The three scolded JPMorgan's greed, but agreed.

The technology of the ring of consciousness is worth more than [-] billion US dollars!

The [-]% stake in Magic Technology, they have decided...

They will let Ye Chen know how cruel capital is.


In Ye Chen's office, Lan Feifei looked at Ye Chen in amazement.

She finally understood Ye Chen's plan.

The boss of his own is not only interested in the market share of the Big Three.

Even more, before the release of their own system, they must smash the big three and make a fortune in the stock market.

"Mr. Ye, JPMorgan Chase agreed to our request for a loan of [-] billion US dollars."

"And only asking for a [-]/[-]th rate!"

Lan Feifei was a little surprised to receive a call from JPMorgan Chase's China department.

A huge loan of [-] billion US dollars is only charged with an interest rate of [-]/[-], which is only [-] million US dollars in interest.

This is lower than Ant Huabei.

It's just charity.

Lan Feifei's face was full of puzzlement.

However, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "Do you think JPMorgan wants a mere five million dollars in interest?"

"They are interested in our mortgaged shares."

Lan Feifei was shocked when she heard the words.

With a sneer, Ye Chen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked towards the west: "The money can land so quickly, it must have something to do with the Big Three..."

"The Big Three are ready to snipe us in the stock market and let us liquidate our positions..."

"However, you haven't figured out who your enemy is at all."

"Your enemy is not just me, but also a mature civilization!"

"You guys, you lose!"

ps: ask for support………………The author’s update is very hard……Thank you all…….

Chapter 27

Under the capital operation of the Big Three.

JPMorgan Chase is very efficient.

As one of the richest banks in the world, the other party holds a massive capital of [-] trillion US dollars.

So in just one morning, [-] billion US dollars of funds were collected.

It was as if Ye Chen regretted not taking out the loan because he was afraid that the money would be collected late.


And soon Ye Chen used the [-] billion US dollars as collateral to lease the shares of Microhard.

Microsoft's stock is now worth $[-] a share.

[-] billion US dollars, just enough to lease [-] million shares of Microsoft stock.

[-] million shares are enough to become a major shareholder of Microhard.

It's not easy for JPMorgan Chase to cobble together these [-] million shares.

After all, [-] million shares are already one-twentieth of Microsoft's shares.

In order to facilitate this mortgage, Bill Gai let Ye Chen enter the game they set.

He even took out [-] million shares himself, leased it to JPMorgan Chase, and then lent it to Ye Chen by JPMorgan Chase.

Anyway, in their opinion, Ye Chen's short-selling plan will definitely lose.

They can get everything back, and they can easily take away [-]% of the shares of Magic Technology.

It's just bloody money.


However, although the three giants are despising Ye Chen.

But still prepared for a surefire way.

Financial wars are wars of money.

Who knows what's behind Ye Chen's sudden move to short the micro-hard stocks.

Is there a capital alliance of Huaxia?

Therefore, the three companies each provided a cash flow of [-] billion US dollars, a total of [-] billion.

Deal with [-] billion short-selling funds with [-] billion US dollars.

Even if there is other capital behind Ye Chen, it is enough to deal with it.

They even formed a team of traders to keep an eye on Microsoft stocks.

Buy as soon as there is a massive sell-off.

It can be said that for Ye Chen's shares.

The three giants have exhausted all means.


"JPMorgan Chase has raised nearly [-]% of Microsoft's shares in such a short period of time. It is worthy of being the top largest capital on earth..."

"The Big Three definitely contributed a lot in it!"

In front of the computer, Ye Chen smiled.

These giants, in the face of greed, took the initiative to end.

But he didn't know that Ye Chen was simply taking advantage of their greed.

Marven Ye would not miss it.

The funds needed for the next large-scale expansion of Magic Technology will depend on this time.

Ye Chen directly ordered Lan Feifei: "Sell [-] shares each time at a price of $[-]..."

"One minute between each time!"

When Lan Feifei heard the words, her eyes widened.

"Mr. Ye, investing in so many stocks in the market at such a rapid rate will cause the price to plummet in advance before we have fully recovered the funds?"

Lan Feifei also understands some stock markets.

Such frequent selling of stocks will make investors suspect that someone is cashing out and follow the trend, which will eventually lead to a drop in the stock price.

This is very risky.

And Ye Chen smiled: "Don't worry, they must have prepared funds to receive the shares we sold..."

"Our stock account has already been watched, and they will never allow the stock price to fall!"

Lan Feifei now has unconditional trust in Ye Chen.

Hearing this, the operation started immediately.

But not with the mouse and keyboard, but with the awareness ring.

Otherwise, even if you sell [-] shares each time, for a total of [-] million shares, you will have to sell them [-] times.

Using the mouse will be tiring.

And as expected by Ye Chen...

As soon as Lan Feifei placed a stock sell order, someone immediately bought the stock.

The time interval is not more than ten seconds.

Obviously there is a professional team that has been keeping an eye on the stock market.

It also proved Ye Chen's guess that JPMorgan Chase had already sold every move of Magic Technology to the Big Three.


Lan Feifei was still a little excited.

After all, what she trades now is $[-] billion in stocks.

For each operation, $[-] million was recorded.

However, after a high-intensity sell-off of the stock.

Lan Feifei's excitement soon disappeared, leaving only exhaustion.

At this moment, money seems to be just numbers.

Lan Feifei Machinery sells, sells again, keeps selling...

Even with the conscious ring, Lan Feifei felt tired.

Lan Feifei was even in the office, moving her concave and convex body while using her consciousness ring to control it.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa, holding a book about the characteristics of silicon-based chips and watching leisurely.

Occasionally, he will raise his head and admire Lan Feifei's perfect posture.

The office is extremely quiet at the moment.

Anyone who saw this scene would never have imagined that in such a leisurely atmosphere, the two were fighting bloody battles with the three giants in the stock market.

Every minute there is a huge capital flow of [-] million US dollars.

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