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Chapter 638: Found by accident

[638] Accidentally found

The warm sunshine was shining warmly. When Chu Xiang and others returned to the base to change clothes and pack up, it was already the next morning. Looking at the rising sun in the east, most people seemed to have a nightmare, but Look at the few soldiers around. Everyone knows that it is not a dream, but a real adventure. If it is not for Chu Xiang insisting on returning to the rescue, I am afraid that many people will not be able to return. Thousands.

Chu Xiang squatted at the corner of the Qin Han Palace courtyard, consuming so much energy to make him feel a little unwell, and at the same time it took some time to calm down. The crazy slashing killed less than 200 high-level creepers, which required great With the support of energy, Chu Xiang's body was in a weak state. He took a cigar from his arms with a shaking hand, and before he found a match, a lighter was sent to the corner of his mouth. Pick up and point, and then "touch" one out of your arms and throw it out, "Come and relax, if you have a psychologist, you should ask them for counseling."

Fei Dao took the cigar and clicked on it, then sat next to Chu Xiang, but his voice was bitter: "Do you know, Lan Hai was severely scolded by the teacher, saying that he did not complete the task, and after Lan Hai returned, he put Yun Dongming's squad leader was withdrawn. The squad leader will take office in the next two days. Huh, we escaped from the dead without even complimenting us, and we were almost punished. "

Chu Xiang looked up at the dazzling rays of light: "Who didn't let us complete the task? It is estimated that Tianting will count our" Mao "Xiaofei and the disappearance of the salt forces on our heads, and in their minds, I'm afraid we are fleeing Defeated! "

The flying knife didn't say any more. In fact, the above is the meaning. No matter what you say, the commander doesn't believe that "Mao" Xiaofei's creepers can't make them break out. The justification can only show that this group of reinforced soldiers played a trick. May not have entered the city at all. As for the strong wind and the strength of Chu Xiang ’s outbreak that some soldiers have said to save everyone, Lan Hai and Liu Hu are skeptical, because they are also evolutionaries. If Chu Xiang ’s energy is strong, they should be able to sense it. Come out, but in fact Chu Xiang's feeling is bland, coupled with Tong Dongming, Vulcan, Goblin said that they have never seen Chu Xiang's power, so the people above can believe it.

"Can you go home now?" Chu Xiang asked, flying knife: "Why? There are women at home? Oh, in fact, we don't need a psychiatrist, women are our good psychiatrists, but don't leave camp in the morning, especially At this time, let ’s talk in the afternoon. Forbearance, you ca n’t go to the toilet and take a plane yourself. ”

Chu Xiang nodded, and the people above were right now, so be honest. As for flying, that's not his business. Chu Xiang ’s boring and time-consuming palace in Qin Han, while Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su in the cave were anxious, watching Xie Shanshan and Lin be captured into the main base, the two women anxiously hoped that Chu Xiang would come back and get their ideas for them. Camel went out five or six times a day and finally brought back the good news in the morning.

"Come back, come back," Huozi went out early in the morning despite the hard work. This time, Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su were able to loosen their brows. The two asked urgently, "How about? Is Wang Xiang behind? Let him in soon what."

The camel panted and said, "No, I didn't come back." Fang Su gave the camel a glance, "Why don't you come back?"

Camel said: "I mean Brother Wang did not return to the cave, he was on duty at Qin Han Palace, and it is estimated that it will take lunch time to come out."

Zhang Jingyao said: "This and this is good, but this matter can't be delayed for a minute, let's go to him!"

When Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su Tuozi led, they found the stall owner Lao Liu, and then Lao Liu found Xiao Liu, who took them to the Qin Han Palace. At this time, Chu Xiang was surrounded by a group of soldiers and started chatting. Those soldiers were afraid that Chu Xiang would not associate with them because of his high energy and high energy. But then they found out that Chu Xiang was a very easy person to talk to. Everyone hesitantly tossed away the punishments that ruled them as deserters. Just eat and drink.

Fang Su pulled Zhang Jingyao ’s arm and whispered: "Sister Jing Yao, you see, he really integrated into the life here, and the relationship with these soldiers seems to be preparing for promotion. What are we doing now? "

Zhang Jingyao was also worried that Chu Xiang would lose his fighting spirit, but what could she do? Do you pull people out and tell him that you should not get along well with them, but always want to overthrow the rule of Wang Xiangqin?

Brother Liu, this is the first time Qin Han Palace saw Chu Xiang. To be honest, Old Liu made him snored for a while when he found him. The guy went back to the main base and returned to the evolution department of the defensive division? Absolutely a lot of skills, but how would the main base be willing to let people go, especially the migrant workers who went to dig a cave, never let one go. With these questions, Xiao Liu Di separated the crowd and patted Chu Xiang: "Brother, I ca n’t think of entering It's our team, you guys are doing amazing things. "

Chu Xiang heard that Xiao Liu didn't embarrass him, and said, "No way, we won't leave us at the main base, so I have to go back to the defensive division to dine, and you will cover me in the future."

Little Liu Di waved to the surrounding soldiers: "Let ’s all go away, so I ’m gathered to make the teacher unhappy when I see it. By the way, Wang Xiang, I'm a little confused, obviously I didn't go to the base to pick up people, you How did you get back? "

Chu Xiang also knew that this matter was difficult to explain, and once the main base was checked, it was easy to "show" the stuffing, so he decided to test Xiao Liu's character. If he wanted to report himself, he could only be wrong. He, if he does n’t investigate and help himself to cover up, then it is worth making a deal. Chu Xiang lowered his voice and said, “I do n’t tell you, in fact, I came back sneakily, and the engineering team was in chaos.” , I dare not stay here anymore, because I am afraid that my "life" will never be guaranteed. Let me give you a way to live. "

Xiao Liu didn't make a statement first but asked: "You evolve the army?" Chu Xiang nodded, Xiao Liu said: "No wonder I only saw you now. The only thing in the garrison's evolutionary team is not the bird, and no wonder you can Escape, you turned out to be an evolutionary. You are now a deserter, and I should report it to the main base ... But, I ’m not someone who does n’t talk about brotherhood, but this thing ca n’t be hidden forever, you Be prepared. "

Chu Xiang said: "As long as you are willing to let me go, I can't appreciate it. As for who will manage it in the future."

Xiao Liu hehe laughed: "Also, but rest assured, as long as some of our insiders don't say, the above can't be found, yes, your friend is looking for you, there is an urgent matter, please go and see, hey, you two My brother's skin is really white. I said if you have a special hobby. Call me next time you play and let my brother see me. "

Chu Xiang had a severe cold, Xiao Liu regarded Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su as men. They must have mistakenly thought that the three of them were foolish, but what did Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su rush to find themselves for? Does it mean that he can't rest assured that he is on a mission? They are too proactive, when did the relationship develop so much that they can't wait to see if they are safe?

"Why did you come here, didn't you let you stay at home with peace of mind? It would be dangerous to come out in this way, and it would be very troublesome if people saw it!" Chu Xiang's voice was very unhappy. He thought the two women were a little disobedient. Therefore, at this time, we cannot give them a good look. It ’s okay if they have super powers, but now they have no power to bind chickens, but Wang Xiangqin is still looking for them everywhere, so people are moving under their eyes, is n’t that all right?

But Zhang Xiangyao and Fang Su heard another meaning from Chu Xiang. Fang Su said coldly: "Reassurance? Can we feel relieved? You don't even know to go home? Remember the things you promised to do for us?"

For a while, Chu Xiang couldn't touch his head and said, "What's going on? I didn't forget it, wasn't it because I was too rushed to do the task yesterday and didn't notify you? I'm not allowed to leave the post without permission. I will go home at lunch and talk about The line is so easy, I have worked very hard, you have to be patient, I have searched all the places to find, now only from the mouth

Cut the thread in his mouth. "

Zhang Jingyao waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about this here, people are not safe to talk. Are there any other things? If we don't go back to the cave, there are important things to tell you."

Chu Xiang felt that the attitudes of the two women were not proper. Besides, they still came to the door. Could it have happened overnight? Chu Xiang said: "I'm going to take a vacation, you guys wait for a while."

Lan Hai didn't give Chu Xiang a good-looking face when she took the leave, but Chu Xiang didn't mind, and returned to the cave with Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su. Soon he figured out what happened, and it turned out that two other women were arrested. Now, shit, this Wang Xiangqin, the tiger doesn't show his prestige as a sick cat, even dare to kill his own woman! Chu Xiang is burning in anger!

"Whether you can help us or not, what conditions do you want!" Fang Su's expression was not good.

The anger that Chu Xiang just gathered broke up, his counterpart said, "Xiao Fang, may I not help you, this matter is very complicated, in fact, I am more worried about their safety than you, you are not Want me to attack the main base in the daytime, even if I'm not afraid, but in case Wang Xiangqin dog jumps off the wall and takes them both to threaten us? How can I continue to find He Yaohui when the identity is exposed? "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Then do it tonight, you can wait for us, we can't wait, Shan Shanhe is a" sexual "lover, in case the men at the main base manually manipulate them, I think they will do stupid things. "

Chu Xiang was also in a cold sweat, he said: "I will now find a way to go up the mountain to see, this time please don't go out easily, in case you are also arrested, I really want to catch blind."

Chu Xiang left a hole in the main base last night, which just came in handy. Unfortunately, he does not have the stealth skills of Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie, otherwise things are much simpler, but with Chu Xiang's skill, most people want to find him. Not so easy.

The last time Chu Xiang came to the main base for reconnaissance, he found the prison. He didn't have any time to rush to it directly. This is a basement dug in the side hall. The space inside is not small. There are more than a dozen cells and two corridors. A total of ten soldiers guarded. Chu Xiang did not take the normal road. He quietly drilled an exit in an empty cell, and then controlled the iron fence of the cell to open. "Touch" a soldier who patrolled the cell and knocked him out. His clothes looked upright from room to room.

Although the people in the jail cell heard the sound of footsteps, none of them looked up at Chu Xiang. It may be hungry and weak, or it may be numb. Chu Xiang had actually visited them last time, and maybe they were loyal to He Yaohui. People, but they are not the main characters, otherwise he should recognize them, they cannot be saved until He Yaohui is not found, otherwise they will fight against the grass and have to say sorry to them, and bear with them.

Seeing that these cells were going to be turned around, but Xie Shanshan and Lin were not seen, not even a female prisoner, could it be that they were not held here? Chu Xiang was a little bit "chaotic". After all, the two women were also very important to them. If something really happened, they could not regret it. Thinking of this, Chu Xiang began to walk around and watch the flowers. Go to Wang Xiangqin's main hall and then "touch" and "touch" the situation.

Alas, Chu Xiang had already walked past, and Yu Guang's eyes seemed to see something familiar. He hurriedly turned around and fell back. This is a chic cell. Why is it chic? Because it's not just digging a hole in the rock and then blocking it with an iron fence, but a layer of plastic-like cages is added to the hole, which means that the person in the gate will either control the metal or cut it with a pinch Yan, in fact, this is not critical. The problem is that prisoners are familiar.

Chu Xiang knocked on the plastic cage with the rubber stick of the inspector and said, "Hey, stand up."

The people inside were indifferent, even with a humming hump. If it was the war fighter who had stepped forward and ignored it, Chu Xiang had a strange feeling to those in prison, so he must see it clearly. I did n’t give up, so I knocked on the cage a few times with a rubber rod, shrinking the cage

The prisoner raised his head with a groan. Although his long hair was tangled and dusty, he still surprised Chu Xiang, bitch! how come? Does Asia have its own avatar? This is really an accidental discovery.

Chu Xiang calmed down and said, "What's your name?" Since absorbing the last mule, Chu Xiang's attraction to other mules has disappeared, so he can sense the existence of another mule, but This sister-in-law wants to sense Chu Xiang's existence is not so easy. In the eyes of other sister-in-law, Chu Xiang is just an ordinary evolutionary.

"Name?" The mule in the cage stood up holding the wall of the cage. It turned out to be an inconvenient leg. He slowly moved to Chu Xiang. The two faced each other across the plastic cage. The mule sneered: "Why the dead man? Ask the name, Wang Xiangqin must be dead sooner or later! I urge you not to follow her for wrongdoing, otherwise the end will be miserable! "

Chu Xiang reached out and grabbed the mule, and then absorbed his energy. Then suddenly a voice sounded behind him: "Have you finished the tour? Hurry up and clean up the office for me, what are you going to do with the dead mule, be careful to buckle your food for the day The squad leader did not know when he came, he could only see the back of Chu Xiang, and did not recognize that his soldiers had been transferred. Chu Xiang was worried that the absorption of the mule would cause other unknown consequences, so he dismissed the idea, including He answered the head squintingly, "Well, okay, I'll clean it up next time."

Although Xie Shanshan and Lin were not found, it was unexpectedly discovered that the last time it was almost swept away, so it is unclear whether Xunzi was here. But now that he knows his existence, Chu Xiang must not let go. I thought that returning to Asia would delay the matter, but I didn't expect to encounter a sister-in-law, it seems that God is really good at himself.

Chu Xiang hurried out of the underground cell. He was afraid that the stunned soldier would wake up soon, so he immediately went to the hall to see if Wang Xiangqin hid people there. Because of his military uniform, it was easier to enter the hall. Of course, it is impossible to get close to Wang Xiangqin, but Chu Xiang has perspective and super hearing, so there is no need to take the risk.

Wang Xiangqin has already started working, and knows what documents to look at. In short, her brows have never stretched. It seems that her seat is not comfortable, and there are people from time to time to report to her office, mostly about the salt team. In the dialogue, I learned that "Mao" Xiaofei and the troops sent out at the outset were completely destroyed, and the salt in the base was strained. It must be resolved within three days, otherwise the supply of high-level officers could not be guaranteed, especially the evolutionaries. Their strength is also impaired without salt intake.

Wang Xiangqin's office was knocked open again, but Liu Hu and Chu Xiang, the garrison teacher, came in with some anxiety. However, while Wang Xiangqin's office was just free, he checked the hall and there was no shadow of Xie Shanshan and Lin. Could it be that they also disappeared like He Yaohui?

"Master Liu, you really let me down this time." Wang Xiangqin said to Liu Hu indifferently.

Liu Hu was sweating on his forehead, and he did not dare to wipe it with his hands. His voice was trembling. "The commander and the commander, the situation is really bad. My army encountered a large number of creepers at the t3 and t4 levels. You know the t3 level. The creeper is already a horror concept, not to mention that there are still a lot of t4 creepers, so the mission will fail. "

Wang Xiangqin stood up, "Huh! Liu Hu, do you think I'm stupid? If there are so many pervert creepers, how did your people come back?" Mao "Xiaofei's strength cannot escape the fate of sacrifice Just your group of cats and dogs can defeat them and get out of trouble? Whether they have entered the urban area or not is a question. "

There was more sweat on Liu Hu's head, and his voice was trembling. "Commander and commander, I don't think they dare to deceive me. Maybe this group of guys have taken shit. In order to show loyalty to the commander, I decided to bring myself The team went to the urban area to bring the salt back to solve the difficulties of the base ~ ~ Please ask the commander to give me another chance. "

Wang Xiangqin said coldly: "Liu Hu, I can give you a chance, but it will not be so easy to pass if I am disappointed.

What a hot post, but many people want to go. "

Liu Hu said in unison: "Yes, yes, the commander will never forget about my cultivation. I must work hard and do my job well for the commander. This time, I will be benevolent. Please rest assured."

Wang Xiangqin waved and said, "Let's go out, I will give you three days. If you ca n’t bring salt back after three days, then you come to see me by holding your head."

Liu Hu left the main hall office with gratitude, Chu Xiang felt a little bit about Liu Hu's strength. He faced Wang Xiangqin as thin as ice, so what kind of height did Wang Xiangqin reach? It's a pity that this woman also knows convergence very much, and Chu Xiang is also afraid that she will never dare to test.

After waiting for a while, Chu Xiang saw that Wang Xiangqin did not mention Xie Shanshan and Lin, so he only hurriedly withdrew from the main base. It seems that the secret investigation could not be completed. Is it necessary to find a way to contact Wang Xiangqin brightly, anyway, she treats herself I don't know, if she can become her confidant by her own strength, then it is not a problem to find He Yaohui and Xie Shanshan.

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