
The audience burst into cheers.

And audiences all over the world are wide-eyed in shock.

"It's incredible... Doesn't this mean that we have to get rid of the shackles of power cords in the future? Is it really entering the wireless era?"

"Also, it seems that batteries are not too important, right? In the future, new energy vehicles will no longer need batteries. After all, they can supply power wirelessly at any time!"

"This also means that we can renovate the house in the future without wiring any more... we can leave a lot of money!"

"It's more than that. My family has always disliked the fact that there are too few sockets installed during the renovation, and there are not enough sockets at all. It is estimated that we will never need sockets in the future!"

"In the past, the charging speed of new energy anti-gravity vehicles was fast. But after all, they had to be charged. They had to run to find charging piles and wait. And they will never need to be charged again, which is more convenient than gasoline vehicles!"

"Haha, didn't some foreigners say before that they chose to support the Superman network? I hope they still think like this now!"

"Although I'm a little embarrassed to speak, I think the Consciousness Network is better... We are not like your China abroad. Many of our remote places do not have electricity and need to generate our own diesel power... If there is a Consciousness Network, that would be really great!"

"That's right, I'm an RV travel enthusiast. It sounds cool, but it's actually very inconvenient. If the world will cover the consciousness network and wirelessly charge all electrical appliances, then I will directly drive the RV to travel around the world!"

"Uh... I apologize for my previous arbitrariness. I think our Cold Country and Hua Xia are good friends. I also like Hua Xia. I support Consciousness Network..."

"For the review of the State of the Craftsman, we also feel that the Consciousness Network is too convenient!"

"Uh... Although I am a citizen of Xingqi, I even work for Cisco, but I also hope that Xingqi can introduce the Consciousness Network!"

The powerful function of the Consciousness Network has directly conquered all the people in the world.

Even those netizens from all over the world who boycotted the consciousness network for various reasons before.

At this moment, I am also convincing.

Many of the elites of various countries were originally sleeping.

The result was woken up in the middle of the night.

Looking at the press conference of Consciousness Network, it was difficult for them to calm down for a long time.

They are all high-level people, and they look at problems from a higher angle than ordinary people.

The energy transmission function of the web of consciousness is also too important for a country.

First, power transmission infrastructure is very expensive.

The maintenance of various transmission lines and transformers is also a huge expense.

And what about the Web of Consciousness?

With direct wireless power supply, one base station can cover hundreds of square kilometers.

In most small countries, a dozen or so base stations cover the world.

And also comes with a communication function.

For most poor countries, it is simply perfect.

For most developed countries, it also has great significance.

At this moment, countless elites who originally planned to introduce superhuman network technology were hesitant in their hearts...


And in the black palace.

The chief commander was completely stunned in the chair.

His face was pale and pale.

"Consciousness Network can still provide fast charging for new energy vehicles? This is actually true!"

"Ye Chen is too terrifying."

"The communication network adds energy functions and forms an energy transmission network, which is something we can't even imagine."

"But he did it."

"Is Ye Chen really a god?"

At this moment, the great commander is really desperate.

He seems to have seen that the superman network, which he has invested heavily in, no one cares, and hundreds of billions are directly lost.

If it is only a performance gap, you can also rely on influence and faction to make up the gap.

But at the moment.

The gap between the Superhuman Network and the Consciousness Network is no longer a performance gap.

This is the age gap.

There is no comparison at all.

The Superman Network has just been developed.

There is no official launch yet.

But it has become a backward technology to be eliminated.

Such a huge investment was completely lost.

It's really disappointing.

And always advised everyone to calm down.

The Cisco boss, who seems to have collapsed in front of him without changing color, can no longer keep his calm.

He stared blankly at the screen.

As if watching a miracle.

As for what the Superman Network could save, he couldn't say a word.


And on the spot.

The audience at the scene finally digested the shock of the stormy waves in their hearts.

Violent applause and cheers resounded throughout the venue.

They start.

I'm just glad that I was able to draw a lottery and go to Sky City to watch the press conference.

Then I learned about the communication technology of Magic Technology, and I was even more surprised.

And then.

When you understand the power of the web of consciousness.

They feel like they see the future...

This conference gave them too many surprises.

The beautiful city in the sky, which is already beautiful, will become more dreamy after the popularization of the consciousness network.

All the anti-gravity new energy vehicles Mercedes-Benz in the city of the sky do not need to be charged and can gallop freely.

Everyone is no longer anxious about the power of electronic devices, and no longer needs to be slaughtered by expensive shared power banks on the street...

And everyone's home no longer needs cumbersome and messy power cords...

Everyone's life will be very different because of the web of consciousness.

Mr. Ye is simply a god.

Every technology can change the whole world.

It is truly admirable.

In the past, many people thought that although Ye Chen was a genius, he was definitely not omnipotent.

After all, no one is perfect, how can there be a perfect human being.

But now, many people are a little skeptical.

Does a man like Ye Chen really have shortcomings?


in the eyes of the crowd.

Ye Chen spoke again, introducing the detailed parameters of the energy supply of the Consciousness Network: "Everyone who saw the demonstration just now should already understand that what I said is true!"

"Next, I will introduce the detailed parameters of the consciousness network power supply to you..."

"As long as the device equipped with the SenseNet receiver can obtain the most suitable power supply according to its own specifications, everything is intelligent..."

"At the same time, the maximum power supply of a single item of the consciousness network can reach 1000kw..."

"That is to say, even the high-power equipment in the factory, the power supply of the consciousness network can be satisfied!"

"In short, the Web of Consciousness can satisfy any electronic facility on Earth that needs electricity!"

"So, I'm honored to inform everyone..."

"The earth has opened the curtain of the wireless era today!"

"All the people of the earth, welcome the arrival of the wireless era!"

When Ye Chen's last words fell.

The audience cheered.

And in various live broadcast rooms around the world, the barrage is also directly swiped.

Regardless of position, regardless of hatred.

At this moment, everyone is convinced by the Web of Consciousness, cheering for this trans-generational technology, and celebrating the arrival of the wireless era.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

And the bosses of major factories around the world, listening to Ye Chen's words, were also caught in a surprise.

The Web of Consciousness does more than meet the needs of individual consumers.

Even the power needs of industrial production can be met.

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