"This architecture? The computing efficiency of this chip? How can it be improved so much?"

At this moment, Cheng Mengyao couldn't help exclaiming, making a pleasant voice.

This made the other technical leaders of the team a little curious.

With Cheng Mengyao's knowledge, can he still be shocked by the domestic structure?

However, when they found a few drawings from Cheng Mengyao's hands, and after looking at them for a few minutes, the shocked and surprised expressions on their faces could not be restrained.

This further aroused the curiosity of the entire Kirin team.

Soon, Cheng Mengyao put away all the drawings as if they were treasures, for fear of losing them.

"Mr. Ye, this is Enlightenment No. [-]? Is this really the completely autonomous framework of our magic technology?"

Looking at Cheng Mengyao's excited look, Lan Feifei laughed immediately.

Just now, Cheng Mengyao still felt that there was no future, and persuaded President Ye to sell the Kirin team to recover the loss.

Direct our magic technology now.

It can be seen that Enlightenment No. [-] brought Cheng Mengyao a shock.


And Ye Chen also smiled.

He could understand Cheng Mengyao's surprise.

Enlightenment No. [-] is also the product of the combination of magical knowledge and technology.

Although there are no products such as chips in the other world, there is a special kind of creature in the other world. It has no intelligence, and its natural brain has super computing power.

Such creatures will be captured by magicians, and their brains will be refined and used as the core of the intellectual brain.

And Ye Chen simplified it according to the structure of this kind of biological brain.

It only took three days to design the architecture of the Enlightenment No. [-] chip.

And this set of Enlightenment No. [-] chip architecture, in the case of the same process and specifications.

The computing efficiency is at least five times that of arm and Intel architecture.

In terms of energy saving, it is also a full five times.

Directly surpassing the two major architecture giants for three to five years.

This is also the case where Ye Chen simplified the structure.

In the future, the framework will naturally be upgraded, and more powerful Enlightenment II and Enlightenment III will be launched.

But for the time being, Enlightenment One is enough.


"This is Enlightenment No. [-], and the intellectual property belongs to our magic technology."

"In terms of computing efficiency and energy saving, it is more than five times ahead of the two chip architecture giants."

Ye Chen said simply.

And all the employees of the Kirin team present looked at Ye Chen's eyes as if they were watching a miracle.

They were completely shocked by Ye Chen's strength.

As soon as it was shot, it surpassed the two major chip architecture giants.

"Boss Ye is awesome!"

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry. Just now, I actually thought you were a chip boy and ordered us indiscriminately."

The Kirin team, or the Enlightenment team, was completely convinced by Ye Chen at this moment.

In front of Enlightenment No. [-], no one thought of quitting another job anymore.

Several magic technology executives who followed Ye Chen at the same time were all honored.

This kind of technical team is the most difficult to manage.

Only with technology can they be overwhelmed.

And Ye Chen can do all this easily...

ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection………………

ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection………………

ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection………………

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection……………….

Chapter 45

"Your mission is to understand the framework of Enlightenment No. [-] as quickly as possible."

"Using your design capabilities to design the most perfect 90nm chip design!"


Ye Chen looked at Cheng Mengyao.

Cheng Mengyao shook her hair, looked at Ye Chen and nodded seriously: "Mr. Ye, we won't let you down."

And behind Cheng Mengyao.

Members of the original Kirin team no longer disdain 90nm chips.

They have a brand new Enlightenment One that far exceeds the two framework giants.

As long as they work hard enough, the chips can be designed to perform flawlessly.

Then they can greatly increase the computing power of 90-nanometer backward chips.

At least it can be applied to the domestic low-end machine of [-] yuan.

Although it is still unable to compare with foreign high-precision chips for the time being.

But at least there's a start from scratch.

Enlightenment No. [-] framework can bring infinite possibilities!


"Mr. Ye, you have shown me the real hope of the rise of domestic chips!"

"I believe that Kirin... No, under your leadership, Magic Technology will really be able to chase the pace of international mainstream chips for at most ten years."

Cheng Mengyao was very excited.

She had always been a little pessimistic before.

I feel that domestic chips have no chance at all in their lifetime.

But now, looking at Ye Chen, he saw the powerful Qi Di No. [-], who had beaten the two giants.

She had renewed hope.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Ten years? Too long..."

"You design it well. Although this is only a 90-nanometer chip, the chip you designed this time will shock the world."

Cheng Mengyao smiled when she heard the words.

Is this the pride of genius?

Ten years of chasing the mainstream feel like too long.

But indeed, the chip they designed this time will really shake the world.

Especially the two giants of architecture, when they look at the more advanced architecture of Enlightenment No. [-], what wonderful expressions will they have.

There must be a great sense of crisis.


The purpose of Ye Chen's visit here is to take over the Kirin team for his own use.

The second is to start the design of its own first chip.

Now that the two goals have been completed, Ye Chen naturally wants to leave.

Now on the other side of the ocean, hearings are being held more and more frequently.

The members of the Semiconductor Alliance, led by the Star Flag, also expressed their views one after another.

It is estimated that the arrival of sanctions is not far away.

Ye Chen naturally had to hurry up.

Ye Chen hopes that his own chips will be made on the day the sanctions ban begins.

On the same day, the press conference was held, and the star flag country and a kind of capital were severely beaten in the face.


Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Just as Ye Chen was thinking about what to do next.

Lan Feifei's cell phone rang behind him.

Lan Feifei picked it up and looked at it, and immediately frowned.

"Mr. Ye, the Black Palace is holding a press conference, and the commander-in-chief of the Star Flag Country is announcing that some companies will be added to their entity list..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he looked at the projector that had just been arranged in the office building.

Someone reacted immediately, turned on the projector, and used the consciousness ring to control the screen projection of the mobile phone.

In an instant, the news screen that was being broadcast live on the other side of the ocean appeared in the curtain.

Look at the blond-haired leader who dances and dances when he speaks.

Except for Ye Chen, all the people present had serious faces.

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