
Vol 2 Chapter 2553: Capability of Green Patriarch

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On the court.

The ancestors who cultivated the original sin itself, including the true body of the original sin, were all big eyes and small eyes. Although they didn't want to, they had to admit that the green robe ancestors were telling the truth, at least, who they were No reason for refuting the ancestor of the Green Robe could be found.

Especially Master Rat.

It is true that his original body of the original sin was not cultivated by himself. He also stole it, as the ancestor of the green robe said.

To be exact, it could not be completely stolen, but a drop of the true blood of the original sin he stole in exchange for it.

Before stealing the true body of the original sin, he stopped at the original body of the original sin, like many countless original sinners on the field, and could no longer take it one step further.

It wasn't until he heard these words from the ancestor of the Green Robe that he understood the secret.


Mr. Rat didn't agree with the sentence of the ancestor of the green robe that the person who slaughtered the original sin cannot cultivate the true body of the original sin.

Only by completely eliminating the obsession in the heart, after the six roots are clean and the four majors are empty, can they be integrated into the original sin, and thereby cultivate the original sin itself and conceive a new self.

This is true.

After the birth of a new self, although it is no longer the former self, it does not mean that no new obsession will be born.

Although the original body of the original sin was stolen, he believes that the ancestors who have cultivated the original sin itself or the original sin itself, and even the original body of the original sin, must have different obsessions in their hearts. .

Such as plotting the original sin God.

For example, yearning for the Wayless.

These are obsessions.

Since the obsession with God, the original sin, will naturally arise, the obsession with the slaughter of nature.

in fact.

It is not only the Lord Rat who thinks so, but also the other ten or so original sinners, including the son of the original sin, Yan Luo.

They also feel that even if they cultivate the true body of the original sin, it does not mean that they will not give birth to new obsessions.

I just do n’t know if the obsession with the birth of the ancestor of the golden giant Jinlun was still the same as before.

The only certainty is that the current Golden Wheel ancestor is definitely not the previous Golden Wheel ancestor.

Above the lonely peak.

Gu Qingfeng still relied on a large rock to sit on the ground at will, slightly tilted his head, held an altar of fine wine, squinted his eyes and looked at the scene, and laughed: "Don't say that the old man in the green robe returned his mother One wizard, the others who didn't say it, just said what he said just now, which is enough to prove that the uncle's sense of original sin is very deep. "

Beside, Daxing nodded heavily and said, "I have to say that the old grandson of the green robe is really a talented man. When he was in the void of the palace, the original sin and the two ancestors of the immortal were impatient. It's a slap in the air, and now it's just a few words that stunned all the original sinners. It really has trained a three-inch tongue that doesn't rot. This provocative ability is unbelievable. "

Leaving his mouth shut, Daxing epilepsy glanced at the magic weapon of the heavens and said, "The old man guessed that he felt the pot on the other side of Xuantianxian Road. Originally, they thought that the ancestors of the Jinlun ancestors committed the original sin to kill the original sin. Now The ancestor of the green robe was so careless, I'm afraid he can't grasp it. "

"This kind of incident happened at the heart of this festival. It is definitely a fatal blow to the morale of Xuantianxiandao. The existence of Jinlun's ancestors is of great significance to Xuantianxiandao. If his old man commits the original sin, it is not The slaughter of the original sin is not only a spiritual blow to the immortals of Xuantianxiandao, but also a disappointment, a suspicion whether this heaven and earth road can really be held. "

"This old grandson in green robes is doing a wonderful move."

The Daxing epilepsy glanced again at the Golden Wheel ancestor standing not far from the palace vortex.

Although the ancestors of the Golden Wheel here still stood quietly, their expressions were no longer as calm as before, at least, a complex color was in their eyes.

The Daxing acolyte doesn't know if the current Jinlun ancestor still thought about killing the original sin. This is not important. Even if the obsession in his heart is still the killing of the original sin, it is impossible to explain at this time.

The words explained at the bones of this section will not only have no effect, but may also cause him to betray the truth of Xiandao.

The way to explain is to cover up.

It is very likely that the ancestor of the green robe waited for the explanation of the ancestor of the Golden Wheel. As long as the ancestor of the Golden Wheel dared to speak, he would use the ancestor of the Golden Wheel to make a fuss and disturb the situation.

as expected.

The ancestor of the green robe with a vulgar smile, stared at the ancestor of Jinlun, and laughed: "Hey, Jinlun, I don't know if I am right, ancestor?"

The ancestors of Jinlun faced each other, but said nothing.

"Do you dare to say in front of Xuantianxiandao that you are still you?"

The ancestor of Jinlun was silent.

"Don't you dare! Because you know you are no longer your former self!"

The ancestor of the green robe said again, "Dare you dare to face the true sin of Xuantianxiandao and say that you have cultivated the true body of the original sin, just to kill the original sin?"

The ancestors of Jinlun remained silent.

The ancestor of the Green Robe is more and more demented with a smile, saying: "You dare not! You dare not! Because after you have cultivated the true body of the original sin, you cannot kill the original sin, and you will not kill the original sin! You are conscious To the original sin, God will surely be born, and the Wayless Era will surely open. No one can stop it. Opening the Wayless Era is the hope and the general trend. It is the fate of the avenue, the fate of heaven and earth, and the fate of fate! "

"Ugh !!!!"

The ancestor of the green robe laughed loudly ~ ~ The hoarse, sharp and deep laughter echoed continuously in the void of the entire palace.

With the laughter of the ancestors of the Green Robe, those original sinners who had been retreating from time to time did not retreat. Instead of retreating, they even carried forward their horrific spiritual coercion.


The countless original sins and legal bodies in the palace space are coerced by the horrible spirit in the vortex of the palace. The pressure is not only retreating, but the pain is unbearable. Perhaps it is the realization that God has no hope for the original sin. The emotions of the original sin body are very low, negative, and many even want to leave the place.

But the ancestors of the Green Robe told them to inspire, and now it is another saying that the era of injustice is destined to open, it is the hope of the people and the trend of the times. It is the fate of the avenue, the fate of the heavens and the earth, and it is the fate fate!

This is the phrase, called the countless original sin body in Ligong space, immediately excited, low and negative emotions instantly became excited, like the return of fighting spirit, each is full of blood, as if the era of injustice is theirs The same mission.

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