Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 49 - Armored VS Shiny

'System show stats of both pokemons.'


Pokemon - Armored Mewtwo

Type - Psychic

Ability - Pressure , Unnerve(locked)

Level - 58

Items - None

Moves - Disable , Confusion , Psywave , Safeguard , Bulk Up , Laser Focus , Swift , Future Sight , Flamethrower , Ice Beam , Thunderbolt , Energy Ball , Fire Punch , Earthquake , Ice Punch , Thunder Punch , Shadow Ball , Psych Up , Miracle Eye , Aqua Tail , Drain Punch , Iron Tail , Foul Play , Psycho Cut , Signal Beam , Power Swap , Guard Swap , Recover , Zen Headbutt , Psyshock , Psychic


Type - Psychic

Ability - Pressure , Unnerve(locked)

Level - 52

Items - None

Moves - Disable , Confusion , Psywave , Safeguard , Laser Focus , Gravity , Swift Future Sight , Psyshock , Ice Beam , Hyper Beam , Thunderbolt , Earthquake , Shadow Ball , Flamethrower , Aerial Ace , Energy Ball , Stone Edge , Poison Jab , Foul Play , Iron Tail , Dragon Pulse , Moon Blast , Aqua Tail , Signal Beam , Aura Sphere , Psych Up , Miracle Eye , Drain Punch , Fire Punch , Thunder Punch , Ice Punch , Psycho Cut , Zen Headbutt , Power Swap , Guard Swap , Hidden Power , Solar Beam , Brick Break , Rock Tomb , Rock Slide , Recover


"Mewtwo, I believe in you, you can do it, I will not command you in this match, win on your own and prove that pokemon with emotions are real pokemons." said Sam.

Giovanni didn't pay attention to Sam, now all his attention was on the Shiny Mewtwo on the field. He tested water by giving Armored Mewtwo an order using the helmet he wore on his head.

The Armored Mewtwo raised its hand and sent out several blades made up of psychic energy. Shiny Mewtwo easily dodged the Psycho Cut and sent out Shadow Ball to Armored Mewtwo.

They fought for nearly half an hour and Armored Mewtwo's armor has been cracked at several places from inside due to the attacks of Shiny Mewtwo, whereas Shiny Mewtwo has many bruises on its body.

After half an hour, Armored Mewtwo's actions started getting sluggish as Giovanni's brain was getting tired due to high intensity battle. For the first time Giovanni realised the shortcoming of his so-called greatest creation.

At one chance Shiny Mewtwo seized the gap in defense of Armored Mewtwo and sent repeated Energy Balls. Armored Mewtwo crashed on the ground. Armored Mewtwo tried to get up but Shiny Mewtwo's attack came again, it used Stone Edge, Giovanni couldn't react in time and failed to make Armored Mewtwo dodge in time.

Giovanni counterattacked by sending a Signal Beam to Shiny Mewtwo. The Signal Beam hit Shiny Mewtwo and disturbed its balance. Before Shiny Mewtwo can regain its balance it was about to be hit by Zen Headbutt but Shiny Mewtwo stopped it by a Brick Break. What Giovanni didn't notice was that due to weakening of armor, the consciousness of Armored Mewtwo was slowly waking up.

Sam was observing all this from the side. He wanted to ȧssist Shiny Mewtwo several times but stopped himself as it was battle of ideals between him and Giovanni.

Finally Armored Mewtwo fell to downwind afrer getting hit by consecutive Aura Spheres. Shiny Mewtwo seized this chance and didn't rest for a while hitting Armored Mewtwo with Fire Punch with left hand and Ice Punch with right hand.

Finally Armored Mewtwo got defeated and fainted on the ground. Giovanni also fainted along with Mewtwo as their brains were connected.

As soon as Giovanni fainted, Sam sprinted towards Giovanni and took the Earth badge from his pocket. And left the gym with Shiny Mewtwo using Teleport. He came to the pokemon center, took Vivi and left the Viridian city as soon as possible. He can't guarantee that Giovanni's cronies will also follow the bet between him and Giovanni so to be safe he left the Viridian city at fastest speed.

After coming at a distance from Viridian city, the Shiny Mewtwo asked Sam why didn't it took the Armored Mewtwo with them. Sam said to him, "Don't worry, he will soon be free and we will meet again soon."

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