
"It looks really awesome, but I don't know why, my heart is very calm, there are no waves!"

"Indeed, I was apprehensive before facing the Semiconductor Alliance and the New Energy Alliance, but now, I don't feel anything!"

"This is normal, because even if the Star Flag country vigorously develops the field of communications and occupies the world, it will not have much impact on us!"

"But I think it's better to compete, otherwise, with the actions of the Star Flag, it will definitely eavesdrop on us!"

"Yes, we still have network autonomy, the network is the lifeblood!"

"Everyone, do you think the current scene is like when we, Huaxia, had no choice but to invest heavily in 5g."

"Xingqiguo is completely forced by President Ye and has no choice but to find a breakthrough point!"

"Hahaha, it's really feng shui turns!"

"@huayao, @zhongteng, @irontower, come on!"

"The enemies are all united. I feel that these three are not enough. Instead of expecting them, it is better to expect President Ye of Magic Technology."


"Although Mr. Ye is a genius, it's impossible for him to be able to play in every field!"

"That's true! It seems that the Star Flag Network of Star Flag Country is really unstoppable."

Numerous netizens are talking about it.

But overall it was peaceful.


The major domestic communication companies frowned when they saw this news.

Now China's economy is developing rapidly.

If the competition in the communication field fails, it will not have much impact.

But it's different for them.

If it fails, it's really hurting, and it may even go bankrupt.

However, Star Flag has united so many communication giants and top scientific researchers, and has also allocated a huge support fund of [-] billion US dollars.

They really don't have the courage to fight against each other.

in Huayao Company.

Both Mr. Ren and Mr. Yu didn't seem to be sleeping too well, with red blood in their eyes.

Apparently he was struggling and thinking about it last night.

But now, after seeing the news from the Star Flag Country, they were completely shocked.

They did not expect that the Star Flag Country was so desperate.

Directly brought together the major competing giants and established a joint venture company.

Also took out [-] billion US dollars as support funds.

You must know that neither Cisco nor Nokia and other companies are weaker than Huayao in terms of communication technology reserves.

If competing alone, Huayao has the confidence to prefabricate the well.

But these terrifying communication giants have actually united.

Its R&D strength and technical reserves will make people daunting.

Anyway, Huayao has lost the qualification to participate in this competition.

What's more, countries will definitely stumble upon China abroad.

Huayao doesn't even have the chance to compete fairly.


Mr. Ren watched the news and sighed helplessly: "There's no way!"

"Sell the team to Magic Technology! Don't care too much about money, be good with it."

"The main condition, it is best to talk about the cooperation after the development of some new networks of magic technology!"

"We Huayao really have no chance to become an equal partnership with Magic Technology!"

Mr. Ren gave up at this moment.

All the ideas of independent research and development are gone.

And President Yu could only bow his head in disappointment.

Huayao, there is really no chance!

He hurriedly called Ye Chen.

Finally, go to the Magic Technology Building and sign a transaction agreement.

What Magic Technology wants to acquire is only the core R&D technical team of Huayao.

After all, even if the new technology develops, it will take three or four years to popularize the world.

With the previous technology, Huayao can still make money for a while.

"The Commander-in-Chief of Star Flag said in the morning news interview that in the field of research and development of communications, in addition to economic and jobs, there are also plans to suppress the development of magic technology!"

"Mr. Ye, do we want to announce this transaction to the public, pour a pot of cold water on them, and let them know that you have entered the field of communications, Mr. Ye!"

Hua Yao's Yu always had a wicked smile.

They Huayao were forced to gradually launch the communication field, and naturally they did not want the former competitors of Star Flag to be better.

Give them bad news when they're at their best.

Think about their expressions.

It really makes me feel happy.

However, when Ye Chen heard the words, he shook his head: "Keep it a secret!"

"Let them invest as much as they can, while wasting researchers' time and their national money."

"Every failure of national policy investment is a decline for the country."

"The gradually declining star flag country is a good star flag country." Wan.

Chapter 127

A star-flag state that is gradually declining is a good star-flag state.

This is not Ye Chen's whims.

Ye Chen would not be arrogant to think that after the news that magic technology entered the field of communication came out.

Countries will be directly scared to give up the field of communication directly.

This is impossible.

If Marven Ye's deterrent is really so powerful.

It is estimated that the countries have long been desperate to destroy themselves.

But if the news of his own entry into the field of communication spreads.

The Star Flag Country will inevitably be afraid.

Investment in all aspects is likely to be reduced, and the scale of manpower will also be reduced, and adequate risk control will be done.

In this way, even if it fails in the future, the loss will not be large.

But Marven Ye wanted them to go all out.

The consequences of failure of such state-led high-tech development are dire.

For example, Huaxia invested heavily in CRT screen display technology and invested a lot of money and manpower.

As a result, it was hit by the LCD screen technology of Gongjiang Kingdom and suffered heavy losses.

The Huaxia screen industry suddenly collapsed.


And later.

The whole country has invested in the upgrading and research and development of LCD technology.

However, Han Guo chose the development direction of OLED screens.

OLED screens are popular all over the world with mobile phones because of their power saving and high refresh rate.

Most of the companies in the country that insist on LCD screens are losing money, and the entire screen industry in the country has basically collapsed.

Even Sony, a TV giant in China, uses foreign screens today.

This is the impact of a wrong national development strategy.

Every time it fails.

It is a huge loss of national power.

Once or twice inconspicuous, but if it fails again and again, then the country's economy is really screwed.


And what Ye Chen has to do is to watch the star flag country invest in the communications industry on a large scale.

ultimately failed.

Of course, with the heritage of the Star Flag Country, even if the communications industry fails, it can still withstand it.

But this decline is visible to the naked eye.

Successive failures will not only cause problems for the star and flag state's economy, but also greatly reduce the star and flag state's influence.

In the future, the economy of the star flag country is close to collapse.

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