Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 47 - The Bet (2)

'System show stats of Nidoking.'


Pokemon - Nidoking

Type - Poison , Ground

Ability - Poison Point , Sheer Force

Level - 54

Items - Life Orb

Moves - Leer , Peck , Focus Energy , Double Kick , Poison Sting , Fury Attack , Horn Attack , Helping Hand , Toxic Spikes , Chip Away , Drill Run , Thrash , Fire Punch , Ice Punch , Thunder Punch , Earth Power , Aqua Tail , Ice Beam , Thunderbolt , Flamethrower , Throat Chop


"Nidoking use Toxic Spikes." Giovanni said as soon as Nidoking landed on the field. Nidoking spread out spikes covered with poison all over the field.

"Leech Seed" Sam tried to regain some health for Exeggutor but Nidoking dodged the Leech Seed calmly. "Ice beam" Nidoking began to gather ice energy in its mouth and then sent it towards Exeggutor.

Exeggutor tried to dodge it but was still hit ny Ice Beam. Ice Beam left a lot of frostbites on the body of Exeggutor. It can be seen that Exeggutor only had a few health left.

"Exeggutor put all your energy in next attack. Use Wood Hammer." "Counter it with Fire Punch." Both pokemons rushed towards each other with energy gathered on their head and hand respectively. Both collided in the middle of the field and rose lot of dust.

When the dust settled, Nidoking was standing there with only few bruises on its body but Exeggutor was lying there fainted. Sam took back Exeggutor in pokeball and whispered to it, "You did a good job, now rest well and leave the rest to your partners.

Sam threw a pokeball and Kabutops came out of it. As soon as Kabutops landed on field it was poisoned due to the Toxic Spikes present on the field.


Pokemon - Kabutops

Ability - Swift Swim , Weak Armor(locked)

Level - 49

Items - Mystic Water , Leftovers

Moves - Scratch , Harden , Bubble Beam , Icy Wind , Rapid Spin , Absorb , Leer , Iron Defense , Hail , Ice Beam , Rain Dance , Rock Tomb, Mud Shot , Aurora Beam , Sand Attack , Knock Off , Endure , Rock Polish , Aqua Jet , Earth Power , Stone Edge , Mega Drain , Aerial Ace , Scald , Metal Sound , Giga Drain , Drain Punch , Take Down , X-Scissors


"Aqua Jet" Kabutops soon covered itself in water and moved towards Nidoking like a jet. "Thunder Punch" Thunder flashed on hand of Nidoking and he slammed it towards the Kabutops in Aqua jet.

Both pokemons got injured and slided back a few meters. "Rain Dance" Sam took advantage of Kabutops ability and raised its speed. Nidoking was uncomfortable in because of rain as it didn't like water.

"Scald" Kabutops sent high speed hot water beam towards Nidoking and it failed to react due to Kabutops increased speed. Nidoking burned due to Scald and now both pokemons are at the same line as one is poisoned while other is burned.

"Double Kick" Nidoking ran towards Kabutops to give it kicks but Kabutops dodged it with the blessing of its ability. "Bubble Beam" Sam found a weak point of Nidoking and commanded Kabutops. Kabutops spew bubbles at high speed which hit Nidoking and injured it.

"Throat Chop" "Aerial Ace"

"Thrash" "Take Down"

Nidoking and Kabutops kept collided again and again and kept adding injuries to each other.

"Kabutops, Aqua Jet [put your hand blades on top of your head and Rapid Spin along with Aqua Jet]." Sam used psychic to give half of the order to Kabutops.

Kabutops did as Sam told him to do and his actions caught Giovanni offguard and Kabutops hit Nidoking as a drill and finally defeated it. Nidoking landed a few meters away and fainted.

Giovanni frowned slightly as he didn't expect Nidoking to get defeated like this but when he remembered his trump card, he regained his confidence.

"You are the third trainer of your age to push me to this point. You should have heard about the first two in Pallet town, Red and Blue. But in front of absolute strength everything is useless. Now open your eyes and look at the greatest achievement of Team Rocket."

A partition opened in the wall behind Giovanni and a bipedal pink coloured pokemon with dark pink tail came out covered in armor from head to toe. Giovanni wore a helmet that came with the pokemon and then introduced his the pokemon to Sam.

"Sam, let me tell you about this pokemon, you should have never seen it before. It is one and only pokemon in the world. You should know about Mew. This pokemon was copied using Mew's hair by our excellent scientist team of Team Rocket. It is the strongest pokemon made by our Team Rocket and Team Rocket will conquer the world with its help. Right now its strength in only in peak stage but it is undefeated in same stage. Its name is Mewtwo."

Sam didn't talk to Giovanni and gave order to Kabutops, he wants to know about the approximate strength of Mewtwo. "Kabutops use the last move but also add X-Scissor to it."

"Worthy of being the youngest ȧssistant professor even without me telling you could guess that it is psychic type." Giovanni still talked with Sam as if he didn't care about the attack of Kabutops.

When Kabutops has almost reached near Mewtwo, it lifted its hand and a strong Psychic was sent towards Kabutops. Kabutops flew all the way and crashed at the wall of the pokemon center and fainted.

"Surprised at its strength, aren't you?" Giovanni said as if everything was in his hands and he had already won the bet.

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