Lan Feifei couldn't understand such a person.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he stretched indifferently: "It's normal!"

"Some people, when they have money, feel that they are no longer who they used to be, they are separated from their original environment, and they feel that they are international people."

"But they don't understand that the reason they exist now is only because the other party needs them to harvest wealth."

"When one day this kind of comprador is useless, they will be kicked out without hesitation."

"He thought he was the same as the people in the Star Flag Country, but they never regarded him as a human being, but they don't know it yet!"

"Soon, I'll let him understand!"

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Put Lianxiang into our trade blacklist."

"In the future, our chips and products using our mithril are prohibited from being sold to Lianxiang."

Lan Feifei's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Okay, we won't sell it to Lianxiang!"

Lan Feifei knew the impact her own chips and mithril had on the world.

It would be an understatement to say that a new era has begun.

And Lianxiang lost the opportunity to cooperate with magic technology, which means that he lost the ticket to the new era.

Lian wants to close down, not far.

An enterprise without its own core technology will only be submerged in front of the big waves that the times have turned over, and there will be no chance to struggle.

The world's largest computer company.

Today is the countdown to bankruptcy!


Lan Feifei was gloomy all afternoon, because Lian was a little angry about what Lian thought.

Ye Chen smiled, there are too many people like President Liu in society nowadays.

Lan Feifei is still too young.

After get off work, Marven Ye took Lan Feifei to eat the Cantonese food that Lan Feifei said last time, which was considered a distraction.

When the two walked out of Wanda's underground parking lot, they passed a security guard with a sad face.

"The house price is [-] flat, and the down payment for buying a suite is [-]."

"I've been saving money for seven years, living frugally, and only saving [-] yuan. How long will it take me to buy a house in my hometown?"

"Girlfriend says she won't go home to buy a house, just believe it!"

"I heard that only money makes money, why don't I buy stocks too!"

The security guard's self-talk was heard in the ears of the two.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Don't buy stocks, go and invest in silver futures, it will definitely rise recently!"

Marven Ye spoke suddenly, startling the security guard.

When he reacted, Ye Chen and Lan Feifei had already gone to take the elevator.

He only had time to see the backs of Ye Chen and Lan Feifei.

"Buy silver?"

The security guard was hesitant to listen to this stranger's casual recommendation.

But soon, the security guard gritted his teeth.

If you don't have any education or resources, if you don't dare to fight, the woman you like will go on a blind date.

"Buy, buy all!"

At this moment, the security guard made a decision that changed his life!

It was also a long time later that he saw the familiar back on the TV.

Only then did I know who was the one who advised me that day!

I just realized how lucky I am today.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection...

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection...

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection...

ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a collection....

Chapter 59

"I don't know if he will listen to you, Mr. Ye, but he will earn at least twice as much!"

At the dining table, Lan Feifei looked at Ye Chen with a smile.

After the release of their own mithril materials.

The price of silver as a raw material is bound to rise.

In terms of the role of mithril and the future demand, it is normal for the price of silver to rise two or three times.

However, the global silver reserves are huge, and the price has risen three or four times.

This has no effect on magic technology.

Anyway, Mithril is in the hands of Magic Technology, and as the price of silver increases, the price of Mithril will follow.

Magic Technology can make a steady profit without losing money.


Ye Chen, who bowed his head to order food, did not look up when he heard the words, but said indifferently: "It doesn't really matter whether he believes me or not!"

"Because of our existence, many high-end industries belonging to the Star Flag Country will be transferred to our country, creating more jobs and taxes..."

"The overall salary package will gradually increase in the future, opportunities will become more, and social benefits will also become better."

"It won't be too long, the country will be able to rely on the high-tech industry to enter the era of high welfare, just like the current alliance on the other side of the ocean!"

When Lan Feifei heard the words, she longed for that day.

Although she herself doesn't care about welfare.

But she also hopes that her compatriots will become rich, and there will be no more helpless things because of poverty.

"Then my family is rich! Star Flag Country, what about them?"

Lan Feifei poured Ye Chen juice and asked with big eyes.

Ye Chen didn't care: "Who cares?"

Ye Chen didn't care anyway.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't have much hostility towards them. Before, Ye Chen only cared about becoming a god.

However, the successive sanctions are looking for trouble.

Let Ye Chen understand that if he wants to become a god, he must step on them.

When the new god ascends the throne, the old god naturally falls.

The world is always changing.

And Lan Feifei also smiled when she heard the words.

Yep, she doesn't care either.


The next morning.

In the conference room of Magic Technology.

All the invited bosses have arrived and greeted each other.

"Mr. Ye, although it's the first time we've met, I'm ashamed of Mr. Ye's demeanor!"

"The Big Three are at the top, and those institutions on Wall Street have also relied on their financial advantages to harvest us wildly. We Haier have been slashed a lot in recent years. Mr. Ye, you are really proud of us, and you have harvested tens of billions of them in one wave!"

"This building is really stylish. It was bought with the money earned in the stock market!"

Everyone chatted for a long time before they sat down.

At this moment, they looked around and found that they were all the bosses of domestic mobile phone computer manufacturers.

The bosses of Huayao, Dami, Huashuo, Haier, Tsinghua Tongfang, Meizuo and other companies all came.

But one didn't come.

That is Mr. Liu who Lian thought.

Everyone was a little curious. Elilian wanted to be big in the computer market, and Magic Technology shouldn't have been invited.

"Mr. Ye, why didn't President Liu come?"

Ye Chen heard this and smiled slightly: "Mr. Liu didn't think of Lianxiang as a domestic company, so..."

When Ye Chen said this, the audience understood.

They are all old foxes, and with a few words, they can guess what happened.

Moreover, Mr. Liu was in the business circle, and he was indeed too close to the other side of the ocean.

"Then Mr. Ye, why did you invite us here this time?"

There was anticipation in Mr. Ren's eyes.

Ye Chen didn't sell off: "There are two things to invite you to come here this time. The first thing is to introduce you to our new magic technology products."

New product?

Ye Chen's words made everyone present stunned.

Magic Technology has a new product?

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