Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 15 - Pewter City And Gym Battle

Sam walked towards Pewter city and captured all the pokemons that he came across on the way. He only captured 5-6 pokemons of each type and sent them to his Small world and left them to Mew to arrange their residance.

Sam nearly captured every type of pokemon available in Viridian forest. Along with the pokemons captured in secret realm, he has a total of 20 types of pokemons in his Small world now.

Although it cannot form a ecosystem yet but a prototype has already been formed. He reached Pewter city by afternoon.

Sam first went to Pokemon center to have a checkup of his pokenons. Next he rested for a while before heading to Black market.

Sam covered his face with the mask he obtained from Gacha and wore a black hood. He went to the black market like this and no one stopped him this time.

He went to the largest store in black market and sold the 20kg honey that he collected from Beedrill nest. Then he purchased some seeds of plants of natural ingredients required to make pokeblocks to plant them in his Small world.

Later he went towards the Pewter Gym. He entered the gym and challenge Brock for a gym battle. Since Ash had yet to reach the Pewter city, Brock is still the gym leader.

Brock agreed to his request, both of them refree took their respective positions. Then the refree told the gym rules that both sides can use two pokemons each and first one whose pokemons faint will lose. Challenger can replace his pokemon during the battle while gym leader can't.

Then finally the first gym battle of Sam begin. Brock sent his first pokemon, a Geodude of beginner stage.

Sam called out for system to show Geodude's stats.


Pokemon - Geodude

Type - Rock , Ground

Ability - Sturdy , Sand Veil (locked)

Level - 18

Moves - Tackle , Defense Curl , Hammer Arm , Rock Climb , Mud Sport , Rock Polish , Iron Defense , Rollout , Magnitude , Rock throw , Smack Down


Upon seeing it Sam had to agree that it is a strong Geodude in beginner stage. He sent Charmeleon even though it has type disadvantage.

Charmeleon came out of pokeball and looked towards Geodude proactively. Sam called out for Charmeleon's stats.


Pokemon - Charmeleon

Type - Fire

Ability - Blaze , Solar Power( locked )

Level - 25

Moves - Scratch , Growl , Belly Drum , Counter , Ember , Smokescreen , Dragon Breadth , Fire Fang , Metal Claw , Slash , Sunny Day


Charmeleon's level rose by 1 during the fight with Beedrill in the Viridian forest and it has reached level 25. Since Sam was challenger, he got to make the first move.

"Charmeleon , use Iron Claw"

Charmeleon ran towards Geodude and it's claws show metallic colour and hit on the head of Geodude. Geodude screamed and rolled backwards.

The Iron Claw did a lot of damage to Geodude as it was suppressed on both type and level. Brock counterattcked after Geodude stabilized.

"Geodude use Rollout"

As soon as Brock's order came, Geodude curled into a ball and rolled towards Charmeleon. Geodude hit Charmeleon on stomach and did some damage to it.

"Geodude continue attcking with Smack Down" Geodude again came near Charmeleon and used Smack Down but at last moment Sam ordered Charmeleon, "Use counter"

Refree announced, "Geodude is unable to battle, Charmeleon wins." Brock took back Geodude into pikeball and said to Sam, "Although you defeated Geodude, don't think that you have won the match. Now come out Onix."

Brock called out the rock snake pokemon Onix. Sam called system to show its stats.


Pokemon - Onix

Type - Rock , Ground

Ability - Rock Head , Weak Armor(locked)

Level - 19

Items - None

Moves - Bind , Tackle , Rock Throw , Harden , Defense Curl , Dragon Tail , Smack Down , Rock Polish , Dragon Breath , Dig , Rock Slide

Sam continue to let Charmeleon fight. Brock took the lead by commanding, "Onix Rock Polish" and increased Onix's speed.

"Now Onix, use Dragon Breath."

"Charmeleon, we also use Dragon Breath."

Both dragon breath cancelled each other and rose a lot of dust.

"Onix, Dig" Onix dug a hole in the ground and went underground.

"Charmeleon, go to the hole and use Embers" Charmeleon went to the hile dug by Onix and used Embers. Slowly the underground temperature rise sharply and soon Onix came out of the ground from other side of the field.

"Charmeleon, don't give Onix a chance to act, use Belly Drum and and then use Iron Claw." Charmeleon patted his belly and his attack rose sharply while its health pummeled. It went running towards Onix to attack it with Iron Claw.

"Not so fast. Onix, don't let Charmeleon come near you, use Rock Throw." Soon lot of small rocks suspended in air and shot towards Charmeleon.

"Charmeleon, dodge while running." Charmeleon did as instructed as dodged the incoming rocks by jumping left and right. Soon he reached near Onix and it a sharp Iron Claw which was powered up using Belly Drum.

"Onix, use Defense Curl." Brock defended at last moment.

A large sound explosion sounded out and both pokemons got thrown backwards due to reaction force. Soon dust settled and both pokemons had fainted out.

Refree quickly announced the result, "Both pokemons are unable to battle. This match has been won by challenger Sam from Pallet town."

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