I asked you to report on the most important things in the lab?

You told me to open the third child?

And Cheng Mengyao also reacted in an instant: "It's not... it's that our research on auditory consciousness transmission has made progress... and we are divided into three groups, smell and taste are also being studied simultaneously!"

"Auditory research is progressing the fastest, with initial results likely by the end of this month!"

Cheng Mengyao hurriedly changed the subject and reported seriously.

The recent third child made her occasionally think about having a child with Ye Chen.

It would be good to have three in the future.

Girls look like themselves.

Boys who look like Ye Chen, it is better to be as smart as Ye Chen, this is very beautiful!

I just didn't expect it, I just said it without thinking!

Ye Chen looked at Cheng Mengyao a little helplessly.

Cheng Mengyao's scientific research strength is indeed very strong, and she is a strong woman.

However, strange thoughts always popped up in my mind.

She is still a big girl, and now she is thinking about the third child.

Also great!

"Okay, keep working hard, I still have something to do!"

Since the laboratory and the company have no accident.

Then Ye Chen was ready to go back.

Cheng Mengyao was a little reluctant to see Ye Chen leaving as soon as he came: "Isn't Mr. Ye here to guide our research?"

Ye Chen smiled and looked in the direction of his villa, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"It was originally planned, but something suddenly happened in the villa, a few mice came in, I have to deal with it!"

After speaking, Ye Chen got up leisurely and walked outside the laboratory.

Only Cheng Mengyao looked strange...

Mice in the villa?

How did Mr. Ye know?


Ye Chen left the company, drove across the Huxin Bridge, and entered the community.

"Mr. Ye!"

The guard at the gate saw Ye Chen's car and hurriedly let it go.

There are many rich people in this lakeside villa area.

But Mr. Ye is definitely the one with the most money and status.

Moreover, Ye Chen's non-sale anti-gravity car with magic technology is really eye-catching among the luxury cars in the community.

"Did a stranger enter the community just now?"

Ye Chen asked casually.

Mengang hurriedly shook his head: "No, Mr. Ye!"

Ye Chen nodded.

Most of the people who entered their villa were not thieves.

It seems to have no purpose!


The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, he stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards his manor.


"No alarm device found!"

The five people stood hidden in Ye Chen's manor, looking around vigilantly.

"Enter it, hide, the target basically returns to the villa at eight o'clock every day, and then shoot directly!"

The captain of the five-man squad, his eyes twinkled.

They used to be Chinese.

There are students and there are jobs.

However, after going to the Star Flag Country, he was secretly contacted, joined the Star Flag Country nationality, and joined the special forces after taking the oath.

They returned home five days ago.

Just now, I swam seven kilometers in the East Lake and successfully landed on the island.

And now, the target's villa doesn't even have basic alarm and security devices, which makes them feel that this mission is too easy.

As long as you can kill Ye Chen.

They can at least be promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.

You can also get the highest-ranking Medal of Honor in the army of the All-Star Flag Country.

And with this medal, their future will be smooth sailing, and they can be respected everywhere.

Children can directly join the Star Flag Military Academy.

From now on, they will completely become the core of the Star Flag.

And to get all this, you only need to kill a Ye Chen who has no security force.

It doesn't need to be considered at all.

After all, they have already chosen the Star Flag Country.

That Ye Chen, the person who made China's major industries progress rapidly, can't be respected by them at all, but will make them disgusted and hated.

After all, Huaxia is getting better and better, doesn't it mean that their choice is wrong?

Therefore, they will kill Ye Chen without hesitation.

".~ You hide and observe at any time... I'll look for information!"

The team entered the villa.

The leader signaled.

The four team members immediately hid in the most suitable position to attack Ye Chen.

The leader secretly went to each room to find information.

This is also one of his tasks.

If he could find precious information in Ye Chen's villa, his credit would be even higher.

Soon, in the study.

His eyes lit up.

Because on the table, there is a document called the full research record of anti-gravity technology.

He immediately took out the satellite phone and wanted to photograph this information and transmit it to his superiors.

But the next moment, he was surprised to find out.

The phone has absolutely no signal.

"Marven Ye actually installed a signal-blocking device in his home?"

The squad leader is a little weird.

However, he still did not hesitate to use his mobile phone to photograph every page of all the information.

After killing Ye Chen, it is the same (of Nuo Zhao).

At this moment, the humming sound of the manor's electronically controlled door opening automatically came.

The team leader hurriedly left the study and went to the living room to hide.

Through the window, he saw Ye Chen, who was tall and straight, getting out of the car leisurely.

"I came back early..."

"Although I don't know why. But you should have been able to live a few more hours, but it's a pity..."

The squad leader hid behind the sofa, gesturing tactically to the members.

And the meaning of this gesture is to wait for Ye Chen to enter the room, and then start immediately.

The whole villa is quiet!

They are silently waiting for the arrival of Ye Chen, the prey!


And on the other side of the ocean.

Al and a young officer are drinking tea.

"Is it all right?"

Al smiled.

The young officer smiled confidently: "Don't worry, only me and my immediate superiors in the mission army know about it, and there is absolutely no possibility of leaking secrets!"

"According to the news I just got, the team members have secretly infiltrated Ye Chen's villa. Ye Chen is just an ordinary person, facing the trained special team, he will surely die!"

"What's more, we also got them a firearm through a special channel, which is even more foolproof!"

"And after the five team members complete their tasks, our ship will pick them up on the high seas, and they will also directly deal with the giant!"

"Ye Chen's death will never involve us!"

The young officer's words made Al laugh.

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