Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 51 - Mewtwo's Origin (Lie)

Sam said, "Professor I really made a bet with Giovanni and won it." "Don't joke with me, how can you defeat Giovanni with your current strength. I don't doubt your potential but right now you are too weak compared to Giovanni." Professor Oak said.

"That's because I added the condition that maximum peak stage pokemons can play and thus won. Actually Professor, there are two more reasons because of which I can come safely out of Viridian city."

"Giovanni told me that Team Rocket has created the strongest pokemon with the help of Mew's hair and used it as his third pokemon to battle. He had used an armor to suppress that pokemon's thoughts and emotions and was controlling that pokemon with the help of a helmet which transmits Giovanni thoughts to that polemon, so when that pokemon fainted, Giovanni also fainted as their brains were connected. I used that moment to snatch badge from him and left the Viridian city with Teleport."

"Wait a minute, you said that Team Rocket created an artificial legendary pokemon, Giovanni can control it and you defeated that legendary pokemon." Professor Oak said.

"That's the first reason, the second reason was that the pokemon they claim to be artificially created strongest pokemon is not unbeatable. It was a genetic variation of Mew which I also conquered in a secret realm. He was disturbed by the fact that I have the same pokemon and I defeated Giovanni with that pokemon." Sam explained and wove a lie so that the people of Pokemon Alliance will think that Mewtwo is not an artificial pokemon and try to catch him to study. A lie about Mewtwo's origin can make its life easier.

"Looks like you had a lot of adventures during your journey. You already know about Mew and secret realm and also caught a legendary pokemon. It's Giovanni bad luck to come across you. Ok now show me that pokemon, I want to study it." Professor Oak said.

Sam took out a pokeball from his belt and threw it in air, "Come out, Mewtwo" "Oh, so its name is Mewtwo, a genetic variation of Mew, the name is suitable." Professor Oak got excited as soon as he saw Mewtwo.

He didn't know where to get a lens and started to observe Mewtwo closely. Mewtwo felt weird and looked towards Sam for help. Sam appeased Mewtwo and told him to cooperate with Professor.

"But Professor how did you know that I defeated Giovanni? I didn't tell about it to anyone till now. So how did you got to know." Sam asked his doubt.

"Oh, that was because you registered for League with Earth Badge. The identity of Giovanni is not a secret in the top level of Alliance, so whenever someone registers for league with Earth badge, the high level gets alerted. They saw that you are my ȧssistant so they contacted me to check whether you have joined Team Rocket or not. I didn't believe that you would join Team Rocket but at the same time, defeating Giovanni with your current strength was also not possible unless a miracle happened and Mewtwo's appearance became that miracle." Professor Oak explained to Sam while measuring Mewtwo's body data.

Upon hearing what Professor Oak said, Sam knew that he had underestimated the fear of Giovanni in the heart of Alliance.

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