The reason not to advertise is not because of lack of money.

Magic technology is a huge investment though.

But now that the semiconductor industry is making a lot of money, and the dream-making system is constantly generating income, how can it be short of money.

Mainly in the current situation of bipolar confrontation.

Some are the actions of the media and the public who pay attention to magic technology, and will spontaneously help magic technology to spread news to the world.

That's what brands and influencers do.

And sure enough.

Just a few minutes after the news was released, the news that Magic Technology will launch a new product launch conference at the end of the month spread all over the world.

Huaxia consumers are directly boiling.

"Let me just say, there must be new technology in magic technology, so it will be released!"

"I'm looking forward to it, but to be honest, I'm more looking forward to Koenigsegg's new car!"

"Although it feels difficult for Magic Technology to compete with the other party, I still choose to support it!"

"Yes, I'm going to grab tickets in advance..."

It's not just Chinese netizens who care about this news.

Foreign consumers are also concerned.

They also support their own brands, and naturally care about Magic Technology as a competitor.

This kind of competition has always been eye-catching.

"At the press conference of Magic Technology, Huaxia has no famous cars at all, so there is no competitiveness!"

"Yes, the buses on our side are all Biaati from China, but they can only be regarded as ordinary."

"It feels like we've won this time!"

"That's right, Magic Technology must have been anxious to see the news that major luxury car dealers are about to release new cars recently, so they were anxious to hold a press conference!"

"Haha, take back the jobs that belong to us! We will be brilliant again!"


And on the other side of the ocean.

The leaders of the New Energy Alliance also saw the news for the first time.

Cook squinted and looked at the slogan that redefines new energy vehicles. He was a little apprehensive: "I still don't know what the new technology of Magic Technology is?"

Cook thought of the eve of Ye Chen's release of the Mithril chip.

The advertising slogan of redefining semiconductors is also used.

The rest of the people shook their heads, not sure.

But they have no pressure.

The automotive and chip fields are different.

Cars do not rely on high technology, but rely on the iteration of technology and the accumulation of brand value.

These don't happen overnight.

Whether it is Magic Technology, or the many Chinese car companies in the Mithril Alliance, they have no ability to threaten them in all respects.

Therefore, no matter what kind of technology Ye Chen came up with, at most it was the icing on the cake.

For the big picture, it doesn't make any sense.

Ye Chen is facing them who have accumulated over the years and have hundreds of years of brand value.

In the automotive industry, the two sides are not rivals of an order of magnitude at all.

The relaxed attitude of everyone made Cook heave a sigh of relief.

But soon, he thought of the relaxed attitude of those allies in the Semiconductor Alliance, on the eve of the Magic Technology conference.

Do not know why……

Cook looked at this familiar scene and had a bad feeling in his heart.

But Cook quickly shook his head to dispel the feeling from his mind.


"Moreover, our fruit company has invested all of its working capital into the new energy field this time."

"This time, we can only succeed, not fail!"

"Marven Ye, you can't win all this time! This time, I guess it's the winner!"

Cook's heart is secretly ruthless!


And in the black palace.

The commander looked at the news, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"The man's arm is used as a car, and it is beyond its own power. This is the biggest plan that I have led as the commander of the Star Flag Country!"

"This plan can restore the declining manufacturing industry to its glory and create tens of millions of jobs across the country!"

"It can even double the growth rate of gdp this year!"

"No one can stop the new energy alliance under my leadership. This is the general trend of the times."

The chief commander was very upset to see Ye Chen.

At the beginning of the press conference of Ye Chen's Mithril chip, he fell into a passive state, and almost took the initiative to slap his face, and removed magic technology from the entity list.

But luckily not.

But this humiliation made the great commander keep in mind and gnashed his teeth at Ye Chen.

Therefore, he just thought for a moment, and then seriously said to the staff: "Adjust our press conference date..."

"Set the date of the conference on the same day and the same hour as the magic technology conference!"

"So, who would go to the conference of Magic Technology?"

"I want Magic Technology to fail from the press conference!"

Hearing this, the aide suddenly widened his eyes.

It is said that Ye Chen of Magic Technology has a strong desire for revenge.

But the revenge of his own great commander is not bad at all.

That Ye Chen was too young and energetic, and he deliberately used mithril to embarrass the great commander.

Ye Chen doesn't understand at all, how terrible it is to be hated by a superpower commander!

ps: The latest update is a bit late, sorry, please support.......

Chapter 79

The press conference of Magic Technology was soon followed by a heated discussion around the world.

The spokesperson of the Black Palace announced a message to the outside world.

"The New Energy Industry Alliance will hold a joint global launch of new products at 31:9 a.m. on the [-]st, Star Flag country time!"

"The great commander will personally preside over this press conference!"

When the news of the Black Palace came out, the global discussion reached its peak.

Star Flag Country is nine in the morning, which happens to be eight in the evening in Huaxia.

Both have a conference on the same day, at the same time, and even on the same trifle.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

The meaning of tit for tat in this is simply not too obvious.

In an instant, global consumers boiled over.

"The New Energy Industry Alliance is going to completely crush the magic technology, and even grab the attention of the press conference!"

"Magic technology is estimated to have been on the blacklist of the commander, so it will be targeted like this!"

"Originally, I was planning to watch the Magic Technology conference, but for now, I'll watch the New Energy Alliance conference!"

"That's right, the two are not rivals of the same magnitude in terms of status, size, technology, and heritage. Magic Technology is really going to encounter Waterloo this time!"

"But this time is not good. At nine o'clock in the morning, I'm about to go to work. How can I watch the press conference?"

"Indeed, I can't watch it anymore, I can only watch the news!"

The comments of netizens are simply one-sided.

After all, it seems to be the target of the two alliances.

But in fact, in the field of car building, the Magic Alliance is just a baby.

The New Energy Industry Alliance is a long standing giant.

Whose press conference will be more exciting is simply self-evident!


"The commander really hates that Ye Chen to the bone. He even changed the time of the press conference. You have to know that it is nine o'clock in the morning, but the audience goes to work. This may affect the ratings."

Masco looked at the secretary of the Black Palace and frowned.

However, the spokesperson of the Black Palace smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it won't affect it. I believe most people will watch it on their mobile phones!"

And President Dazhong nodded: "Indeed, with our attention, the audience will never miss this conference."

As for Cook, he applauded the decision of the commander to change the time of the press conference.

He agrees with everything that is not good for magic technology.

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