"At the same time, they have indeed put into use the eternal energy!"

"Since the first of this month, their electricity bill has dropped to a dime per kilowatt-hour."

"In just three days, their average daily electricity consumption has increased by [-] percent compared to the previous year!"

"According to the forecast of our think tank team, a country's energy supply is closely related to the country's industrial output value."

"We predict that their industrial output this year is likely to increase by [-] percent compared to previous years."

"It's all a result of the cheap electricity prices brought about by immortal energy!"

"At the same time, the application field of immortal energy is very huge!"

"Their aerospace department is also expanding its enrollment recently. According to the news from our insiders, they have reached a cooperation with each other. They will develop a new type of anti-gravity immortal energy rocket..."

"The technology is expected to be ready within two years at most."

"At that time, they may even launch a commercial lunar tourism project, reducing the cost of a personal trip to the moon to [-] yuan."



Staff's words.

The commander frowned.

The technology of Ye Chen's data immortality was announced, so that they could not use force to suppress them.

But it is unacceptable to sit back and watch competitors develop like this.

Today's rival industries are growing rapidly.

The aerospace field also needs to overtake on curves.

Must compete!

The star flag country must not be surpassed in one's own hands.

The commander narrowed his eyes: "Eternal energy is too important..."

"It's time to recall the scientists sent by our Star Flag!"

"As long as they come back with technology, our star flag nation also develops immortal energy..."

"We will also have cheap electricity and our industry will thrive!"

"In other fields, we have the background behind us and can do better than them!"

Thinking of this, the great commander smiled.

Fortunately, I was wise at the time, and seeing that all countries had sent excellent nuclear physics talents to Ye Chen, I was more alert and increased investment.

And it sent three top nuclear physicists directly.

Sure enough, the hard work pays off.

Ye Chen, you use our talents to develop technology.

So now we take technology as royalty.

Only three talents sent for half a year can bring back the eternal energy technology.

Small investment, big gain.

Thinking about the importance of immortal energy again, rounding it up would be a free prostitute.

The Great Commander's mood was instantly good.

This kind of swindling feeling is really cool!

The chief commander looked at the staff and said with a light smile: "Go and inform, we can ask for someone!"

The staff was hesitant to hear the words: "Will Huaxia let people go? After all, those people participated in the eternal energy experiment!"

The aide asked himself.

If these talents are in the Star Flag Country, and they rebel, imprison, or even kill them directly, it is impossible to return them to other countries.

So they think China will do the same.

However, the commander shook his head with a smile: "When Ye Chen recruited nuclear physicists around the world, the movement was so big that people all over the world knew it clearly!"

"And most countries in the world have also sent talents there."

"If you want people this time, all countries will not be willing to lag behind, and they will definitely make the movement bigger!"

"No matter who it is, it's impossible, and I don't dare to risk the world to forcibly keep people, let alone kill them!"

"So, for this loss, they are settled!"

"Eternal energy technology, my commander is determined, even Jesus can't stop me!"

The staff's eyes lit up when they heard the words...


The day.

Since the failure of the new energy industry alliance, the star flag country has been silent for a long time.

Today, the spokesperson of the Black Palace held a press conference.

"There is also a deteriorating global environment in response to increasingly difficult international competition."

"Our star country has decided to invest heavily in the research and development of new environmentally friendly nuclear energy technologies."

"Here, the Star Flag Country has issued an order for the recruitment of nuclear physicists from the Star Flag Country..."

"According to the national laws of the Star-Flag State, as long as they are nuclear physicists with the nationality of the Star-Flag State, no matter where they are, no matter where they work, they must return to China to participate in the state-led new environmental protection nuclear energy research!"

"No country or company can prevent the return of nuclear physicists from the Star Flag Country!"

When the spokesperson of the Black Palace finished the central content of this press conference.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

How could they not understand.

This must be stimulated by Huaxia's immortal energy, and the Star Flag Country is about to start energy competition.

However, isn't this kind of competition always sneaky?

Why was it announced directly to the public?

What's more, how could such a precious talent as a nuclear physicist be abroad?

Still recruiting globally?

But soon, someone responded.

The black palace spokesman said that the national nuclear physics talents located all over the world actually mean that they are in China.

The nuclear physics talents who participated in the research and development of immortal energy!

At this moment, everyone understood.

What research and development of new energy?

Just an excuse.

Star Flag has no plans to develop new nuclear energy by itself.

It is simply intended to obtain eternal energy technology.

At this moment, many people finally understood why the Star Flag nation would let go of the precious nuclear physics talents and allow them to join magic technology. …

It turned out that it was all for today.

Countless people thought of this and were amazed.

Since Huaxia has the energy of immortality, it has the possibility to threaten the status of the Star Flag.

And if the star flag country also has the energy of immortality, the gap that was originally narrowed will widen again.

However, even if Magic Technology agrees to release people, how can Huaxia allow it?

Everyone does not understand.

They believe that the plan of the Star Flag Country is very likely to be lost.

The nuclear physics talents sent out have no chance to come back at all!


And the press conference of the Black Palace in the Star Flag Country seems to be an introduction.

Countries around the world have sent nuclear physics talents to Magic Technology.

They all held an official press conference at the same time.

The content of the conference is similar at the pixel level.

They are all preparing to develop new energy sources and calling on all their nuclear physicists to return to China.

At the same time, no country or institution is required to prevent its nuclear physicists from returning to China.

And this move.

Directly on a global scale, it caused huge waves.

All countries have started to want people by coincidence?

Any research and development of new energy sources is false.

It is simply the technology of stealing eternal energy by taking the opportunity of dignitaries.

Such a big move has directly become the biggest news in the world today.

And netizens from all over the world were very happy after seeing the news.

"It turns out that the great commander of our Star Flag Country is so far-sighted that he started the layout ahead of time! Before, I thought that the great commander was helping the enemy, but I was shortsighted! The great commander is awesome!"

"Haha, our Gongjiang Nation is already short of resources. As long as we have the energy of eternal life, the development of our Gongjiang Nation will no longer be able to stop it, and we will definitely regain the throne of the second largest economy in the world!"

"I said long ago that our cold country nuclear physicists are the main inventors of immortal energy. If there is no talent in our country, immortal energy will definitely not be developed. I believe that it will not be too long, our cold country will be able to live in On the basis of eternal energy, we will develop better technology!"

"The stick upstairs is shameless, we are number one in the country of Mao Xiong!"

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