Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 63 - Quarter Finals

Next day, Sam went to see Gary's match but with no suspense Gary lost to his opponent, a girl named Cassandra. Gary was lost in thought after losing the match and went back to his room alone.

The next day, the quarter finals began and first match was Sam vs Kurt. Sam went to the fid wearing his robe and Kurt also came from other side of stadium. Both of them took their position and referee began to tell the rules. The rules were similar to last round, thee pokemons and can only replace once.

"Go Draceon." A silver white pokemon landed on the field in front of Sam. "Go Electabuzz" Kurt sent Electabuzz to the field. As Draceon had been added to pokedex a year ago, people had long known that it ability allows it to excel at direct contact attacks. So sending Electabuzz can keep Draceon at a distance.

"Electabuzz, Thunder Punch" Electabuzz condensed Thunder energy on its right hand and ran towards Draceon.

"Draceon, dodge. Don't let Electabuzz touch you." So for a while Electabuzz kept swinging his punches and Draceon avoided by jumping here and there.

"Draceon, Dragon Pulse." The Dragon Pulse hit Electabuzz and sent it back. "Now, Swift" Electabuzz was sent futher after being hit by Swift.

"Since we can't get close, Electabuzz use Thunderbolt." Kurt said.

"Counter it with Dragon Breath." Sam ordered.

Both Thunderbolt and Dragon Breath canceled each other. Electabuzz and Draceon kept fighting from a distance as Sam didn't let Electabuzz approach Draceon to prevent it from being paralysed.

After fighting for a while both pokemons were tired and injured. "Draceon, use Dark Pulse with all your strength." "Electabuzz Discharge" Draceon and Electabuzz attacked one last time and then both pokemons fainted at the same time.

"Both Draceon and Electabuzz are unable to battle. Please ask both contestants to replace the pokemon." Referee announced.

Sam and Kurt once again threw pokeball at the same time. Sam sent Kabutops and Kurt sent Pidgeot.

"Kabutops, Rain Dance." Kabutops danced in a weird rhythm and clouds gathered in the sky and it started raining. Kabutops Swift Swim ability worked and increased its speed. Whereas Pidgeot on other felt uncomfortable because its wings got wet due to rain.

"Pudgeot use Steel Wing" Kurt.

"Kabutops counter with X-Scissors and catch Pidgeot." Sam.

Pidgeot covered its wings with steel energy and swooped down towards Kabutops. Kabutops slashed its claws towards Pidgeot's wing and caught it.

"Use rapid spin." Kabutops spun on the spot holding Pidgeot and threw it towards ground. "Now use Ice Beam" Pidgeot tried to go back to sky but Ice Beam struck it sent it disturbing its balance. "Finish it with Aqua Jet." Kabutops followed towards Pidgeot covered in water and hit it again. Pidgeot was sent crashing to the walls of the stadium where Pidgeot fainted.

"Pidgeot is unable to battle. Please ask Kurt contestant to replace the pokemon." Referee said.

Kurt took back Pidgeot and then Tauros to the field. "I may not win this match but I will fight with all my strength." Kurt said.

"Tauros, use Fissure," shouted Kurt

Tauros slammed down his forelegs towards the ground and a bottomless ditch cracked spreading towards Kabutops.

"Kabutops jump in air and ise Aqua Jet." Kabutops jumped and avoided the fissure, then surrounded itself with water and went towards Tauros.

"Tauros, lets attack head on. Use tackle." Kurt ordered. Tauros ran wildly with its all four legs and collided heavily with Kabutops. Surprisingly Kabutops was sent back flying in air.

"Tauros don't let Kabutops land on the ground, use Take down." Tauros once again ran towards Kabutops who was still in air.

"Kabutops adjust your posture in air and use Drain Punch." Drain Punch and Take Down collided and this time Tauros slided back a few steps.

Kabutops restored some of its health with Drain Punch. But now both Kabutops and Tauros were panting due to high intensity collisions.

"Tauros don't give opponent a chance, use Take Down again." "Kabutops use Aqua Jet and freeze it with Ice Beam."

Tauros once again ran towards Kabutops at full speed and Kabutops followed Sam's instructions and turned Aqua Jet into ice missile and went towards Tauros. Both of collided in the middle of field and caused a small dust storm. When dust storm settled, both Kabutops and Tauros had fainted but they still maintained the posture of collision.

"Kabutops and Tauros are unable to battle. Contestant Sam wins the match and advances to semifinals." Referee announced.

Although Kurt lost but audience was still thrilled by the blood boiling confrontation of Kabutops and Tauros. So they kept cheering for both Sam and Kurt.

Sam and Kurt shaked hands after the match. "Your Tauros is quite strong." "But its still worse than your Kabutops."

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