Major game companies have launched holographic gunfight online games, holographic mobo martial arts online games...

And well-known game companies in Poland do not hesitate to virtualize cyberpunk games...

The world-renowned R-star company also announced for the first time that it will develop the virtual reality game gta6.

And in the field of film and television.

The eight giants of Hollywood have directly announced their entry into the field of virtual movies.

And domestically injected film and television companies such as Huayi, Tangren, Wanda, and Ali Films have also announced that they will develop realistic TV series.

In short.

Every press conference of Magic Technology has an inestimable impact on the world.

Countless industries have changed dramatically as a result.


the next day.

Countless people around the world are still hotly discussing the new devices of magic technology on the Internet.

"Although I like the consciousness device of Magic Technology, I just bought a Mithril chip folding screen mobile phone from Huayao Company, which is a full [-] yuan! It's only half a month after I got it, and you told me that I was eliminated. ?"

"That's right, I just bought Rice's new phone, and I can't stop crying!"

"Other companies, I hope their new products will be released soon, and Magic Technology's new products are released so fast, I feel my wallet is crying!"

"Don't feel bad, everyone."

"You can sell outdated products to those people abroad! Most of the magic technology chips are produced in China. The number of people who got Mithril chip mobile phones abroad is only tens of millions, and there are billions of people who have not experienced it. Where's the mithril chip! We'll sell it to them directly at the original price, will it be amazing?"

"Did they think too much upstairs, and the consciousness equipment came out, why did they buy mobile phones?"

"I don't understand! If foreign consumers want to buy consciousness devices, they will have to wait for us 14 to become popular, then it will take a year or two, and they can use the Mithril mobile phones that we have eliminated in the past two years, which is not bad! "

"Damn it, that's really the truth! In the past, there were conscientious companies like Lianxiang everywhere in the country, and they gave priority to foreign countries. It's a surprise that we are suddenly treated so favorably!"

"Lian Xiang's conscience of such a beautiful emperor is already cold. If you don't say anything, I will forget this garbage company!"

"I feel that since the introduction of magic technology, we have not only won in technology. Even our consumers in China have also won, and we will be proud of it from now on!"

"Yes, we won!"

Countless netizens chatted on the Internet before the release of Magic Technology's consciousness device, waiting for the time to snap up.

However, they also feel really cool.

In the past, Huaxia consumers always felt inferior.

In particular, a company like Lianxiang, which is obviously a Huaxia company, treats domestic consumers highly, but treats foreign consumers in a way that pleases.

And there are many domestic companies that even hold conferences in English and launch new products abroad, which is also unpleasant.

Obviously it is Huaxia Company, okay?Don't even speak Chinese?

But since the creation of Magic Technology, such unpleasant things have never been seen again.

All audiences around the world must watch the Chinese conference.

Any new product is enjoyed by Huaxia consumers first.

This has greatly enhanced the national pride of countless Chinese people!

Really win!


And countless foreign consumers are very greedy.

Originally, they were still unhappy with the different treatment of magic technology.

But now they are all resigned.

It is good that they can use the new product within a year.

China's Internet now seems to have become the center of the world's Internet.

Countless people came over the wall just to see the actual user experience of Huaxia users for the first time.

By the way, envy and jealousy.

And abroad.

Many people, especially the elderly, are even thinking about immigration.

After all, three years later.

Even if Magic Technology's data immortality technology is realized, it will definitely provide Chinese consumers first.

In this part of life, they can't wait.

So, they really want to be a Chinese!

And the senior management of Huaxia is obviously very stubborn...

saw an opportunity.

Directly repeal the previous immigration policy.

From today onwards, Huaxia only supports the investment immigration of the rich and the immigration of high-tech technical talents.

Immigrants by investment must have a net worth of at least US$[-] million and must invest US$[-] million in Huaxia.

And high-tech technical talents must be top talents in various high-tech industries.

When the new immigration regulations came out.

Countries around the world are bombed...

They have accused the immigration regulations too shameless.

It is entirely based on the attractiveness of immortal technology to the world's richest to harvest global wealth.

After all, in this world, the distribution of wealth is very extreme.

One percent of the world's rich people own [-] percent of the world's wealth.

If most of the rich are attracted by Huaxia's immortality technology, they choose to immigrate to Huaxia.

Then their wealth is equivalent to flowing into China.

How will you play after this?

Not to mention that Huaxia also took the opportunity to collect high-tech talents from all over the world.

You already have a genius like Ye Chen, but you are still not satisfied.

This is robbery.

It's just so immoral...

You know, they used to attract talents from China.

They absorb the wealth of the Chinese rich.

And now?

Just because of the advent of magic technology.

The world has changed so much!


When the time reaches twelve o'clock.

Hundreds of millions of people across the country came to Magic Technology's official website on time to buy awareness equipment.

The stock of magic technology is very sufficient, a full one million units.

However, after only half a second, the top grades were sold out first.

It can be seen that the heat of consumers is high.


On the internet.

Countless people complained about the difficulty of grabbing consciousness equipment.

And grabbing someone is a triumphant display.

In particular, Magic Technology has carried out in-depth cooperation with Jingdong and Shunfeng Express.

The goods have been sent to warehouses all over the country.

Therefore, [-]% of consumers who grab a conscious device can get the goods on the same day.


Female stream 66.

A well-known female anchor in the live broadcast industry.

She is streaming live at the moment, and her pretty face is excited.

"Everyone, this is the consciousness device? Doesn't it seem too difficult to grab?"

66 raised his clean white wrist, which was wearing a delicate watch-like device.

This is the consciousness device.

Her Versailles appearance made the audience jealous to the point of separation.

How hard is it to grab a consciousness device, needless to say?

Nearly [-] billion people in the country grab one million units, that is, only one person can grab [-] or [-] people.

It's not that difficult even for civil servants.

Looking at the barrage of all kinds of jealousy, 66 smiled even happier.

"Okay, don't be angry, everyone, let me experience the function of the consciousness device and see if it is so magical!"

After 66 finished speaking, he immediately pressed the power button and used consciousness to communicate with the consciousness device.

The next moment, in 66's mind, the boot screen of the consciousness device appeared.

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