The new communication network and communication standard developed by the Star Flag Network has completely swept the world.

At that time, even if the consciousness equipment of magic technology is more advanced.

In order to enter the foreign market, it is also necessary to purchase the other party's patent and support the other party's communication protocol.

This fact has made countless people on the earth sigh with emotion.

Even the Star Flag Country has suffered a series of defeats in the previous competition of magic technology.

But the Star Flag is still the most powerful country in the world.

Star Flag's entry into the field of communications is much easier than when Huaxia vigorously promoted 5g.

Star flag country, so terrifying!


And in the star flag country, in the black palace.

The commander-in-chief smiled.

Relying on the global influence of the Star-Flag nation, all countries have pledged to provide strong support when their new communication network technology is launched.

In other words.

In the future, Star Flag Network Company will be able to easily sweep the world.

Any network device that wants to access the network requires the patent license and network access license of Star Flag.

At that time, no matter how powerful Ye Chen's consciousness equipment is.

For each product sold, a patent fee must also be paid to Xingqi Network.

"Marven Ye, no one can always win. The communication network is just the beginning. In the future, I will win more!"

"On the poker table, the one who wins the last will have the last laugh."

The great commander has been playing with Ye Chen's applause and is extremely angry.

Now that I see the dawn of my first victory, I will naturally be so excited that I can't help myself.


"Commander, the press conference is about to start. We can already announce the data of our new technology!"

Beside him, Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, spoke.

The commander looked at the performance data of the new communication technology that Zuckerberg was holding, and showed a satisfied smile.

"The major communication giants in our star flag country have countless technical reserves, which are simply beyond the imagination of outsiders!"

"Let's go everyone. Today's press conference, we will shock the world!"

"This will be the first step for the Star-Flag Nation to return to the road to greatness!"

The great commander waved his hand, full of arrogance...



After five minutes.

Black Palace News Hall.

Reporters from all over the world came, hundreds of people, and the crowd was surging.

When the commander took Zuckerberg, President Gao Tong, President of Nokia, President of Ericsson and others to the stage, countless flashes flashed...  

Hundreds of reporters watched the commander, waiting for the commander to speak.

The commander said nothing else.

But there is one thing, very bold, always bringing hot spots, can be said to be the most popular leader in the history of the media.

Today, the development and expansion of the Star Flag network is so huge.

More about the new generation of communication standards.

Naturally eye-catching.


The Grand Commander enjoyed the light of the flash.

On the booth, I looked at everyone present confidently: "Welcome everyone!"

"At today's press conference, I can start off with a piece of good news!"

"That is all countries in the world, except for a few countries such as Huaxia, Yilang, Level [-] Stan, Chaoxian, etc., all other countries have expressed their willingness to support the brand-new communication technology and standards developed by Star Flag Network in the future. !"

When the commander's voice came out, all the reporters in the audience exclaimed.

The Star Flag Country is simply too terrifying.

The technology has not yet been developed, but all countries have promised to introduce it.

This deck is simply invincible.

And once the brand-new communication technology of Star Flag network becomes mainstream in various countries, it basically lays the market pattern.

There will never be a new communication technology that can threaten the status of the Star Flag Network.

In an instant, the reporters from the Star Flag Country present cheered.

Magic technology was too scary before.

It is really embarrassing for Huaxia, who was originally behind them, to overtake them in various fields.

And now his own country is finally able to establish a victory in the field of communications.

Finally got to win.

How could they be unhappy!

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, which made the commander smile.

He likes to hear cheers.

He spoke again with a glorious face: "Next, I will announce the estimated performance of Star Flag's new communication technology for everyone!"

"Cisco, Ericsson, Nokia, and Gaotong all have deep technical reserves, and they have invested in technology and contributed all to Star Flag Networks."

"And the national laboratories of our five universities have also made huge breakthroughs in the field of communication technology!"

"When we spent five days integrating these technologies, we were shocked to discover..."

"Our new technology can theoretically allow users to achieve a data transfer speed of 10g per second!"

"At the same time, we have also developed point-to-point communication technology under high load conditions."

"That is to say, even in a crowded place like a concert, even if the base station is overloaded, the public can guarantee at least [-]% of the Internet speed."

"In the future, our people will no longer need to worry about having too many network cards, and this situation will disappear completely in history."

"Secondly, our new technology has a huge reduction in energy consumption, which is a full half of 5g!"

"In other words, people around the world will not only be able to experience a network ten times faster than Huaxia's 5G network in the future, but will also be able to enjoy only half of the tariff, which is even more saving!"

"Moreover, Star Flag Network will cooperate with partners to carry out a new network without dead ends in Star Flag."

"Our subways, remote villages, all these places that were not covered by the Internet will be covered by the Internet!"

When the commander finished speaking, the reporters at the scene applauded excitedly.

The new technology that Star Flag Network said is completely beyond their imagination.

The upload speed of 10g per second is simply invincible.

As long as the hard disk writing speed can keep up, can any large game be downloaded in a few seconds?

Not to mention solving the historical problem of multiple network cards.


But most importantly, the commander-in-chief promised to cover the new network with no dead ends across the country.

  You know, on the subway in Xingqi Country, many people don't play with their mobile phones, but look down at books and newspapers.

This is not because the people of Xingqi don't like mobile phones and like to study.

But because there is no internet.

Not to mention remote villages.

It is impossible for those communication companies to spend money to build base stations for so few people.

This is also why Chinese audiences watch Xingqiang horror movies.

I always don't understand why the protagonists and the others go on vacation and the mobile phone always has no signal. It's too fake.

However, the audience of Star Flag will not have such doubts.

Because national conditions are different.

In the star flag country, it is really the norm that there is no mobile phone signal.

And now, everything has to be resolved.

This is simply too surprising.


However, some reporters were calmer and raised their hands to ask questions: "Commander, how soon can our new technology be developed and commercialized?"

The reporter's question calmed the scene.


No matter how good the technical idea is, if it cannot be commercialized, it is of no use.

And the great commander laughed.

He chuckled and said, "We have a team of tens of thousands of researchers, and we have countless technical reserves!"

"According to the predictions of our top professors at Harvard, it will only take us at most two months to develop new technologies and successfully commercialize them!"

"Everyone, you will soon enjoy the fastest internet speed in the world!"

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