gu Qingfeng feel, and feel that Daxing Leng Monk knows himself better than himself.

It really feels like this.

He carefully thought about these words spoken by the Daxing episcopal, whether it was to die with the ancient namelessness, or to anger the original sin God and the ancient nameless death to the end, this kind of thing, Gu Qingfeng felt that he had completely done it.

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