These employees did not resign within Huayao, but directly joined Magic Technology.

Before the technology came out, Huayao was still responsible for paying the insurance.

So even the old man never knew about it.

"Then why not announce it? If the Superman network has the upper hand, even if your new technology is better than the Superman network, countries will not choose it! After all, the performance of the Superman network can fully meet the needs of consciousness devices for the network."

What the old man said was very reasonable.

In many cases, the more advanced the technology is, the more perfect it is.

For example, the Superman network can transmit up to 10g of data per second.

And the network developed by Ye Chen in the future, even if it is better, has a transmission speed of 12g per second.

Although there is an extra two gigabytes of data transfer speed, what's the point?

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Chen smiled: "Don't worry, the communication network I developed is not a simple upgrade of transmission parameters. It is a complete innovation."

"It's like cell phones evolved into conscious devices."

"It's like the evolution of new energy vehicles into anti-gravity new energy vehicles."

"It's not a simple matter of whoever occupies the market first will win, they have no chance to win!"

Ye Chen's words surprised the old man a little, and became curious again.

Another revolutionary technology?

Others say, he certainly does not believe.

But Ye Chen was so sure and confident that he completely believed it.

In his heart, he could not help but admire Ye Chen.

It is said that Ye Chen is a genius, but where is the genius?

All walks of life can engage in research and development and come up with new technologies. This is completely evil!


"But if that's the case, then there's no need to hide the news..."

The old man was still a little puzzled.

But halfway through speaking, the old man was suddenly stunned.

He asked a little surprised: "Is it possible that you deliberately let the Star Flag country invest the research strength and resources that you have looked at, so that they will lose all their money and gradually let them decline?"

The vision of the old man is very different.

Ye Chen's actions made him guess some clues.

And Ye Chen heard the words and smiled: "That's right!"

The old man was a little surprised by Ye Chen's ambition, but he also smiled.

This is how the world is.

Strong or not is always relative.

The other party's investment failed, and a lot of human and material resources were wasted, which would affect the country's capital.

And the other side declined.

Even if he didn't become stronger, he had become stronger relatively speaking.

What's more, Huaxia now masters several industrial fields, and has eternal energy.

Getting stronger all the time.

Under the circumstances, it is not a lie to surpass the Star Flag Country.

Even very fast.


The old man became more and more confused about Ye Chen.

Why did Ye Chen take this step?

To be honest, these actions can no longer be explained by a few simple words of patriotism.

A businessman, thinking about how to make a great country decline.

This is not the pattern an entrepreneur should have.

Ye Chen said lightly: "The future goal of magic technology is to monopolize the global energy and communications industries."

"And Magic Power Grid Corporation wants to go out, and the power and communications of various countries need to join magic technology. To do all this, the Star Flag Country must decline!"

"If the Star Flag is still strong, my purpose will never be achieved."

"So, the Star Flag Country must decline, or even..."


Ye Chen's words made a plain old man who was used to seeing wind and rain couldn't help exclaiming in his heart.

Ye Chen actually planned to monopolize the global energy and communication network?

This ambition is simply outrageous!

But the old man laughed.

The greater the pace of magic technology development and sales, the more China benefits.

What's more, if Magic Technology really monopolizes global energy, then Huaxia's influence will also increase exponentially.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved!"

"We won't let meritorious officials chill, Star Flag has invested [-] billion US dollars! We will also inject capital!"

"But we are not as rich as each other, and you are not particularly short of money!"

"So we will use [-] billion yuan as support funds for the country's communications sector."

"You can use this money for research and development, or you can use it to build base stations. The ownership is entirely yours!"

The old man clapped his mouth.

However, Ye Chen refused: "Forget the money!"

Not too little.

On the one hand, magic tech is not short of money.

On the other hand, Ye Chen wanted something else.

And the old man also heard what Ye Chen meant.

The old man was quite emotional.

In the past, the domestic new energy field was full of fraudulent subsidies, and the built cars could not be sold at all, just to cheat money.

And what about Ye Chen?

The money was sent to the front, but not at all.

That's the difference between a doer and a liar!


"You don't want one hundred billion, so what do you want?"

Although the old man appreciated it, he also became serious.

And Ye Chen said seriously: "The operating license of the domestic communication network!"

Hearing the words, the old man did not speak, but was thinking seriously.

As for Ye Chen, he is not in a hurry.

Swim in peace.

The awareness device is very convenient, even when swimming, you can make phone calls in your mind.

The old man thought for a long time.

There are many issues that need to be considered when granting Magic Technology a communication operation license.

The first is security.

But to be honest, magic technology is now even involved in the military industry, and it has countless secrets.

If Marven Ye is willing to leak secrets, there are methods.

So don't worry about that.

Secondly, communication is also the livelihood of the people.

The network is comparable to the highway, which brings great assistance to the rapid development of the economy.

If there is a problem with the network, it will have a great impact on the current intelligent society.

In the Star Flag Country, a city network was attacked by hackers, and the network was disconnected for three hours, resulting in a loss of tens of billions of dollars.

The importance of the network can be seen.

However, after Magic Technology acquired Power Grid, it was renamed Magic Power Grid.

Electric grids are evolving faster than before, with better services,

Apart from equipment maintenance, there has never been a single power outage in the country.

And handing over the communications market to Magic Technology is likely to get even better.


The old man thought about it for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Yes!"

"But you have to agree to one condition, which is to acquire the three major operators."

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this.

To be honest, Ye Chen didn't intend to have the three major operators.

Ye Chen intends to start anew and compete with it.

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