On the Internet, the barrage is directly densely swiped.

"Fuck, this function is too awesome. Forgive me for the foul language, but I was really shocked!"

"Recently, I have been working in a big city, and I have no time to communicate with my parents. If we all have consciousness equipment, wouldn't we be able to easily share our knowledge with our eyes and exchange our feelings with our minds? There will be different parties in the future, but the exchange of ideas can be easily pulled. Get into each other's distance!"

"Yes, the curse of long-distance love can also be broken... No matter how far the distance between the two parties is, the hearts are still close!"

"As a married man, I strongly protest this feature! I used to be able to use photos or videos to deceive my wife when I was playing outside, but now, when my wife checks the post, she directly asks me to share what I see...then My wife will definitely beat me when she sees the technician standing in front of me!"

"Indeed, the progress of science and technology is indeed good and bad. Consciousness devices have a great conflict with personal privacy, but Magic Technology will definitely not sell our privacy like a bad company like Qiandu. In terms of privacy, everyone is Don't worry too much."

"There are so many liars on the Internet, they are going to be finished. After all, they can deceive people with their mouths, but they can't deceive people in their hearts!"

"I suddenly had a bold idea. If the long-distance relationship is always open to feel and communicate, then wait until the evening...isn't it..."

"Old driver upstairs!"

"I will draw inferences from one case to another. I'll find a friend who loves health care. One portion of money, two portions of happiness!"

The capabilities of consciousness devices are undoubtedly astoundingly advanced.

Consciousness devices can be said to have subverted the way people communicate with each other.

The whole society will undergo huge changes in the future.


The audience burst into cheers again.

Everyone is thinking about how cool it would be to have a consciousness device!

And Ye Chen smiled lightly and continued: "Everyone, our consciousness device is equipped with a dream-making system, and it is specially adapted to an instant consciousness communication software..."

"You can use this software to add friends to the people closest to you and share everything about yourself!"

"We all have the functions of conventional communication software such as text, voice, and video!"

"At the same time, our privacy protection measures are very strict. All pictures and feelings must be sent with the permission of the other party!"

"At the same time, our software also supports synchronous sharing of consciousness, so that you can continue to share your feelings with your relatives and friends."

"The word heart-to-heart has always been difficult! After all, people can't understand the feelings of others."

"But now, heart-to-heart will become the norm in this society!"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the audience cheered again.

"Boss Ye is awesome!"

"A brand new communication software, more advanced, we can finally get rid of that junk software of Weixin!"

"I just want to know now, how much is such an excellent product? When will it be available?"

"Yeah, I can't wait, I'm going to buy one for my long-distance girlfriend!"

in the cheers of countless people.

The owner of the Penguin Company, Xiao Ma, his face instantly collapsed.

The reason why the penguin empire can be so powerful.

The most important reason is to kidnap users all over the country with communication software, so that users can't get rid of it.

Now, Magic Technology uses more advanced products to directly reduce dimensionality.

How could penguins have a chance to compete with each other?

And if you lose the monopoly in the field of communications.

The Penguin Empire can be said to have collapsed in half.

And there is no huge user that communication software brings.

Penguin's other businesses will only continue to decline in the future!

Thinking of this, the pony is a little desperate...

And the bosses of software companies such as Dingding, Momo, Tantan, etc., also had a look of mourning.

Even Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, who is called a robot on the other side of the ocean, can no longer maintain the calmness of a robot at this moment.

He clearly knew that the end of Facebook was coming!

At the same time, they were hit by dimensionality reduction and were wiped out.


Look at the surprised expressions of the people present.

Ye Chen naturally knew that the launch of his own communication software for the dream-making system would be a huge blow to the world's major network communication companies.

But Ye Chen didn't care.

For example, Facebook on the other side of the ocean, think about what Zuckerberg did.

It should be cold too!

As for penguins, take what penguins do.

Can it have a big impact on this society?

Marven Ye didn't have any good feelings for Penguin.


Ye Chen smiled and waved his hand, signaling the audience to be quiet: "Everyone, don't worry too much!"

"I haven't finished introducing more functions and development prospects of consciousness devices!"

"First of all, awareness equipment will have a huge impact on the traditional film and television industry!"

"As long as the consciousness input technology of magic technology is used, the crew can shoot a new type of film and television drama from the perspective of the protagonist..."

"In this kind of TV series, the audience can be immersed in the scene and completely replace the protagonist."

"When fighting the enemy, the audience can feel the power of the blade clash."

"And when you get the treasure, the audience can clearly touch the treasure and feel the weight and texture!"

"Even some feelings that the protagonist should have can be directly conveyed to the audience. Such as grief and anger, such as joy!"

"And if it's a food drama, the audience can enjoy delicious food!"

"In short, as long as you use the consciousness input technology disclosed by magic technology, the global film and television industry will be completely changed!"


When Ye Chen's voice fell.

The whole place was boiling again.

Although he has tried his best to imagine the changes that consciousness equipment will bring to the world.

But hearing it now is still beyond their imagination.

"I'll go, this production method, isn't it that we ordinary people can also feel the real gunfight, it's simply not too exciting!"

"And in TV dramas, the contact scenes between the protagonist and female stars, don't we seem to be able to get in touch with actresses?"

"I have a bolder idea! If the movie of Gongjiang Kingdom also uses new technology, can we..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... The upstairs is awesome, I like Utsunomiya Shion..."

"Haha, who do you want to experience upstairs? The actress's or the actor's?"

"Stop talking to a bunch of old wizards! It's so close to the real TV experience, it's so exciting! I feel that even those rotten domestic dramas that only talk about love every day, I can watch it with relish!"

"The TV series and the film industry will undergo real changes...even traditional movie theaters will have to change their operating models!"

"After Mr. Ye said this, I realized how much the consciousness equipment has changed the world!"

Now countless people exclaimed at Ye Chen's idea.

People in the global film and television industry are all shocked and confused at this moment.

Magic Technology's consciousness device, just released, immediately destroyed today's film and television industry.

If they don't follow the magic technology quickly.

I am afraid that I will be eliminated immediately!


And when viewers recover from the fantasy of a virtual reality TV show.

Ye Chen spoke again: "Not just the film and television industry!"

"The gaming industry is also going to be drastically transformed."

"Our company has launched a consciousness game engine, and major game companies can get authorization for free."

"With our game engine, companies can create games that are close to the real thing."

"Players can explore freely in it, feel the weight of weapons, feel the taste of food, and feel the ferocity and power of wild monsters..."

"The future games will be closer and closer to the feeling of the real world."

"For example, League of Legends, the player directly leads the soldiers, the collision of real knives and real guns!"

"And in shootout games like PUBG, players can also experience the feeling of real firearms, as if in a real battlefield, whether it is the recoil or the weight of the firearms, they are all realistic, and the load can also be completely simulated!"

"It's even close, and there are no bullets, so I picked up the stone on the ground and smashed the opponent directly..."

"And the Xianxia game allows players to really fly with their swords, feel the greasy senior sister, and feel the beasts and monsters in various games..."

"As for horror games? Forget it, let's not talk about it!"

Ye Chen said to the end.

Billions of gamers around the world are boiling at this moment.

In a realistic TV series, the audience has to follow the plot, and can only be substituted into the plot more deeply, but there is no degree of freedom at all.

And the simulation game that Ye Chen mentioned is really about creating a virtual reality world!

Game companies around the world are boiling with the concept proposed by Ye Chen.

This is the legendary virtual game!

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